Special masters on campus

Chapter 156 The Man Given by God

Chapter 156 The Man Given by God

"Ahem! You misunderstood." Chen Dong is now begging for help.

"Really? Your police sister is very busy and doesn't have that much time to eat. I'll give you 10 minutes. If you can't show up at the gate of the police station, then I won't wait for you."

"It doesn't take 20 minutes, I will show up at the police station gate in 10 minutes." Chen Dong smiled.

"Blow!" Situ Xiadan turned off the phone.

"Men really don't have a good thing, no matter big or small, they are all the same!"

Chen Dong hurriedly got into the car without further delay, started the car and drove towards the police station. He knew Situ Xiadan's tough temper well, and if he pissed her off, he would ask her to help find out the whereabouts of junior sister Lin Wan. Things get harder.

In the compound of Donghai City Police Station.

At this time, many people had gathered around the gate of the police station building.Surrounded by the crowd was the fiery police flower Situ Xiadan. At this time, there was also a young police officer kneeling in front of Situ Xiadan.

"My dear Comrade Situ Xiadan, here are 999 roses I prepared for you, representing my love for you, please be my girlfriend! I, Huang Yousheng, swear to God that I will dedicate all the love in my life to You!" The person kneeling in front of Situ Xiadan was none other than Huang Yousheng, the policeman who was in the factory in the northern suburbs that day.

Downstairs in the police station was a heart-shaped pattern made of 99 roses, and Huang Yousheng was kneeling in the middle of these roses, speaking as if reciting lines.

"Although Deputy Situ is good-looking and in good shape, he just has a hot temper. Can Huang Yousheng's small body take it?"

"I heard that Deputy Situ used to have a fiancé because she was too tough, and ended up cheating on her!"

But at this time, Situ Xiadan's body began to rise and fall sharply, and his face became more and more ugly.

"Ah, my Xia Dan, you are the sun in my life..." Huang Yousheng read with more and more emotion with his eyes closed.

"Okay, stop reading!" Situ Xiadan yelled out.

"Ah!" Huang Yousheng, who was kneeling on the ground, was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground.

"It's so embarrassing! The key is that you are a rich man who can be seen as a soft-hearted scumbag at a glance. If it weren't for the fact that this is at the gate of the police station and my colleagues are watching, I would have thrown you on the road long ago!" Situ Xia Now Dan really wants to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. This Huang Yousheng has wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, and at first glance he looks like a rich kid who indulged in excessive sex and drinking.

"Xia Dan, are you angry? Do you think I prepared too few roses, or do you think I have no sincerity? My heart for you is absolutely true. So many colleagues are here today, you can ask them Am I sincere?" Huang Yousheng said with emotion.

"Yes, Comrade Huang Yousheng is sincere at first glance!"

"Just promise him!"

At this time, someone from the surrounding crowd responded.

"Whoever dares to talk nonsense again, I will sew his mouth shut right now!" Situ Xiadan looked up at the crowd around him.

"Uh..." No one in the Donghai City Police Station knew that Situ Xiadan's personality was as hot as her figure, and the most important thing was that she was also the champion of the Donghai City Women's Sanda Competition. No one dared to speak now.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Huang Yousheng was also stunned. He was entrusted by his lover with money before, who knew that no one dared to speak after being yelled at by Situ Xiadan.

"Ahem!" At this moment, a middle-aged police officer who looked about 50 years old came out of the police station building.

"Deputy Director."

"Hello, deputy director."


Everyone hurriedly greeted him, and the middle-aged man who came out was Huang Yousheng's uncle and the deputy chief of the Donghai Police Department.

"Haha, Comrade Situ Xiadan." The middle-aged man said to Situ Xiadan with a smile on his face.

"Hello, deputy director." Situ Xiadan nodded and smiled.

"Hehe, look at my big nephew, I can't keep up with the thinking of you young people!" The middle-aged man gave Huang Yousheng a look.

"Uncle, I really like Xia Dan." Huang Yousheng said quickly.

"What uncle! How many times have you told me to call me the deputy director at work!" the middle-aged man reprimanded in a hypocritical way.

"It's the deputy director. I really like Xia Dan. There's no other meaning." Huang Yousheng said sincerely.

"Nonsense! Even if you really like him, you have to first ask him if Comrade Xia Dan is single, and if you want to!"

"I...I was wrong..."

"Hehe! My nephew is a bit impatient, but he has a good heart. Is Comrade Xia Dan single now? Otherwise, you can give him a chance to date first. If it suits me, I will be your witness This will be good for the future of both of you! Of course, if you feel inappropriate, you should break up and stop dating. This is human nature, what do you say, Comrade Xia Dan?" The middle-aged man looked at Situ Xia Dan and smiled. Face creases.

"Give me a chance, Xia Dan! I am really sincere to you!" Huang Yousheng said with a pitiful expression.

Huang Yousheng's face and the cowardly looking Situ Xiadan felt disgusted for a while. This kind of rich kid has to rely on others wherever he goes, and now he wants to rely on his deputy director's uncle to put pressure on him. How can he be a man again? a little?If you are a boy, you should use your own actions to conquer a girl's heart little by little.

But now, in the face of so many colleagues, if she doesn't let go, she will slap the deputy director in the face in public. It is not easy to be a policeman, which is also her father's last wish, and she has to rely on this job to support herself.

"Promise him! Promise him!" At this time, Huang Yousheng's previous banknotes also played a role, and some people began to take the lead in booing.

"Damn it!" Situ Xiadan really had the urge to run away.

"Hehe, Comrade Xia Dan, if you have a partner, you don't have to be embarrassed, it's okay, don't feel embarrassed for my sake." The middle-aged man obviously knew that Situ Xiadan broke up with his fiancé before he said that.

"Hey, what to do, what to do! No one in the police station knows why I broke up with that scumbag before!" Situ Xiadan felt so helpless for the first time.

"God give me a strong man to help me out, I will marry whoever can help me out!" Situ Xiadan murmured in his heart.

"Didi!" Just as Situ Xiadan was in a dilemma and didn't know how to answer, there was a sound of horns outside the police station.

I saw a bright white Maserati parked outside the police station compound.

The car window slowly rolled down, revealing the people inside.

"Chen Dong!" Situ Xiadan saw who was in the car from a distance.

"Buzz!" Situ Xiadan's phone rang at this time, Situ Xiadan took out the phone, and the caller ID showed "You scum who dare to hug me".

Situ Xiadan nodded to the middle-aged man to signal for him to answer the phone, and walked aside to answer the phone.


"9 minutes and 39 seconds, I'm not late, am I?" Chen Dong in the Maserati turned his mouth into the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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