Chapter 163

"That's right! Do you want to leave like this after bumping into someone!" The 20 or so gangsters around surrounded Chen Dong in the middle.

Chen Dong didn't turn around, but continued to put his hand on the car door handle, and tugged lightly, only to see the two little bastards leaning on the car door crippled in an instant.

"Oh my mother!"

"my face!"

I saw that these two bastards who weighed at least one hundred and thirty-four catties were lying on the ground like dogs eating shit at this moment.

"This..." The bald head and the punks around were taken aback for a moment. Originally they thought Chen Dong was a soft persimmon, but who would have thought that Chen Dong could drag these two big men away with just a casual tug!

"Ah! Someone was beaten! Call the police! Hurry up and call the police!" The bald man sneered and pretended to be panicked.

"Yes! Call the police!"

And Chen Dong really didn't have time to play with these gangsters, so he opened the door and sat back in the car with a normal expression.

"What's the matter? Isn't your hero Chen Dong very powerful? Can't you deal with just a few bastards who touch porcelain?" Situ Xiadan said gloatingly.

"They're not worth my while. Let's go to the orphanage first." Just as Chen Dong was about to start the car, a siren sounded from behind.

"Haha, the traffic police are here!" Situ Xiadan suddenly felt in a good mood.

"I went so fast! Isn't this too fake?" Chen Dong looked in the rearview mirror and saw a traffic police car had stopped behind his car.

A young traffic policeman in traffic police uniform got out of the car and walked towards the crowd.

"I received a call from the masses, saying that someone hit someone in an accident. What's going on?" The young traffic policeman walked to Chen Dong's car and said to the little bastards around him.

"Comrade traffic police, you are here! You have to decide for us! He is the one who bumped into my brother and wanted to escape!" The bald man was crying with snot and tears, and then his eyes turned cold Point to Chen Dong in the car.

"Oh? Is that so?" The traffic policeman smiled slightly and walked to the window of the Maserati and knocked on the window.

"Comrade, please come out and cooperate with the investigation." The traffic policeman signaled Chen Dong to get off the car.

"It's over, it's over, the traffic police let you get out of the car!" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong with a smile on his face, as if the unhappiness caused by Huang Yousheng just now was swept away.

"You look much better when you smile than when you get angry." Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Of course!" Situ Xiadan twisted his neck.

"Think about something more interesting?" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth.

"I want to, of course I want to see it. I want to see someone being detained by the traffic police for a while, but he can't help but look helpless!" Situ Xiadan snorted.

"I don't think you can see that one, but I invite you to watch a more interesting one for free!" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"More fun?" After all, Situ Xiadan was a girl who was immediately attracted by Chen Dong's words.

"That's right, it's comparable to Mr. Zhao's sketch."

"I don't believe it!" Situ Xiadan looked like you were lying to someone.

"Then just watch!" Chen Dongfei didn't get out of the car but started the car instead.

"You...what are you going to do?" Situ Xiadan was taken aback.

"Aren't you going to the orphanage by car?" Chen Dong said with a relaxed face.

"But someone is still lying on the ground in front!"

"How can it be?"

"How is it? You will push over them! People will die, and I can't help you even if I want to!" Situ Xiadan knew Chen Dong well, so it was hard to say that Chen Dong would dare to do anything.

"Oh? It seems that you still want to help me in your heart?" Chen Dong turned to look at Situ Xiadan and smiled.


"Hey comrade, I told you to get out of the car, didn't you hear that?" The young traffic policeman outside the car originally thought that Chen Dong would obediently get out of the car when he saw the traffic policeman, but he didn't expect Chen Dongfei to start the car instead of getting out of the car. the car.

"Hey! My leg, my leg is broken!" At this moment, the little gangster lying in front of the car was doing what he was doing, and he didn't realize that the car behind him had started.

"Comrade, I ask you to get out of the car immediately and cooperate with the inspection!" The traffic policeman yelled into the car in a stern voice.

Chen Dong in the car smiled, stepped on the accelerator slowly, and the wheels began to drive forward slowly.

"Crazy! Crazy!" The young traffic policeman was stunned for a moment.

"Ah!" The gangsters who had completely surrounded the car all dispersed in a hurry, for fear of being hit by the car.

"Let me tell you, if you continue to drive without getting out of the car to cooperate with the investigation, this is a hit-and-run! Moreover, I suspect that you are driving under the influence of alcohol because of your completely irrational behavior, and you will face criminal responsibility!" the traffic policeman said. He shouted loudly at the side of the car.

"Ah! My legs!" The little bastard lying on the ground who was screaming loudly at this moment suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he opened his eyes, he found that the "crowd" who had been watching around him were all in such a bad mood. Far?Didn't you promise to act realistically?How can you be realistic while hiding so far away!No wonder Brother Qiang gave me such an important role as the victim!You people don't have talent, and your life is to be an extra actor! Talent!Do you understand talent?
But just when the little bastard looked smug and was about to continue shouting, he suddenly felt that his back was so hot?So I looked back, it didn't matter what I saw, the little bastard hiccupped in fright!
"Hi!" The little gangster's eyes were wide open, and the car was slowly approaching him.

"No! This must be a test given to me by Brother Qiang. I can't quit. I must have a minimum self-cultivation! Ah! My leg is broken!"

"I can rely on this!"

"He is really not afraid of death, it seems that he is really talented!"

The gangsters around looked at the gangster who was lying on the ground and had already noticed that the car was approaching him, and expressed their admiration for being able to continue acting at this time.

"Did you hear it! Did you see it! The injured are so seriously injured! How dare you continue driving in front of our traffic police! You are either drunk driving or crazy! 10 years! You will face 10 years in prison !" Although the traffic policeman looked extremely serious, he was actually sneering all the time in his heart, if Chen Dong really overwhelmed that little bastard, then the task entrusted to him by Brother Sheng would be doubled.

"If you drive any further, I will notify the police station!"

"Hmph." Chen Dong smiled and the car continued to drive forward slowly.

"Hey! Chen Dong, this is the good show you said? Violent resistance? Are you really going to overwhelm?" Situ Xiadan frowned.

"Yes!" Chen Dong looked relaxed.

"If you pass the pressure, you will really go in! No one will visit you in prison then."

"If I want to go, I have to see if they dare to accept me."

"It's crazy..." Situ Xiadan rolled his eyes.

"Hmph! I thought what kind of person was the person who dared to offend Brother Sheng, but he turned out to be a coward who would be scared out of his wits!" The traffic policeman sneered and took out his phone.

"Hey! Is it the police station! There are people who are violently resisting the law. After the accident, they are going to repeatedly crush the victim and try to escape. Please help!"

"I'll be right over!" In a police car not far away, Huang Yousheng hung up the phone with a gloomy expression.

"Get the handcuffs ready! I'm going to tie up all four of this kid's legs!"

"Understood Brother Sheng!" The other three young police officers in the car agreed with a sneer at the same time.

 484134597 vip readers!Three more!
(End of this chapter)

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