Chapter 977

At night, Su Qiao sat alone in the living room with her legs crossed, she couldn't sleep.

"The current situation seems to be very good, but in fact it is full of dangers," she said to herself, "Song Rong'er and Yang Mengying are still on the front line, and there is... no news about him, and I don't know what he is doing now. Dead or alive... yes... and Yiyi, where is Yiyi now... Did Mana feed her and change her diaper on time?"

The more she thought about it, the more upset Su Qiao got up, and wanted to pour herself a cup of coffee to refresh herself, when suddenly a black shadow flashed outside the window!
Su Qiao turned around vigilantly: "Who!"

The servant hurriedly opened the window: but there was nothing outside the window, only the leaves were rustling by the night wind.

Su Qiao bent down to get the shawl on the sofa, took out the pistol under the sofa cushion, and said to the servant, "Mother Zhang, go back to your room!"


The servant didn't know why.

Su Qiao said: "Someone wants to kill me! If you don't want to be hit by stray bullets, you can stay!"

Hearing this, the servant hurriedly hid in the room and closed the door.

Su Qiao loosened the safety catch, and at this moment——

Hiss - la!

The shadow strikes again!

Fast as lightning!Straight to the point!
Su Qiao tensed her face, and shot three consecutive shots at the shadow!

All three shots were hit, but the black shadow didn't fall to the ground. It lay on the curtain, grinning at Su Qiao, its mouth full of fangs!

In the dim moonlight, Su Qiao could clearly see the appearance of the black shadow.

It was a dark, desolate thing like a monkey without skin, its skin was as black as pitch, and its cracked mouth was open, revealing a mouth full of rotten flesh.

"It really is Yang Mengying's kid!"

Su Qiao took a deep breath and said, "Tell me, what did she promise you!"

"I promise... I promise... your life..."

The kid spoke with gritted teeth, his mouth was like a rotten pomegranate.

Su Qiao said: "Did you only promise my life? Then you have suffered a big loss?"

"...Your delicious...After eating it...I can be free...I can be free..."

The little ghost said viciously, and suddenly swung his claws and rushed over again.

The black mist-like figure stuck to his arm with a stench, leaving behind traces like asphalt.Su Qiao resisted the burning pain and said, "Idiot, you have been cheated! Do you really think that you can be freed by eating me? No, you will only fall into a deeper purgatory, see me clearly!"

"What do you look like? Jie Jie?"

The imp's neck made a machine-like sound.

Su Qiao said: "Yes, look at me, look at me with your eyes, and see clearly what I am!"

The kid has been tricked.

It really looked at Su Qiao with its fiery red eyes, and turned its head back and forth. Its ugly face, which looked like a newborn alien, made strange sounds, which echoed in the quiet night, especially terrifying.

"...You are indeed different from ordinary people...but I don't see any difference in you...I only know that you can be free after tear your body, tear your womb...uterus... tear... tear..."

It exploded again and rushed towards Su Qiao, Su Qiao raised her gun again——

"You know this thing is useless to me!"

The kid is very proud.

Su Qiao smiled and fired decisively!
The gray bullet flew out and hit the kid!

There was a big hole in the kid's body, and the inside of the hole was hot like magma!

The little ghost screamed. Its body was turning into black mist and was quickly absorbed by the void centered on the big hole. The whole body twisted and deformed uncontrollably, and then it was completely sucked up by the black hole!

(End of this chapter)

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