Chapter 189

"Why did someone turn off the lights in the corridor?" Because Chen Dong turned off the lights in the corridor just now, there is basically no light on this side of the corridor. Fortunately, the lights in the corridor on the other side are still on, with a faint light It can illuminate the corridor on this side.

I saw this figure slowly walking out of the dormitory. She was wearing a white pajamas, and in front of her was a cute little rabbit with two cute bunny ears drooping down.Wearing a pair of pink girls' slippers, her hair was casually draped, and her sleepy eyes clearly just crawled out of bed.

"Who is so annoying, why did you turn off the lights in the corridor! It's really immoral..." I saw this figure fumbling along the corridor towards the women's toilet at the end.


The corridor light on this side was turned on again, and the lights in the corridor came on again.

The sudden flash of light obviously made the girl who just got out of the bed a little uncomfortable, and she raised her arms casually to block her eyes.

While the lights in the corridor were turned on again, the girls' toilet on the fifth floor.

"Not good!" Chen Dong immediately noticed that the corridor was lit up again.

"What should I do, it seems that someone has come out." Chu Shanshan panicked.

"I can't help it! Go in!" Chen Dong showed a decisive look, let go of Chu Shanshan, and then jumped into the first toilet.

But just when Chen Dong was about to turn around and close the toilet door, Chu Shanshan jumped in following Chen Dong.

"Girl, why did you come in?" Chen Dong was completely speechless.

"I'm scared outside alone..." Chu Shanshan put her hands under her chin, and looked at Chen Dong pitifully with her big blue eyes.

"Eh..." Chen Dong is so concerned, is it really okay that you, a beautiful woman, and I, an old man, enter the same toilet or are you in the girls' toilet?

"Go, that toilet at the back..." Chen Dong said embarrassingly.

"Oh..." Chu Shanshan muttered.

"Da da..." At this moment, there was a sound of slippers walking on the ground in the corridor outside the toilet, and it sounded like he was about to go into the toilet!
"It's too late!" Chen Dong pulled Chu Shanshan, who was about to turn around to go to the back toilet, and dragged her into the toilet.

"Boom..." The toilet door was closed and locked.

At this time, a figure was wearing a white pajamas, and in front of him was a cute bunny with long ears and walked into the women's toilet.

" there anyone?" The girl raised her head and stretched out her hands to straighten her hair, revealing her face. It was none other than Liu Yashu.

Obviously she heard the sound of Chen Dong closing the toilet door just now, that's why she asked this question.

In the first toilet seat on the left, when Liu Yashu spoke, the two people inside almost had the same expression.I saw Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan standing facing each other, Chen Dong facing the door, and Chu Shanshan facing Chen Dong.At this time, the eyes of both of them were wide open, and their mouths were also wide open.

Although neither of them dared to speak out loud, they could still tell what they were talking about from their mouth movements.

Chen Dong's mouth shape was saying, "Liu Yashu!"

Chu Shanshan was saying, "Sister Yashu!"

Obviously, Liu Yashu's voice was so familiar to these two people that they recognized who was speaking in the toilet immediately!
"Hush!" Chen Dong raised his index finger and followed Chu Shanshan winking to signal her not to make a sound.

"Yeah!" Chu Shanshan kept nodding her head like a little adult with her eyes wide open.

"Is anyone there?" Liu Yashu asked, but no one agreed, so he asked again.

And at this moment, even if the other two people in the toilet beat them to death, they would not agree to her. If the president of the student union, a female student, finds out that Chen Dong, a big boy, came to the girls' dormitory in the middle of the night without sleeping, and even A female classmate entered the girls' bathroom, and what's more, she also entered a door. Chen Dong didn't dare to think about the result!That picture must be cruel...

"Strange? I clearly heard the sound of the toilet door closing just now?" Liu Yashu rubbed her eyes to try to wake herself up, then she raised her head and looked towards the toilet seats on both sides. Stopped at the first toilet seat on the left.

Obviously the other five doors are open, only this one is closed.

"En?" Liu Yashu frowned slightly, looking at the closed toilet door.

"Wouldn't someone be so bored and do some pranks in the middle of the night?" Liu Yashu's eyes moved, and then he walked towards the first toilet on the left.

In the toilet, the two of them just stood there so as to maintain the posture in which Chen Dong pulled Chu Shanshan in just now.Chen Dong put his left arm around Chu Shanshan's waist, and Chu Shanshan's hands were subconsciously grabbing onto Chen Dong's waist just now to prevent herself from falling.

"Da... da..." As the footsteps outside the door got closer and closer, the eyes of the two people became wider and wider.

"Here we come!" Chu Shanshan opened her mouth but dared not speak out.

"Don't talk." Chen Dong opened his mouth but didn't dare to make a sound, shaking his head.

"Bang bang!" At this moment, Liu Yashu's knocking sound came from outside the door.

"Is anyone there?" Liu Yashu asked suspiciously outside the door.

Obviously neither of the two people inside would answer her.

"Huh? How strange?" Seeing that no one answered her, Liu Yashu frowned even tighter, and she stretched out her hand and pushed the door.

"Bang..." The door moved a bit, but the mortise lock inside was inserted by Chen Dong and was not pushed open.

"..." I saw that Chu Shanshan's mouth was opened even wider, and she didn't dare to move, she even held her breath.

Chen Dong was extremely thankful that he had locked the door just now, otherwise if the door was opened, he would not be able to tell Liu Yashu clearly even if he had opened a thousand mouths.

"This is simply the most correct decision I have made in my life!" Chen Dong thought to himself.

Liu Yashu pushed the door once but failed to open it, and then tried to push it a few times, but Chen Dong locked the toilet door from the inside, of course she couldn't open it.

"Huh? Could it be that the door is broken?" Seeing that Liu Yashu pushed the door several times but failed to open it, and no one answered her, she thought it was the toilet door that was broken, so she shook her head and turned towards the left hand next to her. Go to the second toilet by the side.

"Squeak!" Liu Yashu pushed open the toilet door, walked in, and closed the toilet door.



Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan heaved a sigh of relief at the same time when they heard Liu Yashu walk away and enter the next toilet No. 1 toilet.But Liu Yashu has not left the women's restroom, so the alarm has not been completely lifted.

And just when Chen Dong was glad that he was not blocked by Liu Yashu in the toilet and "caught the rape in the toilet", he didn't notice Chu Shanshan in front of him.

It turned out that Chu Shanshan hurried out of the dormitory and walked into the corridor after receiving Chen Dong's call just now, wearing a thin pink girly nightdress.The nightdress was made of silk and was very thin, so long that it covered Chu Shanshan's thighs. Only Chen Dong didn't know if Chu Shanshan was wearing anything else under this dress.He can be sure that at least the top is not wearing anything else, don't ask why, he can feel it just now.

It can be said that Chen Dong took advantage of Chu Shanshan's outfit tonight, but he never expected that he would become a nightgown and lose a nightgown.Short is short and thin, but it is also easy to catch cold!

(End of this chapter)

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