I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 956 Su Qiao's Doomsday

Chapter 956 Su Qiao's Doomsday (2)

"... But you still said... Can't you just keep this secret and let me dream for the rest of your life? Su Qiao... Mo Qiaoqiao... I... I..."

Ou Zifan was so uncomfortable that his lungs almost spit out.

Su Qiao said: "I'm sorry, if I can, I also want to pretend that nothing happened, and stand in front of you as Mo Qiaoqiao all my life, saying nothing, everything...but...continue to deceive like this... It will only make you sink deeper and deeper, more and more painful..."

"...So you forcefully tell me the truth, so that I don't even have the right to dream...How can you be so cruel!"

Ou Zifan looked at Su Qiao in pain, and suddenly reached out and grabbed her neck.

He pinched hard, yelling while pinching: "Give her back to me...give her back to me...give me back my beauty..."

Su Qiao didn't resist, she looked at him indifferently until he calmed down and let her go.

After all, Ou Zifan loves Mo Qiaoqiao deeply. When he saw Su Qiao's face gradually pale, he let go of his hand in fright, and said repeatedly: "You...do you know that I almost strangled you to death just now! You want me to make a mistake again and again!" Is it wrong..."

"I'm sorry, I can't give her back to you... I asked Yu, but I don't know where she is now... Maybe she has entered the next reincarnation, maybe she has disappeared with the wind..."

As Su Qiao spoke calmly, Ou Zifan was heartbroken in pain.

"How can you be so cruel, how can you say... say such things..."

"These are objective facts, you must accept them!"

Su Qiao grabbed Ou Zifan's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

Ou Zifan gradually calmed down.

He said: "Except for me, Susie and Young Master Yu, how many people know about this?"

"Long Jiuzhong has always known, but he doesn't care." Su Qiao said, "I mentioned Gong Yueming to him several times, but it's a pity that he is a staunch atheist and doesn't believe that there is such a thing as reincarnation that goes against science. Reality."

"He is a thorough atheist, and most people can't be so thorough."

Ou Zifan closed his eyes and asked, "Since when... since when did my prettyness become...become..."

"...the time Mo Qiaoqiao took Tang Ansi's clothes..." Su Qiao said, "Since then, she is no longer your Mo Qiaoqiao..."


I don't know if it's an illusion, but Su Qiao actually heard a faint relief from Ou Zifan's words.

He poured himself a glass of wine and said: "Actually, since five years ago, I have always felt that you are a little different from the past... But I... I never thought about the possibility of rebirth, I thought it was Ouying and Ouqian Some things Jiao did changed your temperament..."

"Under normal circumstances, no one would have thought of the possibility of rebirth..." Su Qiao had a bitter expression, "If I were you, I wouldn't believe it either!"

"Is it painful to be reborn? And... When a person dies, it will be like in the TV series, and all the things that have been experienced in this life will appear before the eyes..."

Ou Zifan couldn't suppress his curiosity and looked at Su Qiao.

Su Qiao said: "I don't know either, because I don't remember the details of my rebirth at all! It feels like...in the blink of an eye...but I can tell you that death is not as romantic as you think, and there is no horror movie It's so scary."

(End of this chapter)

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