Special masters on campus

Chapter 111 What's wrong with me

Chapter 111 What's wrong with me

Walking in front were Li Tenglong and his two bodyguards.

The injured Tunghai University student and the man in the checkered suit could be seen as idlers in society just by looking at his unorthodox look.

All forms mean that Chen Dong will definitely not be able to escape the responsibility. If it is true, with Principal Lin's temper, Chen Dong will definitely be expelled.

"Principal, I am Li Tenglong from Class 1 of the Finance Department. I was also rewarded by Chen Dong of the medical school. I just came out of the school infirmary. If you don't believe me, you can ask Dr. Cao in the infirmary."

"Eh! Is this the director himself going into battle?" Chen Dong looked helpless, playing with these kids was really not as fun as playing on the battlefield.

"The principal is indeed a student of our department, and he is also the heir of Tenglong Group!" said the head of the finance department.

"Oh, so it's a child of the Li family." President Lin said the natural way to Tenglong Group, which is also one of the sponsors of Tunghai University.

"This is?" Principal Lin looked at the man in a plaid shirt with an afro head and a stud on his nose with disgust.

"I don't know this person. I met him at the gate of the school just now and said he wanted to complain to the principal, so I brought him along." Li Tenglong said.

"Report?" Principal Lin frowned.

"That's right! If I want to sue, I sue this person!" The plaid man pointed at Chen Dong with an exaggerated expression.

"This is a student of our school, what's wrong with you?" Han Xuelin pretended to be surprised.

"Student? Damn... bah bah, everyone, don't mind that I don't study well and have no education. This kid looks like a student. He even comes to our casino and nightclub to play. He wants to renege on his money after losing money. He messes with us and hurts us. Killed several of us, look at my eyes have been beaten like this!" The plaid man said with spit all over his mouth.

"Have I ever drifted before this person? This typhoon's memorization of lines is definitely not at the level of extras!" Chen Dong was amused when he heard it.

"You can still laugh, think of a way to explain it!" Liu Yashu who was on the side was about to jump up anxiously.

"Chen Dong's current situation is extremely unfavorable to him. He can still laugh out loud. I'm also curious about how you will come into contact with your own crisis..." Zhang Wushan, the head of the instructor standing in the stands without speaking, was very interested. looked at Chen Dong.

"Haha, what about Chen Dong, what chance do you have to turn defeat into victory this time!" Li Tenglong sneered.

"Chen Dong, you also wounded this person?" Principal Lin's expression turned cloudy when he heard the plaid man say that. It's embarrassing for his students to haunt places like casinos and nightclubs. He is still fighting with idlers outside the school and even beat them up. As the principal of Tunghai University, he feels that he has no face to face others!

"He, he was indeed injured by me, but it seems that I hit the wrong place. I should have knocked out all his teeth!" Chen Dong took a step towards the checkered man.

"You! What are you going to do!" The checkered man was terrified by Chen Dong's strength before, but this time H Si Li Tenglong gave him a big price to come out and say these things. Seeing Chen Dong approaching himself, he was frightened Sitting on the ground with one ass.

"Nonsense!" But Principal Lin became even more angry.

"Hey, principal, don't be angry. Children will inevitably make some mistakes. You have to give him a chance to explain!" Han Xuelin pretended to be a good person, because he was afraid that Chen Dongzhen's expulsion would reveal his little things. Although he begged for mercy, although Principal Lin would definitely not stop the fire, he also blocked Chen Dong's mouth.

"Hehe!" Chen Dong was naturally aware of the small calculations in Han Xuelin's heart, but he, Chen Dong, really didn't bother to do such a thing.

"Dean Han, do you still want to keep this kind of student?" Principal Lin said in a stern voice.

"Hehe principal, I know how Chen Dong will explain this. He will definitely say that he injured us in self-defense because we went to trouble them first. As for these outsiders, he injured them helplessly in order to protect his classmates. If he doesn't believe it, the students in his class can testify!" Li Tenglong said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, this reptile is not only a director but also a talent as a screenwriter..." Chen Dong snorted coldly.

"However, the students in my class will definitely stand by him. Even if relatives testify in court, it has no legal significance, right!" At this point, Li Tenglong's face became even more smug.

"Yes, the students in my class will definitely stand by his side."

"Yes, Li Tenglong is a very careful thinker. He is worthy of being the heir of the Tenglong Group."

The leaders of the various departments and people outside the school also echoed.

"Chen Dong this time, it's hard for you to tell the difference! I mean, what can you do!"

"Hey, what should I do with Chen Dong? Why are you still laughing there!" Liu Yashu was so anxious that she was about to stomp her feet, and it was only later that she realized what she was doing in such a hurry that day...

"You are fine!" Chen Dong looked at Li Tenglong with a cold light in his eyes.

"What are you going to do! Why are you going to hit someone again when you have nothing to say!" Li Tenglong retreated reflexively.

Seeing Chen Dong's actions, the old principal Lin and the director Huang shook their heads again and again. It seemed that what was said in the report letter was true.

Even Zhang Wushan, who had always been more optimistic about Chen Dong, frowned. Didn't Chen Dong really have any other cards besides force?

And just when Principal Lin was about to explode, he saw a young man wearing glasses running up from the steps below the stands.The young man quickly walked up to the stand and walked to Principal Lin's side and whispered to Principal Lin.


"What's wrong with Xiao Jiang?" Principal Lin said with an ugly face. This young man is his assistant.

"Captain Zhao from the Criminal Police Brigade of Donghai City Public Security Bureau came and said he wanted to see you."

"Captain Zhao of the criminal police team?" Principal Lin was a little puzzled when he heard that people from the criminal police brigade of the police station wanted to see him, because he didn't know anyone from the police station.

"Where is he?" Principal Lin asked.

"Their car has already parked at the entrance of the stadium, and they should be here soon." Xiao Jiang said.

"Did he say anything about looking for me?"

"It seems to be for a student surnamed Chen in our school. I don't know the specifics."

"A student surnamed Chen?"

With Principal Lin's help, almost everyone on the rostrum looked at Chen Dong.

"Could it be that this Chen Dong not only fought with these out-of-school gangsters, but also committed some serious crime?"

"It's really hard to say! Otherwise, why would people from the Criminal Police Brigade come to the school in person to meet the principal?"

"Could it be that this Chen Dong is really involved in some big case? Is God on my side this time haha!" Li Tenglong naturally didn't know about Li Er's arrest. He heard that people from the criminal police brigade came to Donghai When I came to university, I was still secretly happy.

At this time, no one's face was as ugly as Principal Lin's. If the people from the criminal police brigade really came to find Chen Dong, then the reputation of Donghai University would be completely lost this time!

"Hello, Principal Lin!"

 Thank you Romantic Son of Heaven, idiot!Say you love me~ for a tip!
(End of this chapter)

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