Special masters on campus

Chapter 188 Huluo Ladies Restroom Was Bullied by Women

Chapter 188 Huluo Ladies Restroom Was Bullied by Women

Chen Dong put his left index finger in front of his mouth to signal Chu Shanshan not to speak.

Chu Shanshan didn't know why Chen Dong behaved like this, she stared at Chen Dong with her eyes wide open.

I saw Chen Dong covering Chu Shanshan's mouth and hugging her back to the wall. The window where they were sitting happened to be where the corridor protruded outwards. Leaning against the wall just formed a visual blind spot with the corridor. .

"Shh, don't talk." Chen Dong slowly let go of his hand, and whispered to Chu Shanshan.

"What's the matter, Brother Chen?" Although Chen Dong let go of his hand, he still held Chu Shanshan in his arms and pressed against the wall.Chu Shanshan didn't react at first, her head went blank, and then through her thin nightgown, she could feel Chen Dong's strong muscles and chest suddenly flushed.

"Someone seems to have come out..." Chen Dong whispered, pointing in the direction of the corridor.

"Ah!" Chu Shanshan almost cried out, but fortunately Chen Dong covered his mouth in time.

"What should I do? Brother Chen? If you are found out, will you be in trouble?" Chu Shanshan said with a blushing face as she was held in Chen Dong's arms like a frightened bird.This is not the first time she has had such close contact with Chen Dong, but this time she can clearly feel Chen Dong's body and his body temperature more clearly than any other time. Even if she is innocent by nature, she is still a 19-year-old girl. At this moment, she How is it possible not to be shy?

"Where can I hide here, girl?" Chen Dong knew that he had to act decisively at this moment, because they were in this place now and there were no obstacles to hide from. As long as anyone walked over, they would see them, and at that time he would definitely be killed. Discover.The next day, the news that Chen Dong, the vice president of the student union, broke into the girls' dormitory in the middle of the night would spread throughout Tunghai University.

"Hide for a while?" Chu Shanshan rolled her big eyes, "How about going to my bedroom?"

"Ahem...go to your dormitory? Is this appropriate? The other girls will definitely be scared to death at this time!" Chen Dong's forehead darkened, this girl is really innocent enough.

"Um...it seems to be the same... There is another person in our dormitory who likes to sleep naked, so he must be undressed at this time...hehe..." Chu Shanshan almost laughed out loud, but fortunately she covered her mouth this time.

"Sleeping naked..." Chen Dong raised his brows, it would be a good choice to go to their dormitory and hide for a while, who would he be like that!
"By the way, I thought of a place!" At this moment, Chu Shanshan seemed to have an idea suddenly.


"Toilet!" Chu Shanshan opened her eyes, as if she thought her idea was great.

"Girls' toilet?" Chen Dong's old face darkened. He was a big man who once ruled the dark world and made countless big men tremble. Now he is going to be reduced to hiding in the girls' toilet?

"Squeak!" At this moment, there was another sound from the door of a dormitory at the entrance of the corridor, and Chen Dong could even sense that someone was walking out from inside!

"There is no other way! I hope there are no other girls in there now! Where is the girl's toilet?" Chen Dong bit, and if he didn't make a decision, he would definitely be discovered!
"Where is the end of the corridor!" Chu Shanshan pointed to the end of the corridor.

"Let's go! Brother Chen will take you to fly together!" Chen Dong's mouth twitched, and he hugged Chu Shanshan's body tightly with both hands. With a movement of his body, he rushed towards the end of the corridor!

"Huh!" Chen Dong's speed was too fast, Chu Shanshan was hugged by Chen Dong and didn't see Chen Dong's movements at all. She just felt a strong wind blowing in front of her, blowing her long hair back violently. Spreading out, and being held firmly in Chen Dong's arms, I felt extremely safe, as if I was really flying.

In the blink of an eye, at a distance of nearly 20 meters, Chen Dong rushed from the middle of the corridor to the end of the corridor with Chu Shanshan in his arms, and entered the girls' toilet. Before entering, Chen Dong turned off the switch of the corridor light .

As soon as he entered the girls' restroom, Chen Dong was stunned, ahem, where hasn't he been to in his 20 years of life?The primitive and savage East African battlefield, the desolate and dangerous Middle East, and the Eastern European gangsters with countless murderous intentions have left behind him, and even legends, but the place he set foot on today is a place he has never been to in his entire life—— Girls toilet!

For Chen Dong, the structure here is not complicated. The only difference from the boys' toilet is that there is one urinal missing and two urinals replaced it.But why is Chen Dong so awkward mentally, why does he step down and continue walking inside!
The dignified Chen Dong is now reduced to hiding in the girls' bathroom... and he is still facing no powerful enemies!It's really embarrassing to be bullied by women in the women's restroom in Huluo!
"Ahem! This strange environment is the most difficult place for me to adapt to in my life..." Chen Dong hugged Chu Shanshan's old face with embarrassment, struggling to move forward.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong innocently and suspiciously, she didn't know what Chen Dong was thinking at the moment.

"Shh!" Chen Dong's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help Chu Shanshan's mouth. If someone was in the girls' bathroom at this time, and he saw two of himself, a boy carrying a girl into the girls' bathroom, he would be infamous forever!

"Yeah!" Chu Shanshan, whose mouth was covered by Chen Dong again, seemed to know her mistake just now, and her two big eyes quickly looked towards every hole in the girls' toilet.

There are a total of six toilets in the girls' toilet, three on the left and three on the left. At this moment, the doors of all the toilets are open, obviously no one is there.

"Brother Chen, no one..." Chu Shanshan said in a low voice.

"Yeah!" Chen Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go ahead and hide for a while." Chu Shanshan pointed to the first toilet on the left and looked up at Chen Dong and whispered.

"Come in... go in..." Chen Dong looked at the open toilet seat in the girls' toilet and swallowed unconsciously.How many times has every virgin dreamed about what a girl's toilet looks like in his sleep since he was a child?Isn't it so beautiful? There are beauties all around! Just think about it and wake up with a smile in your dreams.But why are your steps so heavy when you stand here today?
"Yeah, if you don't go in, what if someone really comes?" Chu Shanshan always opened her big eyes innocently. How could she understand the psychology of a strong person in the realm of cultivation at this moment?

While Chen Dong was making a drastic decision in his mind, the door of a dormitory next to the stairs on the fifth floor of the girls' dormitory building slowly opened.

If Chen Dong was here, he would definitely remember that this dormitory was the girl's dormitory he accidentally broke into on the first day of school. That's right, the dormitory of Liu Yashu, the student president of the medical school.

"Is anyone there?" At this moment, a sleepy figure came out of the bedroom.

 Recommended tickets to go!

(End of this chapter)

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