I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 958 Susie's End

Chapter 958 Susie's End (4)

"No! No! You are robbing! I didn't do these things at all! The most I can do is greed for a little money, and provide a few friends with a little help in life by the way! I have never..."

"Sorry, the country will not wrong you. The country's judgment shows that you have indeed made a big mistake."

Su Qiao didn't sympathize with her, she was to blame for everything, and she should be punished for doing bad things.

Su Qian felt that she hadn't made any mistakes. She bumped into Su Qiao in pain and said, "You're talking nonsense! It's all framed! I didn't! I didn't!"

"Sorry, the law will not wrong a good person, nor will it spare any bad person. You have today's result, and you are to blame for everything."

Su Qiao looked around and said, "At least you can still keep this little house. This is my last kindness to you."

"you you……"

Susie's throat was sweet, and blood spit out.

When she was expelled from Huaxing, separated from her friends, and temporarily blinded by Susu, she thought she had fallen to the eighteenth floor of hell.But today she realized that she could be even more unlucky.

Su Qiao said "comfortingly", "Go on, you will find that today is not bitter, but tomorrow will be even more bitter."


"I'm leaving, you can do it yourself."

Su Qiao walked to the door, turned her head and said, "The key to the handcuffs is under the sofa, figure out what to do."

Susie was very angry, she hit the sofa hard, and cursed at the same time: "If you don't kill me, aren't you afraid that I will crawl out of hell and bite you back!"

Su Qiao said: "Don't be afraid, to me now you are just a mouse before being killed by a cat. When a cat kills a mouse, it will not send him to heaven with one paw. It will play slowly until the mouse despairs." , Life is better than death..."


After Su Qiao left, it took Su Qian a long time to figure things out. He decided to call Song Ronger immediately. Song Ronger was the only helper she could find now.

She searched for a long time in the room, and finally found a broken, broken and old mobile phone. When she opened it, she found that the phone was out of power, and she searched for a long time before finding the charger.

Connect the charger and the phone starts to work.

However, no matter how many times she dialed, the number still couldn't be connected. Only when Susie opened the window did she realize that she was no longer in the country.

There is a desert outside, and a dark-skinned African walks around. When the child sees her, he smiles at her and gives her a thumbs up!
She was sold to Africa...

No wonder Su Qiao said she was not afraid of her crawling back from hell.Because she knew that she could never go back!

After leaving Su Xi in Africa, Su Qiao returned to China.

On the way back to the apartment at the airport, Su Qiao said to Long Nan who was clearly depressed: "Why are you drooping? Gong Qianming made you unhappy again?"

Long Nan said: "It's nothing, the Gong family is going to give Gong Qianming a blind date."

"...Blind date..."

"Yes, a blind date, the expected development. He is almost 40 years old, and it is time for a blind date to get married and have children."

Long Nan looked out of the car window and said, "What kind of people are the Gong family? Miss, you know better than me! A woman who can't give birth to a child may be kicked out, let alone me—"

"Then you don't need to be sullen here!" Su Qiao encouraged Long Nan, "You are the executioner! My confidant, my right and left hand!"

"But I'm also a desert that needs nourishment from love. I feel like a wasteland that urgently needs rain..."

As he spoke, Long Nan burst into tears.

Su Qiao was speechless, and said, "Then why don't you hurry up and find someone to make an appointment with, it's still easy with your qualifications—"

(End of this chapter)

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