Chapter 978

Soon, all that's left is a screaming face and tongue!
"...woman... what you just sent out is... what... I want to curse you...curse you..."

Before he finished cursing, even the last bit of the kid's tongue was sucked into the black hole. The storm in the void lasted for another 2 minutes, and finally turned into a black bead and fell to the ground.

Su Qiao picked up the black beads, with tears in the corners of her eyes: "I was saved by you again..."

Afterwards, she picked up her cell phone and dialed Yang Mengying's number: "Are you asleep? I have something to ask you."

"Is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow? You must call at night to disturb people's dreams, Mrs. Long!"

Yang Mengying was not in a good mood, and her tone was very aggressive.

Su Qiao was very calm and said, "I just killed an intruder, and he said you sent him here."

After speaking, the other side of the phone was suddenly quiet.

Su Qiao continued: "Don't worry, I won't call the police, but I will let you know the price of offending me."

"You can't call the police either, the person I sent was not human at all!" Yang Mengying's tone suddenly became strong.

Su Qiao said, "I can kill even inhuman things, don't you feel scared?"

Yang Mengying said: "Why should you be afraid? You and I have come from nothing to today. Just as you know how many unnatural methods I have used along the way, I also know how many non-scientific methods you have used!"

"No, you don't know. You know that my success has factors other than science, but you don't know how I am successful." Su Qiao said, "One last piece of advice to you, those who raise ghosts must reap the consequences!"

"That's my own choice, it has nothing to do with you, don't pretend to be a good person in front of me!" Yang Mengying slammed Su Qiao fiercely, "Manage your own business well, don't think that you can boss me around by climbing a high branch, whoever wins in the end It's not certain who will lose!"

"I may not win, but you will definitely lose," Su Qiao said, "There is a certain amount of luck in people's lives. If you use up the future too early, you will naturally pay for tomorrow."

After speaking, Su Qiao hung up the phone.

She buried the black beads in the incense burner, wrapped them in layers of yellow paper with runes written on them, and put them in the safe.

According to the law of coming and going, this bead must be buried in Yang Mengying's body to be perfectly dissolved.

At this time, the servant came out of the room and asked tremblingly, "Ma'am, is there you need me to do?"

"Clean it up, throw the broken things in the trash, that's it."

Holding the black bead in her hand, Su Qiao walked into Young Master Yu's bedroom.

Maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was jealousy, Su Qiao took a deep breath, flattened the human-shaped coffin behind the curtain, and opened it!

Inside was a black charred body carefully wrapped in linen.

Su Qiao's throat choked up.

This is her corpse, her corpse in the previous life!

He actually took her by his side all the time, and would rather be tortured by guilt forever than let her go.

"...why...why...I don't deserve what you've done for me..."

"Because of love... unable to avoid..."

A sentence that seemed to be hallucinating suddenly rang in her ears, Su Qiao turned around and saw Gong Yueming.

"I didn't ask you to come!"

Gong Yueming didn't speak, but hugged her tightly and gently.

After some intimacy, he said: "What does the Gong family mean? Just drive Song Ronger away, and there is no follow-up?"

"It's impossible for my father to severely punish Song Rong'er. After all, the old man has long since died, and the old lady is fine. The Gong family and the Song family have to maintain a cooperative relationship in face."

(End of this chapter)

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