I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 916 Susie's Wedding

Chapter 916 Susie's Wedding (7)

The man took a deep breath and said, "I used to be a huge fan of Queen Su Ying. When the fraudulent donations happened, I was angry. I felt that my soul had been deceived the most! Until she disappeared, this feeling of anger It slowly disappeared and became the motivation to find out the truth."

"The truth? The truth is that my sister was kind and ignorant, and was framed by someone with a heart!"

Su Xi pretended to be innocent with acting skills comparable to the actress.

But the man sneered and said, "I'm sorry, I've been checking you for five full years! Ever since I realized that what happened to Queen Su Ying might be a well-planned conspiracy, I've been looking for the truth! I'm here for this The truth gave up my family and my job! I can't be wrong! The truth is you! You are the one who embezzled the money!"

"I don't know what to say! Be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

Susie forced herself to be calm.

The man continued: "I have evidence! I have a lot of evidence to prove that you not only embezzled charitable funds, but also made false accounts and forced artists under your name to accept unspoken rules... I am here today not only to prevent you from getting married, It is even more to announce to the whole world——you are a woman like a witch!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Security! Take him away quickly!"

Susie couldn't hold back anymore.

The man then raised his hands, proving that he came here with bare hands, and said: "You can throw me out, or even find someone to kill me! I have made ten express packages with key evidence, if I get dark If you can’t come back safely before, someone will naturally send these ten couriers to the police and major media!”

"You... do you know what you are doing!"

Susie showed a guilty conscience.

The man smiled triumphantly, and said to Ou Zifan, "Even so, are you willing to marry her?"

Ou Zifan didn't speak.

The man said to the pastor, "Would you like to continue marrying this sacrilegious bastard?"

The pastor was also silent.

The man turned around and arrogantly threw out his business cards to the guests, saying, "The one who bids the highest within five hours will get an exclusive headline!"

The man left proudly, and the wedding scene was stiff.

In the silence, Xiafeng took the lead in throwing down her top hat and leaving the church on high heels, followed by relatives of the Ou family.

Susie's face was pale, when she saw that Su Qiao was also about to leave——

"You stop for me!"

She lifted her wedding dress and rushed to Su Qiao, raising her hand to hit her.

It's a pity that the Su Qiao of today is not the Su Qiao of the past. Su Qian's slap was easily dodged by her who had practiced muay thai, and her hands were also severely clasped.

"What are you doing!" Su Qiao asked Su Qian word by word.

"Don't pretend to be cute, you found the man just now, right! You can't see me happy, right!"

Su Qian looked at Su Qiao with a twisted face.

The people who were about to leave hurriedly gathered around after hearing the news, telling them intuitively that another big news was about to be born!

"Are you kidding! How can I not see you happy! I can make brother Zifan repent of his marriage with just one sentence, there is no need to use such complicated methods!"

Su Qian didn't believe Su Qiao, and said ferociously: "Come on! What's the good of letting the Ou family regret their marriage, it will make everyone sympathize with me! Your real purpose is to ruin my reputation, so you won't let Ou Zifan withdraw the engagement! "

"You think too much!"

Su Qiao was very angry, she let go of Su Qian's hand forcefully, and turned to leave.

Su Qian was in a hurry, chased after her, and shouted: "Who do you think you are! Ou Zifan treats you well, because you are Mo Qiaoqiao! But the real Mo Qiaoqiao has long since died, and the one who lives now is a monster who resurrected from the corpse! "

(End of this chapter)

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