Chapter 938

"Sir, the investigation results show that that woman is very problematic!"

"What kind of question?" Gong Yueming asked.

"Her ID card is fake, and her residence is not registered with the local real estate agency!"

Lin Zhengyi handed over the copies of the materials obtained through special channels to Gong Yueming.

Gong Yueming glanced at it, and said to Lin Zhengyi: "You go down first. I will come to you if I have something to do."

After the woman left, Gong Yueming directly handed over the information to Su Qiao and said, "Look at it first!"

"What do you mean?"

Su Qiao took the information and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat!
This woman with deformed and disfigured face could be Ou Qianjiao!

"How did she become..."

Recalling the distorted and pitted face that couldn't be perfectly covered with a thick layer of powder, Su Qiao felt that she was definitely going to have a nightmare at night.

Gong Yueming said: "The consequences of repeated plastic surgery, of course, are also related to her neglect of maintenance in recent years."

Su Qiao said, "Can you give her address to the police?"

"No," Gong Yueming said, "handing her over to the police is tantamount to letting her go!"

"how do you know……"

Su Qiao felt that there was something in Gong Yueming's words.

Gong Yueming said: "How could I not know about your tricks. Once Ou Qianjiao is arrested, Ou Ying's affairs will restart, and then we will be in an embarrassing situation instead. So... the best way is Ou Qianjiao Suicide, death without proof!"

"But in this case, Ou Zifan will feel very sorry." Su Qiao said, "He has always been in debt for framing Ou Qianjiao, if I tell him again—"

"I'll help you with this matter."

Gong Yueming showed a domineering side: "I will help you get rid of Ou Qianjiao!"

"No, you are a soldier, not a gangster! You can't..."

Su Qiao felt a little hypocritical.

At this time, Long Su suddenly appeared, and said viciously, "Mum, leave this matter to me! I promise that the bad aunt will get what she deserves and that Uncle Ou will not be implicated!"

"What do you want to do! Don't do anything illegal and criminal!"

Su Qiao is very nervous. Her precious son has perfectly inherited Gong Yueming's character of fearing the world will not be chaotic. He is very promising in the field of trouble making.

Seeing that his mother was worried about him, Long Su grinned and said, "What are you afraid of! I'm an old fritter! Mommy, don't worry, this time I will help you make things right!"

Su Qiao rolled her eyes at him.

"be careful."


Ou Qianjiao, who was worried about being followed, deliberately took a long detour to make sure no one was following her, so she took out her access control card and prepared to enter the building.

At this time-

"Mom! Mom! Auntie, do you know where my mother is? Mom...I want to find my mother..."

The child's cry sounded, and Ou Qianjiao scolded: "Damn brat!"

At this time, the child actually ran to her side.

Ou Qianjiao lowered her head and realized that this little kid was Su Qiao's son. She suddenly thought evilly and said, "What's your name? Why did you get lost? Where is your mother?"

"Susu, my name is Susu." Long Su said with a cute childlike face, "I got separated from my mother... I don't know how I ended up here... I'm so scared, I want my mother..."

"Do you have a photo or contact information of your mother?"

Ou Qianjiao was secretly proud of herself, but she showed the appearance of a caring sister.

Long Su said: "No, Mommy said I'm still young, so I'm not allowed to play games."

"So you don't have a phone or a picture of your mom?"

Long Su nodded.

Ou Qianjiao pretended to be thinking and said, "That's really troublesome. I don't know your mother, and I don't know your mother's contact information... How about I take you to the police uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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