I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 957 Susie's End

Chapter 957 Susie's End (3)

"Then...Qiaoqiao is already..."

Ou Zifan was a little timid, and looked at Su Qiao expectantly.

Su Qiao said: "I can't make any promises to you, but I may be reborn, and she should also be reborn or reincarnated...Maybe one day, at a certain moment, when you look back at someone, you happen to meet her."

"One day, one day, one person...you really know how to comfort people."

Ou Zifan said calmly, looked at Susie, and said, "I have decided, I will continue to wait until I am pretty...I believe she will wait for me...I believe..."

"I believe too!"

Su Qiao held Ou Zifan's hand.

Ou Zifan nodded movedly: "Thank you for your encouragement."

Su Qiao raised her glass and said, "This is what I should do."

Ou Zifan said with a smile: "I also wish you to become a more glorious existence than your previous life as soon as possible!"

Su Qiao said, "I accept your good words."


Susie woke up from the darkness and found herself lying in a narrow and small shabby house. In front of her was a leather sofa that was completely unlike what this small shabby house could have. People who gnash their teeth!
Su Qiao!

She was so angry that she struggled to get up and said, "What else do you want! I'm already so unlucky!"

Su Qiao said, "No, it's not enough."


Su Qian's hands were handcuffed behind her back, unable to slap Su Qiao, she could only say bitterly, "What do you want!"

Su Qiao said: "It's not very good, but I just want to take back everything you got because of me, and calculate the interest by the way."

"It's not that good...it's enough...enough..."

She swallowed and said, "If you just wanted to take back everything you gave me, you wouldn't be here now! You've taken everything I have...with interest...a lot of me You have taken away everything you have gained through hard work..."

"Have you ever struggled?" Su Qiao mocked Susie, "What have you struggled for! Without me paving the way for you, would you have everything you have now? It is not difficult to go from one to two to infinity, but the difficulty is to go from zero to one." I let you go from zero to one, and then from one to ten, you just worked a little harder on the basis I gave you, and let yourself go from ten to eleven... you have the face to cry to the reporters Yelling that I worked hard, give me back my hard work? Come on, Susie!"

"No! I really worked hard! Everything I have is the result of my own hard work!"

Susie cried so hard that her voice was distorted.

Su Qiao was unmoved, she looked around and said, "This will be your new home from now on."

"What are you talking about! I have a whole apartment in Jinke Building! I have more than [-] properties around the world... There are manors... There are castles and commercial buildings... What qualifications do you have to let me live in this pigsty!"

Susie was furious!
Su Qiao said with a smile: "Sorry, I am indeed qualified to let you live in a pigsty."

She took out a stack of papers and threw them condescendingly in front of Susie: "These were once your private property... It's a pity that they have all been brought back to the country from now on."

"What did you say! Say it again!"

Susie couldn't believe her ears.

Su Qiao then explained patiently: "This is the court's verdict. You were sued by charitable organizations for embezzling charitable funds many times. At the same time, the investigation by the Ministry of State Security found that you colluded with overseas anti-government organizations and provided them with activities! Now the country Decided to nationalize all private properties under your name, enforce it!"

(End of this chapter)

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