Special masters on campus

Chapter 175 The same as your dormitory number 1

Chapter 175 The same as your dormitory number II
"Crack!" But hearing a crisp sound of dislocation of bones, the mandible of this skinny monkey had already been dislocated.

And the thin monkey didn't have time to see Chen Dong's movements clearly, he only felt a sharp pain in his jaw!

"Woo..." But seeing the thin monkey squatting on the ground covering its mouth with both hands, it wanted to speak but couldn't say a word, so it could only whine.

"Damn! What are you waiting for! Class 2, show me the guy!" Another boy in dormitory 222 shouted when he saw the thin monkey.

I saw eight or nine boys around took out table legs one after another, iron pipes and iron chains surrounded Chen Dong, obviously they all came prepared.

"Huh!" Chen Dong smiled. Judging from what the skinny monkey said just now, the reason why these people went to class 1 to find work today is because they envied and hated the quality of the girls in class 1. I'm afraid there will be someone behind them.Wang Hao definitely didn't dare, he already knew that he was his leader, and the rest was Li Tenglong or that Lin Feiyu.

Then Li Tenglong has been raped and abused by him several times. Even if he does not give up on that thing on Chu Shanshan and wants to get rid of him, he will not seek trouble from these ordinary student level people again.So it is very likely that Lin Feiyu was detained by the traffic police after chasing him for most of Donghai City that night.

"No matter who it is, I said that if I hurt the people around me because of me, I will leave him with unforgettable memories for a lifetime!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold.

"Brother Dong!" Zhang Xing wanted to come up to help.

But Chen Dong waved his hand again, "I said I want to exercise today."

"Fuck, this kid is too crazy!"

"Woohoo!" The thin monkey sitting on the ground pointed at Chen Dong viciously while covering his face.


I saw these eight or nine boys rushing towards Chen Dong with a dick in their hands!

"Trouble!" Chen Dong shook his head instead of retreating!Take a step towards the rushing crowd!
"Is this kid crazy!"

"He thinks that no one in his class dares to touch him, so he's a fool!"

When the boys watching in the corridor saw that Chen Dong dared to charge upwards in the face of so many opponents with the dick in their hands, most of them laughed.

"Buzz!" The iron pipes of the table legs made a sound in the air, and they greeted Chen Dong at the same time.

"Kneel down for me!" After Shouhou knelt down, the boy in dormitory 222 who commanded the boys of Class [-] sneered. In his opinion, Shouhou underestimated the enemy so he was ashamed.

However, just when he thought that this time he had so many people attacking at the same time, no matter how strong Chen Dong was, he couldn't dodge it, when his body actually retreated instead of moving forward!
And his hand holding the steel pipe felt a sharp pain, and the steel pipe fell to the ground all of a sudden!
"This!" The boy only felt that his body was completely out of his control now, but was completely lifted up by Chen Dong, as if he was using it as a weapon, and pulled his legs and swept them across!


"my face!"

"Clatter bang!"

Accompanied by screams and the sound of steel pipes and iron chains falling to the ground, eight or nine boys who had been aggressively rushing towards Chen Dong lay lying on the ground like pins hit by bowling balls.


"My mother!" The boy who was used as a bowling ball was the worst, lying on the corridor with his legs upturned and shouting at his mother. He never dreamed that he would be thrown out like a bowling ball in his life!

"This kid is quite fierce!"

"It's not very violent! It's very violent. It seems that those rumors are not false!"

Seeing Chen Dong's tough performance, the boys from other classes in the medical school in the corridor who had been watching the excitement all took a few steps back, and their faces no longer had the disdainful expression just now.

"Hmph! Don't talk about you guys. On the first day of school, Yiba Jin Deshui from the physical education department was beaten to the knees by Brother Dong and called me daddy! What are you guys?" Fatty Bai said proudly. Said.

"I really want to hear about this..."

"The Department of Physical Education is a department with a strong combat effectiveness in our school!"

The boys in the corridor whispered.

"Quickly inform Brother Fei!" At this moment, a boy behind the crowd turned around and ran upstairs to the sophomore dormitory area.

Chen Dong didn't speak. He was already in a bad mood today because of his junior sister Lin Wan, but at this time someone came to trouble him, and it was just a reason to give him a reason to exercise!
Chen Dong didn't say a word, raised his legs, and walked from the middle of the boys lying on the ground to the door of bedroom 222.

"Bang!" The door of bedroom 222 was kicked open by Chen Dong.

"How? Is that kid honest? Brother Fei is too careful, and he said that this kid is very strong! Later, he will tie him up and send him to the river embankment. I will treat my brothers to supper tonight!" At this moment 222 In the dormitory, the fat boy was lying on the second bunk with his legs crossed and smoking a small cigarette.

"Woooo..." The mandible of the thin monkey lying on the bed was so painful that Chen Dong took it off that he couldn't speak, so he could only keep whining into bedroom 222.

"What are you doing? Who didn't open their mouths and were whining with me!" At this moment, the boy sat up suddenly, raised his head and saw that there was a whole lot of people lying in the corridor outside, and Chen Dong was standing there. Looking nervous at the door, he jumped off the second bunk.

"What's the matter? The thin monkey's hand and the nine boys couldn't make this kid kneel down?" The boy looked at Chen Dong with a cigarette in his mouth and frowned.

"Your name is Brother Yan?" Chen Dong said with a slight smile.

"That's right! If you're sensible, you'll be obedient! Let me tell you, Brother Yan, when I was in junior high school, I beat every street with bricks. My rule is that if I beat you, you have to kneel down and sing Conquer! "The boy said arrogantly with a cigarette in his mouth, he couldn't lose face in front of so many freshmen from the same department.

"Who ordered you?" Chen Dong ignored him at all.

"Instigate?" Brother Yan was taken aback, exhaled a puff of smoke ring and said, "You will know when you die!"

"Hey, why do you have the same dormitory number as yours?" Chen Dong looked helpless, he really didn't want to deal with this kind of campus gangster, he just wanted to know if there was someone behind Guan Fei.

"Dorm number?" Brother Yan looked up at his dormitory number, "222".

"222! Hahaha!"

"It's enough for 2!"

Zhang Xing and the others laughed out loud.

Even the boys from other classes in the corridor laughed softly without holding back.

"You're looking for death!" Brother Yan's eyes turned hard, and he picked up a brick from the table next to him!
"Haha! Brother Yan's artifact!"

"It's not life-threatening to hit someone! Cough cough!"

"Let's make you crazy again! You just wait to kneel down and sing Conquer! My shoulders!" The boys from Class 2 lying on the ground burst into laughter when they saw Brother Yan take out a brick.

"Did you see the black spot on the top? Do you know what it is? Blood! Now kneel down and sing the cry of conquest, Brother Yan, I'm wrong before it's too late, otherwise!" Brother Yan sneered.

"Then let's sing..."

"Boom!" Chen Dong closed the bedroom door with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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