Special masters on campus

Chapter 155 Prove He Is Your Boyfriend

Chapter 155 Prove He Is Your Boyfriend
"Ahem!" Chen Dong was taken aback, almost unable to react.

"Me!" After saying this, Feng Bingbing seemed to realize suddenly that he seemed to have said something wrong, and quickly covered his mouth.

"Boyfriend? Who are you lying to! If it's true, give me a kiss and see!"

"Yes! Who are you lying to? Who would believe that you have a boyfriend on the first day at Tunghai University!" The young people around sneered.

"I...I..." Although Feng Bingbing looked cold and arrogant on the outside, she was obviously a little girl who had never encountered such a thing in society, and now she was a little at a loss.

"Haha, why are you revealing your secrets? Do you think that if you just find a boy who says he is your boyfriend, we will believe it? Let's follow our boss. Our boss is one of the most famous people in Donghai City. Follow our boss and you Definitely the most beautiful girl with the best dress in the entire Tunghai University!"

"Boom!" At this moment, Feng Bingbing, who was originally hiding behind Chen Dong, raised his foot and kissed Chen Dong's cheek.

"This..." Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and raised his eyebrows. It felt cool but refreshing.

The young people around were also staring blankly, standing there looking at each other.

"Now...you can go now..." Feng Bingbing hid behind Chen Dong, her fair cheeks were already blushing.

"Brother Pao, isn't this kid really this chick's boyfriend?"

"That's right, our boss hates girls who have played with other people the most."

"Hmph, so what, let him die?" The Moxigan young man sneered.

"Brother Pao is brilliant! You are worthy of being the celebrity next to the boss!"

"Boy, I'm running some business. You'd better stay away, otherwise..." the Mohican youth said with a sneer.

"Otherwise what?" Chen Dong smiled. Although he was kissed by the fairy sister just now, he is in a bad mood because of his junior sister.Those who are familiar with Chen Dong know that making him unhappy at this time is tantamount to committing suicide, but it's a pity that these young people obviously don't understand.

"Grass! Come on, brothers!" The Moxican young man turned hard.

"Beat him!" The five young people around rushed forward.

"You guys are very unlucky, I'm in a bad mood right now!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up, his eyes flashed coldly, and he pressed his fingers hard on the shoulder of the young Mohawk.

"Ah! My shoulder!" The young Mohican let out a scream like killing a pig.

"Brother Cannon!"

"This kid dares to hurt Brother Pao! Come on, brothers!"

"Hmph!" Chen Dong sneered, and with a force of his arm, he grabbed the shoulder of the young Mohigan and lifted him up.

"It's broken, it's broken, my shoulder is broken! Ah!" The young Mohawk's face was distorted and deformed due to the severe pain.

"Brother Cannon!"

"Brother Pao's shoulders are broken!"


"Hmph!" Chen Dong's fingers became even stronger.

"My shoulder!" The Moxican young man was already crying in pain at this moment, seeing these little boys still foolishly wanting to charge up, he really felt like dying.

"Damn it! Stop it, stop it!"

Only then did the younger brothers stop.

"Brother Pao, are you alright?"

"If you go one step further, I'm really in trouble!"

"This brother, no big brother! This big brother, we brothers are blind, offended you, and... and sister-in-law, we are wrong, we are wrong! Why are you still standing there in a daze? Don't apologize to this big brother!" The young Moxigan said with his teeth grinned in pain as his body was lifted in the air by Chen Dong.

"Brother... Brother and sister-in-law, we are wrong, and we will not offend you and sister-in-law!" The younger brothers are quite good at talking at this time, and naturally they dare not do anything after their boss has said so.

Feng Bingbing, who was behind Chen Dong, blushed when he heard what these people said, and quickly lowered his head.

"Do you need me to tell you what to do?" Chen Dong said in a flat voice.

"I know, I know! Let's get out of here! Get out of here!" These little young chickens kept nodding their heads like they were pecking at rice.

"Don't pester this female classmate in the future, and don't let me see you in Donghai University, otherwise your fate will be ten times worse than today!"

"The little ones understand the little ones understand!"

"Get lost!" Chen Dong casually threw the young Moxigan to the ground.

"Let's go!" The Moxican young man got up from the ground, covering his shoulders with his hands, his face covered with cold sweat.

"Brother Pao, let's really leave like this. How can we explain to the boss?"

"How do you explain? You think you are his opponent, go!"

"Brother Pao is not, we definitely can't do it..."

"Then don't leave, wait to be beaten!"

I saw how dare these young people stay any longer, and ran out of the parking lot in a despondent manner.

"Chen...Chen Dong, thank you." Feng Bingbing finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched these troublesome young people flee in embarrassment.

"It's nothing, I will definitely help if this kind of thing happens to me, besides, we are still classmates in the same class." Chen Dong smiled, and this kind of little bastard was indeed solved easily for him.

"Just now I... I was too scared, you... don't mind." Feng Bingbing said with her head down.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay for me to make some sacrifices to save my classmates." Chen Dong smiled. He could be called his boyfriend by the fairy goddess in front of him, and he could even be kissed by others. .

"Thank you... Thank you, classmate Chen Dong, for helping me again." Hearing what Chen Dong said, the beauty, who was always full of immortality in front of outsiders, blushed even more.

"It's okay, you can come to me next time you need my help..." Chen Dong touched his face kissed by Feng Bingbing, thinking that he couldn't wash his face tonight.

"Can you promise me one thing?"

"You said, as long as it doesn't violate my morality, I can agree."

"Can you not tell anyone about today's matter, especially what I just said?" Feng Bingbing is no longer a fairy goddess, but now a shy girl next door.

"Don't worry, I, Chen Dong, am not that kind of person."

"Thank you...thank you..." Feng Bingbing kept nodding with a blushing face.

"Buzz..." Just as the two of them stood there in embarrassment, Chen Dong's phone vibrated.


"Hey! Someone wants to invite me to dinner? I'm about to get off work now, if it's later, you may not be the one who will have dinner with me tonight." Of course Situ Xiadan called.

"I won't bother you if you have something to do." Feng Bingbing said to Chen Dong with a smile.

"Then see you tomorrow." Chen Dong also nodded.

"See you tomorrow." Feng Bingbing blushed, turned around and opened the door of the Lamborghini and entered the car.

"Chen Dong?"

"Ah? Say it, say it!" Chen Dong looked at Feng Bingbing's back in a daze.

"Why did I hear a girl's voice, did you date other girls?"

 Which of these heroines do you like best?Take all or pick one?You are Chen Dong, which one would you choose?

(End of this chapter)

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