Special masters on campus

Chapter 162 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 162 Touching Porcelain
I saw the young man lying in front of Chen Dong's car holding his leg and screaming.

"Who is this kid? I even braked and he jumped into the car by himself. Can he have some skills even if he touches porcelain!" Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan with a helpless expression.

"I don't know, you drive the car." Situ Xiadan shrugged, looking like he had nothing to do with me.


"Ah, my leg! Come on, it's this guy who broke my leg!" At this moment, the young man lying in front of Chen Dong's car screamed even worse.

"Who broke my brother's leg?" At this moment, twenty or thirty youths who looked like gangsters ran over from the side of the road and surrounded Chen Dong's car.Fortunately, it happened near the side of the road, otherwise the entire road would have been blocked by traffic.

"Bang bang!" At this moment, the leading bald head knocked on Chen Dong's car door.

"Open the door and get out of the car! You hurt someone and want to deny it!" The bald man in a fancy suit with a mustache yelled at Chen Dong.

"It seems that today is going to be an event. Sister policeman, don't move, just sit in the car and watch the show." Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Tell me to move and I won't move!"

"Ahem, how about saving face!" Chen Dong's face darkened and he opened the car door.

"How did you drive? Do you know if you hurt someone!" The bald leader pointed at Chen Dong's nose when he saw the person getting out of the car.

"Hmph!" Chen Dong raised his hand and pressed the bald hand down.

How could the bald head put down his hand so easily, but when he just wanted to raise his arm vigorously, he found that the hand pressing on his arm was like an iron claw, and he couldn't shake it at all.

"What do you mean, you hurt someone and want to renege on it!" The bald man's tone was obviously not as rough as before.

"Oh my leg, it's broken!" At this moment, the young man lying on the ground cried out in unison.

"The cooperation is very good, the acting is very skilled, but the skill of Pengci is too rough, even my car has stopped and he can fly up by himself. Isn't this acting a bit too exaggerated?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand! Obviously you hit my brother! So many of us have seen it, and the eyes of the masses are discerning!" The bald head is obviously not a good thing.

"I saw it was hit by this car!"

"I saw it too!"

At this time, the [-] or [-] "crowds" dressed in cutting-edge fashion and with different styles said in unison.

"How do you see it?" The bald man looked proud.

Chen Dong almost didn't laugh out loud. Those who returned the money to the masses, at most, were a group of unscrupulous people who had received box lunches in Hengdian for a few days!
"There should be a camera here, go to the traffic police brigade to see it." Chen Dong said.

"Well, that makes sense, but I heard that the camera on this section of the road just happened to be broken!"

"Ha ha!"

All the punks around laughed.

"Looks like it should be a veteran Pengci gang." Chen Dong smiled, but it's a pity that these people don't know how to choose targets. When Pengci meets a master of Chen Dong's level, it's like hitting a stone with an egg.

"Then what do you say?"

"What should we do? Let's just leave it at that. Seeing that you are quite sensible, one leg is 20 yuan, but my brother has to pay for mental damage if he is frightened! If you add up to 30 yuan, we will be private!" Said arrogantly.

At the same time, at an intersection not far from here, I saw a young man in traffic police uniform speaking into the phone.

"Brother Sheng, don't worry, this group of people are habitual offenders, and they are very obedient. This time, this kid will definitely bleed. And they will make trouble in a while, and I will come forward at that time. It's okay if he is honest, no If you are obedient, you will personally act and this will become a criminal case!"

"Hehe, be obedient? Even if he wants to be obedient, you have to make him disobedient. This matter must become a criminal case today! Driving into an accident, refusing to obey the law, hurting people and attacking the police, understand?" Came from the other end of the phone Huang Yousheng's gloomy voice.

"Understood! I understand! Brother Sheng is indeed brilliant!"

"Hmph! This kid is just a college student who doesn't understand how deep the society is. We have to teach him to understand society!"

"That's right! He thought society was a school where a boy with no hair even dared to provoke Brother Sheng! By the way, Brother Sheng, how did this kid offend you?" asked the traffic policeman.

"He... this cough cough... you don't need to ask this!" Huang Yousheng almost said it casually, but fortunately he responded in a timely manner. If this matter got out, he would have no place to put his face on it.

At this time, the louder the voices of these bastards shouting in front of Maserati, the more people around them.

"30?" Chen Dong smiled.

"It's only 30 yuan less, what's the matter?" The bald head looked at Chen Dong and sneered. In his opinion, Chen Dong was a stronger student. He had so many brothers present and was related to the traffic police brigade. Dare not to give money?
"Then let me see if the injured person's injuries are worth the money." Chen Dong said in a flat voice.

"That won't work! My brother has been seriously injured and mentally traumatized!" The bald man smiled, obviously this set of lines has been said many times.

"What if I want to see it?" Chen Dong looked at the bald head with a cold look.

"Huh?" The bald head shivered unconsciously at Chen Dong's glance, "Why was it so cold just now? It seems that I have played a little bit ruthlessly these few days. After finishing this vote, I can You have to make up for it..."

"Hey, if you just want to see it, then you have to look at the opinions of the people around you!" Naturally, the bald bastard would not know that the reason why he shivered was because of the murderous aura emanating from Chen Dong!
"I don't think you're particular, brother! You've bumped him up, will he tell lies?"

"Hurry up and lose money, I can't stand it anymore!"

The group of "crowds" around the bald head and eyes all surrounded him, with sneers on their faces.

"Haha, this time the scum got into big trouble, why am I so happy to see the scum being bullied?" Situ Xiadan in the car watched the excitement with interest.

"What? Do you want to bully the few with the more?" Chen Dong frowned slightly.

"What does it mean to bully the few with the more, please comment! What does it mean to bully the less with the more? I don't know them well. This is a chance encounter and we stand on the side of justice!" The bald Chen Dong's performance made him even more confused. I think Chen Dong is a soft persimmon.

"Yes! We are on the side of justice!" The surrounding "crowds" all followed suit.

"It's very interesting." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, he didn't want to hang out with these Porcelain gangs anymore, the purpose of his coming to find Situ Xiadan today was to let her check the information of his junior sister Lin Wan in Donghai City for him, and he didn't have time to waste time with a group of ruffians time.

Chen Dong turned around and was about to pull the car door, ready to drive away.

And at this moment, the bald man's eyes flashed for a moment, and several young ruffians around him immediately blocked the car door, and two of them simply leaned on the car door.

"What's the matter, little brother? Do you want to leave without losing money after bumping into someone?" The bald head sneered.

 The second is asking for a subscription!
(End of this chapter)

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