I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 937 Parent-child Dating

Chapter 937 Parent-child Dating (4)

Gong Yueming coughed hastily, turned his back, and pretended to look at the scenery.

Seeing his hypocrisy, Long Su muttered, "You are real!"

Su Qiao asked: "Susu, what were you muttering just now?"

"Nothing? I just think some people are too fake and hypocritical."

Long Su showed disdain.

Gong Yueming's cough worsened, and Long Su knew that he was warning him, so he reluctantly said: "Mummy, do you really not think about Daddy? If you are together, I can chase after Yiyi!"

"……Who told you that!"

Su Qiao's face was filled with embarrassment.

Long Su said: "I thought about it myself, Mommy, for my happy future, you and Daddy should remarry! I want you to remarry... okay?!"

"not good!"

Su Qiao was very angry, she pointed at Gong Yueming's nose: "Listen to me, don't indoctrinate your son with strange ideas!"

"I told him in advance what to do to catch up with girls! How can I instill strange ideas."

Gong Yueming looked proud.

"You can't handle your wife yourself, how can you help your son handle the woman he will meet in 15 years! Idiot!"

While scolding, Su Qiao said in her heart that Gong Yueming would not be allowed to take care of the children in this life, he is just a stupid wolf with EQ!
Seeing that she was indeed angry, Gong Yueming didn't dare to continue bragging, and said slowly: "Honey, I know I was wrong, please forgive me! There will be no next time, I swear!"

"Who is your wife!"

Su Qiao led Long Su to leave.

At this time-

A woman walked in front, with her head down, exuding a compelling fragrance.

Su Qiao suddenly felt unwell, and said, "How much powder has she sprinkled on her body?!"

Long Su also sneezed.

When the woman heard the sneeze, she hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, my son has a hay fever allergy."

Su Qiao saw the strange shape of the woman's face and the thickness of the powder on her face, and realized that she might be disfigured, so she naturally didn't care about the strong smell of artificial fragrance on her body.

Long Su also glanced at the woman's face, first startled, then honestly said: "Auntie, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, it's okay...your son is really sensible..."

The woman said in a little panic, and left quickly.

Su Qiao frowned.

She felt something was wrong.

"Follow that woman just now and see where she lives! If you find any abnormal behavior, don't startle the snake!" She whispered to her subordinates who were pretending to be tourists.

As expected of an old bird, Gong Yueming immediately smelled it, leaned over and asked, "Why, do you think this woman is unclean?"

Su Qiao said: "She was going to be angry, but after seeing my face, she suddenly became very polite!"

Gong Yueming said: "It's really a bit abnormal."

Su Qiao said: "I don't like abnormal things, they will make me feel dangerous, but if abnormal things come to my door, I will never let him go!"

Gong Yueming smiled and said: "I know you are amazing, I will keep it in my heart!"

Su Qiao shook her head.

Afterwards, the three of them wandered around the park all day, going around in various rides.It's a pity that Long Su is not an ordinary child, he is not interested in what most children are interested in, and Gong Yueming often plays with Su Qiao, and he looks at them like a fool.


At five o'clock in the evening, a family of three came out of the park, and immediately a man and a woman walked up to them and made reports respectively.

"Miss, as you expected, that woman is very problematic, we are following..."

Su Qiao waved her hand to make him suspend the report, and turned to look at Gong Yueming.

(End of this chapter)

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