Special masters on campus

Chapter 161 Breaking News

Chapter 161 Breaking News
"What's wrong, what's wrong!" Xiao Wu, the guard at the gate of the compound, heard Huang Yousheng standing there yelling, thinking something happened and ran out quickly.

Huang Yousheng stood still and pointed in the direction where Maserati disappeared as if he hadn't seen him.

"Oh! Brother Sheng! Did you see it too!"

And when this little Wu saw Huang Yousheng pointing in the direction where Chen Dong's Maserati was leaving, this little Wu seemed to understand something.

"I saw it! I saw it all!" Huang Yousheng suddenly said sadly, how many girls he had dated, this time he wanted to pursue a police woman in a different way, but he didn't expect to watch her acting like a baby in someone else's arms.

"Wow! Brother Sheng is so exciting, isn't it exciting enough!" Xiao Wu had an exaggerated expression on his face.

"Exciting! It's so exciting that I want to beat someone up!" Huang Yousheng clenched his fists and said viciously.

"Haha, it's so exciting! I thought that no man in Deputy Situ's team would dare to ask for it. I heard that her last boyfriend cheated on other women because of her fiery temper!" What Wu said was vivid.Obviously, he had been standing at the door and didn't know that Huang Yousheng had courted Situ Xiadan just now inside, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to say that if given him 1 courage. .

"Hmph! Is it? You may not know that if you have played enough with the submissive girl, you still like her temper. Conquering each other or even being conquered by her is more interesting!"

"Hi! Brother Sheng, you are so experienced, it seems that I am still young! I didn't understand before until I saw it with my own eyes just now, and now I really understand!" Xiao Wu looked like you are powerful, Brother Sheng.

"What did you see?" Huang Yousheng frowned.

"Haha! Brother Sheng, didn't you see it just now? Do you want to say such explosive news yourself!" I saw him with a look of understanding.

"Breaking news?" Huang Yousheng, who was told by Xiao Wu, was even more puzzled.

"No! No, no! This is no longer explosive news. This is the big news!" Xiao Wu straightened his back, as if he knew some gossip of the century.

"What the hell did you see and tell me!" Huang Yousheng asked while grabbing Xiao Wu's collar.

"Brother Sheng...what's wrong with you?" Xiao Wu was taken aback.

"Quickly tell me what you saw just now!" Huang Yousheng was a gangster before entering the police station, and now the fierce look on his face has completely returned to its original appearance.

"I see him, Situ Xiadan, and a rich second generation who drives a luxury car. The car in this car..."

"What's the car! Say!"


"What!" Huang Yousheng shook his body and took several steps back with a pale face.

"Haha! It's explosive enough, it's explosive enough! Look at Brother Sheng, your reaction is too exaggerated. I was very restrained when I saw it just now..."

"Restrain the fart!" Huang Yousheng almost went crazy when he heard it, and Xiao Wu also said that spit was flying all over the sky.

"Sheng... Brother Sheng, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Wu was taken aback by Huang Yousheng's scolding. He didn't know about Huang Yousheng's courtship with Situ Xiadan, so he didn't know why Huang Yousheng scolded him.

"Are you sure they're driving...that one?" Huang Yousheng asked with a hard face.

"Indeed... sure, Brother Sheng, you haven't been in the police station for a long time, so you don't know. Our deputy captain Situ is the champion of women's Sanda in Donghai City. He has great strength! Didn't you see the luxury car just now?" The wheels are shaking almost off the ground!"

"Enough!" Huang Yousheng closed his eyes angrily.

"it is true……"

"Shut up!" If it weren't for seeing that this was at the gate of the police station compound, Huang Yousheng would have beaten him up.

"I told you this matter, don't tell me nonsense!"

"I...I..." Xiao Wu was a young guard who had just graduated. How could he dare to offend someone with background like Huang Yousheng?

"I, what, me, did you hear what I said! You... You can't have said it!"

"Just now Xiao Chen and Xiao Song from the bureau came out to ask me to excuse me, so I just said it casually... Besides, what does the news about Vice Team Situ have to do with you, Brother Sheng?"

"What! I'm going to fuck you!" The fire in Huang Yousheng's stomach erupted suddenly, and he punched Xiao Wu in the face as soon as he went up.

"Brother Sheng, why did you hit me!" Xiao Wu didn't dare to fight back after being beaten, and he still didn't understand why Huang Yousheng beat him.

"Get out! Don't let me see you again!" Huang Yousheng panted angrily.

At the same time, the story of Situ Xiadan and a rich second-generation boyfriend in the luxury car has spread throughout the police station, and Huang Yousheng has naturally become the biggest foil and laughing stock.

Under the discussion and ridicule of others, Huang Yousheng walked back to the police station in a daze.

"Chen Dong! I remember this name! Xia Dan is the woman I, Huang Yousheng wants, you dare to rob a woman from Huang Yousheng!" Huang Yousheng's eyes were cold and he took out the phone.

"Hello? I'm Huang Yousheng."

"Ah Brother Sheng! Why do you call me when you have time?"

"Please do something."

"Brother Sheng, tell me, as long as the younger brother can do it, he will definitely do it!"

"You work in the traffic police brigade, can you help me find out where a white Maserati with the license plate number BA556688 is now? Hurry up!" Huang Yousheng's face was full of viciousness.

"Alright Brother Sheng, don't worry!"

"Thank you! I'll take you to play another day, there are chicks..." Huang Yousheng hung up the phone.

"Chen Dong! I want you to kneel down and beg me, beg me to beat you up!"

The white Maserati slowly slowed down, and the most prosperous area in Donghai City was ahead, and there was some traffic jam.

Situ Xiadan and Chen Dong in the car naturally didn't know that Huang Yousheng was playing bad tricks, and they didn't think that the fight between the two of them in the car just now had been spread in the police station.

"That cough cough...Comrade Xia Dan, I have an urgent matter, can you let me finish first?" Chen Dong said while driving.

"It's useless even if human life is at stake!" Situ Xiadan was very upset because of what happened just now.

"Hey! Why do you have no sympathy at all!"

"Why do you tell me about that matter, can I solve it for you right away?"

"I'm afraid it won't work..." Chen Dong thought that even if someone helped to check the information of the junior sister, but there are so many people with the same name and surname in Donghai City, it may take a while to check.

"That's it! Whether you can help me with this favor will depend on Miss Ben's mood!" Situ Xiadan rolled his eyes.

"Then how are you feeling now?" Chen Dong chuckled.

"Not good!" Situ Xiadan put his hands on his chest.

"Okay... okay..." Chen Dong coughed dryly, "Where are you going now, can you tell me?"

"Donghai City Orphanage." Situ Xiadan said angrily.

"Orphanage? Where are you going?" Chen Dong looked puzzled.

"Miss Ben wants to go, why not?" Situ Xiadan glared at Chen Dong.

"Okay, as long as the police sister is happy!"

"Hmph! You're smart! Turn left!"

"Yes miss!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth smiled slightly. If it wasn't for his junior sister, would he have begged this aunt so humbly?
And just as Chen Dong was about to turn slowly, he saw a young man running directly towards his car.

"What's going on with me!" Chen Dong hurriedly braked.

And the young man saw Chen Dong's brakes, instead of stopping, he jumped onto the front of the Maserati, and then rolled down slowly.

"Ah, my leg is broken, he broke my leg!"

(End of this chapter)

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