Special masters on campus

Chapter 112 Reward Order

Chapter 112 Reward Order

When the atmosphere on the rostrum was tense and everyone was pointing at Chen Dong and discussing, a voice Chen Dong was very familiar with came from the steps of the stand.

It was none other than the captain of the Donghai Criminal Police Brigade, Chen Dong's old acquaintance, Captain Zhao.

You don't need to guess what Chen Dong is here to know what Captain Zhao is here for. Is it so difficult to live like an ordinary person?I just want to keep a low profile so hard?

Originally, Chen Dong wanted to use some simple methods, such as teaching Mao Jiu's subordinates to write, but he didn't believe that a little gangster could not tell the truth under his strong murderous intent.But now it seems that there is no need to do it yourself.

"Hello! Are you Captain Zhao?" Seeing that the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade took the initiative to say hello to him, Principal Lin would naturally not put on airs.

"That's right, just keep calling me Xiao Zhao." Captain Zhao naturally respected this respected Principal Lin in the education circle of Donghai City.

"Well, Captain Zhao, who are you here today?"

"Oh! I'm here today because of a student from your Tunghai University. I didn't expect it to coincide with your military training performance. I'm really presumptuous." Hearing Team Zhao's voice just now, Chen Dong hid behind Liu Yashu, adding There were so many people in the stands that Team Zhao didn't pay attention, so they didn't find Chen Dong.

But Liu Yashu saw Chen Dong hiding behind him, and quickly asked in a low voice, "It's not really you who the police station is looking for, is it?"

"should be."

"What should it be! Is it really you? Is it useful to hide behind me? You are a big man!"

"I just want to keep a low profile..."

"Low-key..." Liu Yashu was speechless, he really didn't know what kind of medicine Chen Dong was selling in the gourd.

And this old principal Lin is also a person who has seen turbulent waves, and he is very calm. If his students really committed crimes, then he is responsible for Donghai University and cannot escape.

"It doesn't matter. Since your police station needs to cooperate, we at Tunghai University should fully cooperate. May I ask what is the name of the student from which department you are looking for?" Principal Lin asked.

"I don't know which department he is from, I only know that his name is Chen Dong."

"Chen Dong is really Chen Dong!" The faces of everyone around were shocked, it seemed that the previous conjectures were all true!

However, most of the leaders of the Donghai City Education Bureau and people from all walks of life who were invited to watch the military training show expressed regret and disappointment on their faces.Especially when Director Huang saw Chen Dong hiding behind a girl, he kept shaking his head.

"Haha Chen Dong didn't expect that even God would be on my side this time! You said that when you have something bad to do, you have to ask someone from the police station to find the principal here! Let's see who can do it this time." I can protect you!" Li Tenglong was overjoyed when he heard that the person from the police station was really Chen Dong.

"Hey, it really is Chen Dong!" The old principal Lin sighed. It seems that the old face of Tunghai University and himself can't be kept at all today.

"You know Chen Dong for a long time, right?" Captain Zhao was taken aback when he saw such a big reaction from the crowd, thinking that he had never thought that Chen Dong was so famous in Tunghai University, and even so many school leaders knew him, he was really not an ordinary person.

"Well, only this kind of man can think of Xia Dan..."

"I know it. If necessary, I can cooperate with the investigation." Old Principal Lin said with a gloomy face.

"Cooperate, no, no, you have misunderstood!" Captain Zhao finally realized that these people had misunderstood his purpose of coming.

"Misunderstanding? Didn't you come to investigate Chen Dong?" Old Principal Lin was taken aback by Captain Zhao's words.

And everyone else around looked at Captain Zhao.

"That's right, this Chen Dong has repeatedly violated school rules and disciplines, and has been involved with idlers in the society. He is a student with extremely bad conduct. I wouldn't be surprised if he is involved in any case!" Originally looked smug. Li Tenglong quickly said that he was really afraid of losing.

"Chen Dong is indeed related to three cases!"

"Haha! Let me just say it, then there is no misunderstanding!" Li Tenglong's heart was once again in his stomach after hearing what Captain Zhao said.

"Moreover, two of these cases have a particularly serious impact. They are A-level cases in our Donghai City Criminal Police Team. Even the leaders and provincial leaders attach great importance to them!" Captain Zhao said with a serious expression.

"Ah, it's actually related to such an important case!" Hearing what the captain of the criminal police brigade said, the leaders in the stands murmured again.

"Haha, Chen Dong, you are awesome! The bigger the crime you commit, the happier I will be, haha, don't worry, Chen Dong sees that we have such a deep friendship, and when you go in, I will definitely arrange some people to sing you an affectionate song." "Chrysanthemum Remnant"!" Hearing Captain Zhao say that Chen Dong was related to such an important case, Li Tenglong almost laughed out loud.

"I really didn't expect it to be like this. To educate students with such bad conduct and endanger social security, our Tunghai University bears serious responsibility for improper education." Principal Lin's face was already so ugly that he couldn't help it.

"No, Mrs. Chen Dong's classmate is a person of noble character and courageous deeds, and he has been extremely brave in these few cases, and he has made great help for our criminal police team to solve the case! If it weren't for him these few cases The case will even cause serious personnel safety and serious property damage!" Captain Zhao said hastily.


"Chen Dong has a noble character and righteousness, and he is willing to help solve the case!"

"Is this a mistake!"

"Yes! It's impossible!" Li Tenglong, who had just put his heart into his stomach, almost had a heart attack when he heard these words.

"Comrade Xiao Zhao, are you sure?" Even Principal Lin was confused, he was ready to take the blame and resign just now.

"Definitely! I was on the scene in two of these three cases, and my colleagues were also present in the other case. We all witnessed Chen Dong's noble and brave behavior! Especially yesterday, if Chen Dong hadn't acted in time, it might have caused serious damage. Innocent hostages and more than a dozen criminal police casualties, he even helped us successfully destroy an underground gang that had been entrenched in Donghai City for a long time!" Captain Zhao became emotional as he spoke.


"After the discussion and approval of the superiors, we specially awarded Chen Dong an outstanding citizen of Donghai City, the Donghai City Award for Justice and Bravery! I came today to ask Chen Dong to give him a commendation order! This is also the honor of Donghai University!"

"Pfft!" Hearing Captain Zhao finished speaking, Li Tenglong's eyes darkened and he fainted again.

"Young Master Long!"


"Young Master Long, you haven't paid me my reward yet!"

"Is this true?" Principal Lin didn't react for a while.

"Of course, how could I be joking about that! Our pennants have all been delivered! Comrade Situ Xiadan, you can bring the pennants here!"

 Thanks to 2452894941 for becoming the first deacon in this book!Yudou will continue to work hard!The fish bean book friend group 484134597 is hot to invite people!

(End of this chapter)

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