Special masters on campus

Chapter 149 Cleaning Up the Toilet

Chapter 149 Cleaning Up the Toilet

The middle-aged man frowned even deeper, and took a step back unconsciously, not because of his aura but because of his strong smell.

"Director Fan, you have to make the decision for us. I don't know where a student from a foreign department is sneaking around in our Chinese department. After we found out, he threw... at us! Vomit!" Cao Tianba just said After a few words, I couldn't control it and spit it out.

"Oh my god!" Fortunately, even though the middle-aged man had a relatively large beer belly, he was still quick and retreated to the toilet without being spit up by Cao Tianba.

"Ahem, I'm so sorry Director Fan, you know I'm a clean freak, vomit!" Cao Tianba smiled and bent down again.

"What's going on here!" the middle-aged man asked while holding his nose.

"It's him! He did it!" Cao Tianba pointed at Chen Dong with a ferocious face.

The middle-aged man followed Cao Tianba's gesture and looked into the toilet.

At this time, Chen Dong also raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man at the door.

"Chen Dong? Vice President Chen?"

The middle-aged man was the head of the Chinese Department, and he was also on the podium that day during the military training performance. Of course, he recognized that the student who was looking at him in the toilet was Chen Dong, whom Principal Lin valued very much.

"Chen Dong?" The thin boy raised his distorted blue face. Could he not know the name Chen Dong?Who knew that this kid was really Chen Dong, why didn't you say you were Chen Dong earlier!

"Vice President?" Cao Tianba's purple face was even more puzzled.

"You are?" Chen Dong felt that this middle-aged fat man looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he didn't know who he was.

"Oh! I forgot to say that I am Fan Wei, the dean of the Chinese Department." The middle-aged man bypassed Cao Tianba and walked to Chen Dong's side with a look of disgust.

"Fan Wei?" Chen Dong frowned.

"Wei next to the fire word haha!" This Fan Wei can be the dean of the Chinese Department, and he is naturally tactful. .Moreover, he also noticed that Principal Lin's only granddaughter had an unusual relationship with Chen Dong, and he would not easily offend such a person even if he was a student.

"So it's Director Fan. Hello, Director Fan!" Chen Dong nodded politely.

"Haha, don't be so polite, it's not class time. By the way, are you in the Chinese Department?" Director Fan asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh nothing, I have something to do..."

"Oh, Director Fan, you have to make the decision for me. This kid came to the Chinese Department to find faults. Look at how he messed with us!" Before Chen Dong finished speaking, Cao Tianba behind Fan Wei was crying. Saved his legs and said with snot and tears.

"Hey!" Director Fan covered his mouth in disgust and kicked Cao Tianba away. The smell was really unbearable.

"Director Fan! Director Fan, you know me. I am Xiao Cao who honored you last week!" Cao Tianba said with an innocent face.

"What nonsense! Do you know who Chen Dong is?" Director Fan scolded.

"Chen Dong? Of course I know!" Cao Tianba was stunned. Chen Dong's reputation has basically spread throughout the school. What kind of freshman is an instructor, what kind of outstanding college student, but so what?

"I know you are still talking nonsense here, the vice president of the student union of Chen Dong's family can splash that kind of thing on you? Oh, look at me, you made my trousers smell like this..." Director Fan It's impossible to be disgusted by Cao Tianba.

"Vice President of the Student Union!" Cao Tianba opened his mouth wide open.

"Isn't Chen Dong a freshman! Why did he become the vice president of the school's student union!" The rest of the people in the toilet also looked at Chen Dong in surprise.

"Your name is Chen Dong. You don't have to say it. You are the vice president of the school's student union. Why didn't you say it earlier!" The skinny man completely lay on the urinal.

"Student Chen Dong made you laugh, you continue to talk." Director Fan looked at Chen Dong and said with a smile.

"Oh, Director Fan, the smell here is really... let's go out and talk about it." Chen Dong smiled politely.

"That's right! Look at me, I was smoked by these boys!" Director Fan slapped his forehead, and hurriedly dragged Chen Dong outside.

"Smoke? Is the smell that strong?" Cao Tianba sniffed himself, "Fortunately, it's not as strong as before!"

"Brother Tianba, that means your sense of smell has adapted!"

"You know it again!"

Outside the toilet, Director Fan of the Chinese Department held Chen Dong's hand, as if he knew Chen Dong very well.

"Student Chen Dong, please continue."

"Well, it's really nothing. I came to the Chinese Department today just to represent the school's student union to see the hygiene conditions of each department. I didn't expect to be blocked in the toilet by these students and insisted on buying me rice wine! I don’t know what rice wine is. He said that they often invite other students to drink like this. I think I am a cadre of the student union, but I can’t put on airs. Yes... You should know what cough cough is." Chen Dongyu said earnestly.

"Nonsense! You can do such a thing, do you still have school rules and discipline in your eyes!" The dean of the Chinese Department couldn't hold back his face for a moment, and if this matter got out, he would definitely be stigmatized.

"Cao Tianba!" Director Fan shouted sharply.

"Director Fan called me, I knew Director Fan must remember me!" Hearing Director Fan calling him outside, Cao Tianba quickly got up and ran out of the toilet.

"Director Fan, you remember me!"

"Hmph! Of course I remember you! Explain to me that you poured... the stuff on your body and face!"

"It wasn't me who poured him, but he poured me!" Cao Tianba was taken aback, "If you don't believe me, Director Fan, take a look and hear what you heard, it was all poured on by this Chen Dong just now! What happened to the vice chairman of the student union, I, Cao Tian Ba's local relationship in Donghai City is so strong, would I care about him, a small student union cadre?"

And at this time, it was almost time for the afternoon class, and Cao Tianba made such a fuss that the corridor was full of onlookers.

"Isn't this Cao Tianba? I usually invite others to drink rice wine, why did I drink it myself today..."

"I think it was poured by someone else, you see he is golden all over..."

"Shut up, I! Whoever is fucking there, I'll treat him to a drink!" Cao Tianba was used to being domineering in the Chinese Department, so he said it casually.

"Ahem..." Chen Dong almost couldn't laugh, his IQ really deserves his name.

But Director Fan's face became much uglier. Cao Tianba's family background is good, and his relationship in Donghai City is indeed very strong, but he said that, isn't it equivalent to admitting that he usually does this all the time!As the dean of his department, he still has to convince the public, so of course he can’t protect him in public, "Enough! Student Cao Tianba immediately write me a 3000-word self-criticism! Clean yourself up, and come to the dean’s office tomorrow to find me for a self-criticism!"

"But Director Fan, I..."

"It's unnecessary for Director Fan to review and punish him." At this time, it was Chen Dong who spoke instead.

"Hmph, you must be afraid to hear that I'm a local!" Cao Tianba turned his head.

"That can't be done, I can't cheat for personal gain, the impact of his doing so is too bad!" Of course Director Fan would not easily listen to Chen Dong's pleading.

"How about this, Director Fan, I just came to see the sanitation situation of the Chinese Department today. I saw that the sanitation situation in the men's restroom is really bad. It should be that the usual sanitation work is not done well. Let's let it go." Let these students clean up the sanitation of the toilet, so there will be no point!"

 I was in the hospital in the morning and noon, and it was a little later in the second day, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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