Special masters on campus

Chapter 148 Please help yourself when the wine is on

Chapter 148 Please help yourself when the wine is on
"What the hell! Vomit!" Cao Tianba bent over and retched several times. When he got up, he saw his five younger brothers bowing to him, each holding a paper cup to him.The paper cups were full of liquid with a strong smell.

This is the boys' toilet, and the smell is so strong that you can use your toes to figure out what the "yellow wine" refers to.

"This... this..." Cao Tianba looked at his five younger brothers without saying a word for a long time.

It was the skinny boy behind him who reacted first, stepped forward and said, "You guys are crazy and don't want to live anymore! Isn't this rice wine supposed to be given to that boy from a foreign department? You haven't done this before. Pass it! How dare you give Brother Tianba a drink!"

"Ouch!" Cao Tianba retched because of the smell.

"Oh? Since this brother is so proactive, why don't you buy him a drink first?" said Chen Dong who was standing in the toilet with his hands behind his back facing the door.

"I'll go! Brother Tianba just pretended to be weak just now! You really deserve a beating for being so sloppy!" The skinny boy looked up and saw Chen Dong standing with his hands behind his back and cursed loudly.

That Cao Tianba retched for a while, and finally stood up, usually he was the one who invited others to drink rice wine, when it was his turn to drink rice wine, he couldn't stand the taste!
"Oh...vomit!" Cao Tianba retched again just after saying a word.

"What? Didn't you listen to what I said? I'm in a hurry." It was Chen Dong's flat voice that came again.

"This..." The five younger brothers bowed and lowered their heads, holding up the paper cups in their hands. When Chen Dong spoke again, everyone's legs began to tremble violently.The scene just now really terrified them!In the blink of an eye, all five of them were thrown into the urinal!

"Okay, since you don't invite him to drink, you can only drink it yourself, and I don't know what will happen after you finish drinking." Chen Dong's mouth curled up slightly.

The skinny boy was confused when he heard this, thinking what happened to these boys, didn't they just ask them to buy the student from the foreign department to drink, why does he seem to be afraid of him now.

"You, what do you mean..." But before the skinny boy finished speaking, he only felt his eyes turn yellow, and a strong smell came from his face.

I saw a boy whose legs were shaking the most finally made up his mind and suddenly raised his head and splashed the paper cup in his hand on the skinny boy's face!
The skinny boy opened his eyes wide, as if he never expected such a thing to happen!

"Wow!" A stream of bright yellow liquid flowed down from the skinny boy's face.

"Brother Dong invites you to drink!" said the boy who had finished pouring the rice wine tremblingly.

And looking at the thin boy again, his face was distorted like dough being kneaded, he stood there in a daze for a few seconds, and then sat down on the ground with a plop.

"Ah! How dare you... vomit!"

"You...you are crazy!" Cao Tianba just finished vomiting, and when he looked up, he was stunned when he saw this scene!
"Ouch!" Cao Tianba retched again after seeing the thing on the face of the skinny boy on the ground after being dazed for a while.

"Damn it, it's so... so fucking disgusting. I vomited up my breakfast the day before yesterday! You guys really don't want to mess around anymore. Do you know that I have a hundred ways to keep you from staying in the Chinese department! Do you know? I don’t know that my brother Tianba never talks empty words!” Cao Tianba vomited while supporting his front.

"Oh! By the way, I forgot about you. Why do you want to drink too? You used to bully other classmates like this before?" Chen Dong turned around and looked at Cao Tianba with interest.

"You, what are you talking about! Buy me a drink! Haha, ask them if they dare!" Cao Tianba laughed loudly as he had nothing to vomit.

"Really? Brother Tianba said so, what are you waiting for? Do you still need me to do it?" Chen Dong looked coldly at the four boys who were still holding paper cups.

"Hehe, it's a joke that they are all my best brothers Cao Tianba, they..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

But before Cao Tianba finished speaking, the four boys threw the paper cups in their hands at him almost at the same time.

"Brother Tianba, Brother Dong treats you to a drink!" The boys were so frightened that they all sat down on the ground after saying this.

"That's right! Cao Tianba, right? I'll serve you all the wine. You can drink as much as you want." Chen Dong stretched out his hand and slapped his nose.

"I...I..." Cao Tianba's face was contorted, his nose and eyes were almost crooked, and his entire upper body was wet and dyed golden like a harvest of rice.

"I...vomit!" Seeing Cao Tianba, I was stunned for a long time, but I couldn't say a word. In fact, what he wanted to say was that I have a cleanliness habit!
"Ouch!" I saw Cao Tianba lying on the ground and his thin military man vomit in a daze. They usually bully others like this. When have they ever been invited to drink this?Later, the two simply climbed to the urinal and vomited wildly at the urinal.

"Huh?" Chen Dong pinched his nose, "Have you been on fire recently?"

"Okay, Brother Dong still has business to do, you guys treat these two brothers well, don't let me drink as much as you want, do you hear me?" Chen Dong glanced at those people who were so frightened that they were no longer human. boys.

"Understood, Brother Dong..." One side is Cao Tianba, the other side is Chen Dong who frightened them. These boys really want to cry without tears. Can you not play like this before you are so powerful? Isn't this a scam?
"Ahem!" At this moment, there was a coughing sound from the door of the boys' toilet.

Chen Dong looked up and saw a few people walking in from the door of the toilet. The one walking in front was a middle-aged man in a black formal suit with a pair of glasses and a big belly.Behind him followed several boys.

"Director Fan is the few of them fighting in the toilet!" At this time, a boy behind the middle-aged man whispered.

"Ahem..." The middle-aged man frowned and slapped his nose with his hand, the first thing he saw were the two lying beside the urinal.It's not that the two of them are so colorful, but that their movements are too weird, and more importantly, they smell too much.

"Brother Tianba, Director Fan is here." The skinny boy turned blue from vomiting.

Cao Tianba raised his head, he vomited more violently and his face was already purple, "Great...that's great, Director Fan...vomit!"

"Wow, it's saved!"

Cao Tianba wiped his mouth indiscriminately, stood up with difficulty, and walked in front of the middle-aged man.

"Ah, you actually miss me...I want you to know that my brother Tianba never talks empty words!"

"Director Fan, let me make the decision!"

(End of this chapter)

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