I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 959 Long Nan’s Marriage Proposal

Chapter 959 Long Nan’s Marriage Proposal (1)

"No, I'm a freak of cleanliness!" Long Nan said, "If you see someone, it can only be him!"

"The Gong family won't accept you, just like they won't accept me," Su Qiao said, "To be with him, you need to prepare too many things."

"I'm not going to prepare anything," Long Nan said. "He doesn't love me anymore, so I'll kill him! If he continues to love me, we will be together naturally."

"Then why are you still depressed, having made such a big decision?"

Su Qiao was a little confused about Long Nan's intentions.

Long Nan said: "Because-I actually don't know whether he loves me or not! Don't look at the arrogance I just said, why he doesn't love me, I will kill him, if he loves me, I have nothing to fear! Actually ...Actually, I am very scared, I am afraid that he is just new to me for a while, and that he will regret being with me one day... When I heard that the Gong family arranged a blind date for him, I was both happy and nervous, I hope He can get married and find a woman to stabilize, but he is afraid that he will get farther and farther away from me after marriage..."

"Since you are so concerned about gains and losses—"

Su Qiao said to the driver: "Now drive to Gong's house immediately!"

"Boss, this—"

The driver was surprised.

Long Su even grabbed Su Qiao's hand with a displeased face: "Mummy! You are lying! You said that you will see Yiyi with me today! How can you not count your words!"

"I only promised to let you see Yiyi tonight, but I didn't say that I would take you to see Yiyi now."

Su Qiao began to play rogue.

Long Su realized that he was being fooled, and was so angry that his mouth could hang oil bottles.

Su Qiao held him in her arms, and said comfortingly: "Susu, don't lose your temper! Yiyi is only so old, even if you meet her every day, it's just a meeting. But your Uncle Long is different, if he doesn't go today , maybe you will never be able to be with your cheap little grandpa!"

"is it so serious?"

Long Su looked at Long Nan.

Long Nan said, "I don't know."

Long Su said to Su Qiao: "Mummy—"

Su Qiao said: "Susu, don't make trouble! Uncle Long is at the most critical time in his life!"

"Okay, I get it now."

Long Su huddled in the corner, but his eyes kept circling Long Nan.

Long Nan was made uncomfortable by his eyes: "What the hell do you mean, you kid!"

Long Su looked at Su Qiao and said, "Mommy, I thought of a good way! It can help Uncle Long take care of his major events in his life."

"What way?" Su Qiao asked.

Long Nan blushed and said, "If he can come up with a good solution, it must be—"


Long Su interrupted Long Nan, and said decisively to Su Qiao: "Mommy, let's sponsor Uncle Long with a ring, order him a bouquet of roses, and send him to find cheap grandpa to propose!"


Not to mention Su Qiao, Long Nan was also stunned.

But Long Su felt that his idea was very creative. He grabbed Long Nan and said, "Uncle, don't you mean that you are not sure whether he loves you or not? Then tell him bravely! Propose to him! If he accepts your The ring will be yours from now on! If you dare to betray, you will... cut it off!"

"What do you usually care about!"

Su Qiao was nearly collapsed by her son's words.

Long Nan liked Long Su's suggestion.

He hugged Long Su emotionally, and said, "Yes! You are absolutely right! You are absolutely right! I should have done this a long time ago! If you like it, just tell him, I like it! Not...not... ..."

"You sure want to do this!"

Su Qiao looked into Long Nan's eyes: It's one thing to realize that you're in love, but another to make up your mind to propose.

Long Nan clenched his fists and said, "Yes, I've decided! I'm going to take a gamble! It doesn't matter if I lose, anyway, I've already lost everything!"

Su Qiao nodded and said to the driver, "Where is the nearest jewelry store?"

"There's one at the corner just ahead, but according to Mr. Long's standards, an ordinary jewelry store might—"

"Just go there!" Long Nan said, "I'm afraid I won't have the courage after today!"

 e, I didn't expect it to be released at all, what a surprise?
(End of this chapter)

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