Chapter 174
"Admit it?" The boy was taken aback for a moment before he realized, "Admit! Admit! I am admissible! Huh..." Then he started crying, where is the arrogance just now?He was really scared out of his wits. If Chen Dong's kick just now had kicked him instead of the bed, he would have been kicked out of the window on the second floor right now!

"How did the bedroom door and the bed break?" Chen Dong asked with a harmless smile.

"Ah? It's not that you just kicked it... It's not that we broke it ourselves!" The boy cried a few times and then cried again. This is really a bully, and it's obvious that you kicked it just now!

"Not bad." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and he turned and walked out of bedroom 218.

Only the four boys inside and outside the dormitory were left sitting on the ground and looking at each other with veiled expressions on their faces.

Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai in the corridor outside the door saw Chen Dong coming out, and then they shook their heads and came back to their senses.

"Do you dare to be more aggressive!" Fatty Bai swallowed.

"Only Brother Dong dares to do this." Zhang Xing swallowed and said.

At this time, Chen Dong walked up to some boys in his class and asked, "Is this the dormitory of Class 2?"

"Cough cough!"

"Ahem!" Zhang Xing almost choked on his own saliva.

"Boss, you don't even know if it's the dormitory of Class 2, you just kick it like that!"

"Isn't it?" Chen Dong looked relaxed. Anyway, the boys in other classes were involved in what happened tonight, so it didn't matter to him.

"No, this is the dormitory of class three." Zhang Xing said awkwardly.

"Then it doesn't matter! If I remember correctly, are there boys from classes 2 to 9 involved in tonight's event?" Chen Dong said.

"That's true." Fatty Bai nodded.

"Then the next one!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Huh? Still beating? The noise is so loud, I guess the dormitory teacher will find out after a while!"

"Hehe, it depends on whether our speed is fast enough!" Chen Dong glanced across the corridor with a smile.

"Is it fast enough?" Fatty was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand the meaning of Chen Dong's words.

Chen Dong walked towards bedroom 218 next to bedroom 219 with a calm expression.

"Boss, what is he doing? He didn't smash all the dormitory doors alone, did he?" Fatty Bai looked at Chen Dong blankly.

"Based on what I know about Brother Dong, it's very possible!" Zhang Xing said.



There were only a few muffled sounds echoing in the entire corridor, and the doors of four consecutive bedrooms were kicked open by Chen Dong, but fortunately the doors of these bedrooms were not locked, otherwise they would end up the same as the door of bedroom 218.

This time, the commotion was even bigger, and the doors of several other dormitory rooms that had not been kicked open by Chen Dong also opened, and the people inside thought that there was something exciting to watch, and they all walked into the corridor.

"I'll go! Who is this person crazy?"

"It's crazy, kicking the door of each dormitory, courting death!"

Seeing that there were only a few people in Chen Dong, these people started to yell for fear that things would not cause trouble.

"Who the hell kicked the door and doesn't want to hang out in Tunghai University?" At this moment, I saw a few boys coming out of dormitory 222. The leader had a mustache, shirtless and full of flesh. a cigarette.

Immediately afterwards, people came out of the other three dormitories whose doors were kicked by Chen Dong, and surrounded Chen Dong in the middle.

"Brother Yan is asking questions! Which bastard kicked the door just now, get out quickly, kowtow to Brother Yan, and buy some good cigarettes for the brothers, maybe Brother Yan won't beat you up when he's in a good mood!" Beside the boy, a boy who looked like a skinny monkey looked at Chen Dong and the others and said arrogantly.

"Haha!" The entire corridor was already full of boys at this time, five or sixty people, basically all freshman boys who dared to show their heads in the medical school were all there.

"Boss! This is the man." Fatty Bai whispered in Chen Dong's ear.

"Is this the person who took the lead in harassing the girls in our class?" Chen Dong looked at the boy with a cigarette in his mouth and a serious look on his face with a smile on his face.

"Yes, that's him. This man's name is Xiao An. When he was in middle school, he was a famous thorn in their school. Even the teacher dared to beat him! Because he has two scars burned by cigarette butts on his arm, he is called Brother Yan. Also I don't know how much money the family has spent and how many relationships he has entrusted, but he has also entered Donghai University!" Zhang Xing said in a low voice.

"Brother Yan?" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Hey! Why didn't you feel good about being beaten by us just now? Did you find a helper?" The skinny monkey walked up to Chen Dong and said, looking at Chen Dong.

"You!" The fat man's eye circle was hit by this thin monkey. Although this man is thin, the strength in his hands is not small.

"Haha! You are courageous, but it's a pity that there is only one more person! You are the ones who get beaten!" The skinny monkey looked at Chen Dong and sneered.

"Haha! It used to be seven people and now there are eight people! You're still looking for a beating!"

"What an idiot! Why are the boys in Class 1 so weak, and the girls look better than the other!"

"It's also our buddies who look good haha!"

"Ha ha!"

There was a burst of laughter in the corridor. To put it bluntly, these boys are envious of Class 1. On the one hand, Class 1 just won the No.1 in the military training show, and more importantly, the quality of the girls in Class 1 is simply against the sky. .Compared with the girls in class 1, the girls in other classes are nothing but chickens and dogs!
And that boy named Brother Yan was standing at the door of bedroom 222, smoking a cigarette, without even looking at Chen Dong.

"Brother Yan, what do you think should be done?" the thin monkey shouted loudly.

"Old rules, you beat me up first, and wait for me to finish smoking this cigarette." The brother smoked, turned around and walked into the dormitory.

"Boom!" The door of bedroom 222 closed again.

"Haha! Brother Yan said the old rules and asked the boys in class 1 to kneel outside the door of dormitory 222 and sing Conquer!" The skinny monkey sneered. Except for Zhang Xing who has a little fighting power among the boys, the other boys are just waiting to be beaten.

"Have you shouted enough?" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Hey, I'm going! Do you think I don't know who you are? Isn't it that Chen Dong! Brother Yan and Brother Fei knew that you would come back today to find trouble, and we beat you!" Cold, hit Chen Dong with a punch.

"Brother Dong, be careful, don't think that this kid is skinny and he should be a practitioner!" Zhang Xing quickly reminded.

"Hmph! Do you know now? It's too late!" The skinny monkey sneered.

"Boom!" The thin monkey punched Chen Dong in the abdomen.

The abdomen is the weakest part of a person's frontal body, so most experienced people will hit the opponent's abdomen first. This thin monkey obviously has some skills.

"You still want to stand out with this little ability?" The thin monkey sneered.



Behind Chen Dong, Zhang Xing and the others saw Chen Dong being hit in the abdomen by the thin monkey, so they came up to help.

But when they just wanted to come up, Chen Dong waved his hand to signal them not to come up.

"I said, have you screamed enough?" Chen Dong looked at the skinny monkey and raised his mouth.

"You!" The thin monkey frowned. According to common sense, a normal person would have bent over with pain in the abdomen after being hit by his punch. How could this kid still laugh.

"I'm a little annoyed by your screaming!" Chen Dong raised his right hand and grabbed the skinny monkey's face!Grab his chin and twist it gently!

 Fifth update!Ask for a subscription and ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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