Special masters on campus

Chapter 157 I'm Her Boyfriend

Chapter 157 I'm Her Boyfriend
"Hmph! You're on time." Situ Xiadan didn't know why when he saw Chen Dong appearing, his mood suddenly became much more at ease.

"Then please come out with the police sister, you are here at the police station and my car can't get in." Chen Dong's voice came from the phone.

"We're talking about this, Chen Dong, think of a way to rescue me!" Situ Xiadan said anxiously.

"What's the matter, who dares to bully you? You are a women's Sanda champion and you still beat him to death!" Chen Dong said jokingly.

"No, Chen Dong, I'm not kidding, do you still remember that Huang Yousheng?"

"Huang Yousheng? Is that the young man who the policeman knows to be a sissy and imbecile at a glance?"

"Yes, that's him!"

"With his small body, he dares to bully you. Who gave him the courage?"

"Get out! I'm not joking with you! Find a way for me to get out of the siege!" Situ Xia Dan stomped his feet angrily.

"His small body, if you knock him into the air with one punch and let me collect his body, won't it be over?"

"No! You don't know that his uncle is our deputy director, and he's here too. I can't tell you directly!"

"That's it! It's easy to handle!" Sitting in the car, Chen Dong looked at the crowd in the police station compound and smiled.

"Easy? If it's easy, you can come here. You can ask me for anything you want!" When did Situ Xiadan encounter such an embarrassing thing, and now he is rushing to the doctor in a hurry, completely forgetting about Chen Dong What kind of boy is he.

"Uh... how do you know I'm here to beg you?"

"Hehe, I forgot what I study, sister. I study criminal investigation! If you ask me to invite me to dinner, may I know what you want?" Situ Xiadan snorted.

"As long as you save me from the siege, you will agree to anything? Hehe..." Chen Dong smiled.

"You...don't think in the wrong direction!" Situ Xiadan blushed.

"Where did I go?"

"You! I'll give you 10 seconds. If you can't help me out, then don't meet today!" Situ Xiadan snorted.

"10 seconds...you are too cruel!" Chen Dong's face darkened.

"Anyway, what's the use of keeping a man who I can't do no matter what!"

"Eh, this matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, does it?" This girl is not only tough but also arrogant, which is the best in the world cough cough.

"You still have 9 seconds, 8 seconds!"

"Wait, I have a solution."

"Really?" Situ Xiadan's eyes lit up.

"Of course! But you listen to me, and I do what I say." Chen Dong in the car raised his mouth.

"Comrade Xia Dan?" At this time, Huang Yousheng's uncle looked at Situ Xia Dan who was hiding aside with a smile on his face.

"Tell me quickly! What should I do!" Situ Xiadan asked anxiously while forcing a smile on the deputy chief.

"Don't forget what you just said!"

"Don't worry, I always keep my word!"

"Okay! Now turn on your phone's speakerphone." Chen Dong's flat voice came from the phone.

"What's the use of turning on the hands-free?" Situ Xiadan was taken aback.

"If you don't listen to me, I can't help it!"

"Xia Dan... I really mean it. I know I'll be embarrassed in front of so many people. It's okay, we can have dinner together..." While Situ Xiadan was still hesitating, Huang Yousheng was obviously can not wait anymore.

"I can't control that much anymore!" Situ Xiadan gritted his teeth and turned on the hands-free phone.

"Dandan, didn't we make an appointment for dinner? I'm waiting for you outside the gate of your unit now?" At this moment, Situ Xiadan's voice came from Chen Dong's cell phone.


"It's so nasty!"

"Who is this person?"

At this time, because Situ Xiadan's mobile phone was turned on for hands-free, and the volume of the voice was also turned up to the maximum, so Chen Dong's voice was very clear and obvious, and almost all the people around could hear it.

"Chen Dong! You..." As soon as Situ Xiadan closed his eyes, he knew that Chen Dong would not have any good moves, but now this situation can only be muddied.

"Xia Dan... who is this!" Huang Yousheng was completely dumbfounded when he heard Chen Dong's words.

"I..." Situ Xiadan just didn't know what to say... Chen Dong's voice came again from the phone.

"Dan? My Dan, why don't you speak, are you angry with me again, can't I listen to you for everything in the future?"

"Dan? So close!"

"It should be the boyfriend of Deputy Situ, right?"

"Didn't it mean she doesn't have a boyfriend?"

Situ Xiadan's colleagues around him began to discuss at this moment.

"Ah, Chen Dong! You, you..." Situ Xiadan wanted to beat Chen Dong up, let him turn on the speakerphone in front of so many people, and even said such disgusting things, but when he saw She could only hold back Huang Yousheng's face and forced a stiff smile on it.

"No...Sorry, I accidentally turned on the speakerphone..." Situ Xiadan smirked stiffly.

"Xia Dan! Tell me who he is!" At this time, Huang Yousheng was no longer as sincere as before, but stood up suddenly and ran to Situ Xiadan to ask.

"He is..." Situ Xiadan blushed, she didn't know what to say now, let herself say that Chen Dong was her boyfriend?That's too embarrassing, and besides, wouldn't it be cheaper for that scumbag Chen Dong.

"he is……"

"Xia Dan, is there anyone with you?" Chen Dong's voice came again.

"Hmm... hey my phone!"

At this moment, Huang Yousheng grabbed Situ Xiadan's cell phone as if he was a completely different person.He was originally a son of a rich family, and he had never dated any beauties before. The reason why he came back to the Donghai City Police Station was because he came to look for his uncle again and accidentally saw Situ Xiadan who was hot and handsome.

Can Situ Xiadan's hot female policewoman be comparable to those he has played with before, and Huang Yousheng is immediately attracted.After knowing that Situ Xiadan didn't have a boyfriend, he found a relationship and entered the police station just to chase after Situ Xiadan. Now he can bear to hear someone call Situ Xiadan who is more affectionate and nasty than him?

"Hey! Who are you, kid!" Huang Yousheng shouted into the phone with a ferocious face.

"Who is this Dandan? You won't be cheating on me and messing with other men! If you let me know, I'll see how I can deal with you when I get home!" Chen Dong's cynical voice came from the phone.

"Go home and clean up..." Everyone around, including Huang Yousheng and Situ Xiadan, froze when they heard the words on the phone.

"Suddenly it feels so exciting!"

"There is a man who goes home to clean up the vice team of Situ...Thinking about it, it's very hot!"

"Chen Dong! You!" Situ Xiadan was stunned for a long time before he could react, but he couldn't explode.

"Who the hell are you!" Huang Yousheng almost roared.

"I'm Dandan's boyfriend, who are you!"

 Thanks for the reward brothers!Thanks to all the students who voted for recommendation!This story is written for everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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