Special masters on campus

Chapter 191 Do You Like Brother Chen

Chapter 191 Do You Like Brother Chen

With a long mouth, Chen Dong shook his hand at Chu Shanshan, then pointed to Liu Yashu, meaning don't ask me about this, I don't know you asked her, she said it.Chen Dongxin thought that if Liu Yashu told what happened that day, then he wouldn't care as a boy, since he didn't suffer any disadvantages anyway.

"Ah, no, you said that time, it was the first time I saw him and I didn't have any impression at all. My first impression of him was that he was fighting with some boys from Zhang Xing in the grove in front of the school cafeteria. And She’s still very lecherous, so she went to line up for dinner at Xi Shi in that cafeteria, whoever looks like that, not much better than the two of us!” Liu Yashu is worthy of being a female academic bully and the president of the female student council, and her reaction speed is still very fast of.

"Oh!" Chu Shanshan didn't know what happened that day and could only oh.

"Hoo hoo..." And she didn't see Liu Yashu in the No. [-] toilet patting her chest, and she finally managed to fool her. If others found out about this, she would really dare not come to school.

"What happened later? Did you find out that my elder brother Chen actually has many advantages?" Chu Shanshan asked.

"I think you are a queen who is selling melons and boasting."

"Say it quickly!" Chu Shanshan seemed more curious than Chen Dong.

"I told you, you're going to be jealous!"

"No! No!"

"Later, after military training and the incident where he saved those boys in your class, I found out that he does have some good points."

"Ah? It's just a little advantage?" Chu Shanshan seemed a little disappointed.

Chen Dong had a relieved expression on his face, thinking that it would be good if the female president didn't slander herself just because he had gotten a little advantage from her.

"Then how much more do you want? But I want to remind you about one thing, Shanshan!"


"Your brother Chen Dong has a shortcoming!" Liu Yashu, who was separated from Chen Dong by a template but didn't know that Chen Dong was also beside him, whispered.

"What's the shortcoming?" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong and asked.

"I think he's more lustful!"

"This...hehe..." Chu Shanshan burst out laughing.

"Ahem..." Chen Dong blushed, he knew Liu Yashu wouldn't say anything good about him!Saying that she is lustful in front of Chu Shanshan is not tarnishing her perfect and tall image in her mind!

"What are you laughing at? Seriously, you didn't see that he has a good relationship with many girls. Besides you, he also has a close relationship with that female policeman! You didn't see the way that policewoman looked at her." , as if she was afraid that someone would rob her of her man!" Liu Yashu said.

"Oh? There is a beautiful policeman, right?" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong with a smirk.

"Hey..." Chen Dong could only smile cheekily.

"Also, you don't know Xu Jiaying from your class, do you? I think he has an unusual relationship with your Brother Chen!" Liu Yashu seemed to know Chen Dong's social life very well.

"I know this! I rely on this girl to learn criminal investigation! I really enjoy helping my classmates! Don't you tell Chu Shanshan that I am slandering my character!" Chen Dong rolled his eyes. white.

"Oh? Sister Yashu, how do you know this?" Chu Shanshan asked curiously.

"I also heard from others that some students saw the campus where they went out together one day, and suspected that they went to a daily rental house, and then told me."

"Daily rented house!" Chen Dong almost jumped up!That's how the rumors spread!I obviously lost Xu Jiaying's family to treat others, okay?Speaking of which, I haven't talked to her for several days, and I don't know how her condition is. It's time to give her further treatment.

"Daily rented house?" When Chu Shanshan heard these three words, she obviously didn't understand what they meant, so she looked at Chen Dong with a puzzled expression and asked.

"..." Chen Dong hurriedly waved his hand and pointed to the side, meaning he didn't know that you should ask her.

And Liu Yashu next to him naturally didn't know that Chen Dong was there and thought that Chu Shanshan was asking herself, but she blushed slightly and remembered the meaning of the daily rental house that Chen Dong explained to her this afternoon, "The daily rental house is... eh Yeah, I can’t say it out loud, you can ask Brother Chen tomorrow!”

"I..." Chen Dong was completely speechless.

"Oh!" Chu Shanshan was unhappy when Chen Dong and Liu Yashu pushed her back and forth, but she didn't tell her. She thought, "If you don't tell me, I will ask my sister, she must know!"

"Hey, by the way, why did the other students tell you about Brother Chen and Xu Jiaying going to rent a house?" Chu Shanshan asked at this moment.

"What do you mean that Xu Jiaying and I went to the daily rental house? Make it seem like we have really been there!" But at this moment, Chen Dong couldn't argue, so bear with it and find a chance to explain to girl Shanshan. Otherwise, she will not treat me as a bad person if she knows the meaning of renting a house in the future!
"Ah? I don't know, maybe it was just a coincidence?" Liu Yashu's obvious voice was perfunctory.

"Hee hee! Sister Yashu, do you like my brother Chen?" At this time, Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong with her big eyes and asked with a smile on her face.

"You girl..." Chen Dong pointed at the black line on his forehead.

"What are you talking about!" Liu Yashu said hastily.

"You still said no! Look at how nervous you are!" Chu Shanshan giggled.

"Don't listen to other people's nonsense, it's all a misunderstanding! I don't like that scumbag!" Liu Yashu next door said with a flushed face. Fortunately, she didn't know that Chen Dong was also here and next door to her. The conversation between her and Chu Shanshan was like an ordinary conversation between girls talking about boys.

"Sister Yashu, don't be shy, or I will help you create a condition with Brother Chen tomorrow!" Chu Shanshan's big eyes lit up.

"Create conditions?" Liu Yashu was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said, "Shanshan, what nonsense are you talking about, besides, I'm going to get angry!"

"Hee hee, okay, I know you're shy, so I won't say anything!" Chu Shanshan covered her mouth and looked mischievously at Chen Dong in front of her.

"Hey, this girl is getting more and more mischievous, hehe, I'll take care of you together when you grow up! But you're not too young now!" Chen Dong suddenly had a rather evil idea in his mind.

"Well, why do we keep talking about him? Let's not talk about him. Huh? By the way, Junior Shanshan, I have a doubt." At this time, Liu Yashu seemed to think of something suddenly and said.

"What doubts?" Chu Shanshan was taken aback.

"You were inside just now, why did I ask if there was anyone inside, and you didn't answer me even when I knocked on the door?"


(End of this chapter)

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