Special masters on campus

Chapter 192 Do You Have Small Wings?

Chapter 192 Do You Have Small Wings?
I saw Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan covering their mouths at the same time.

"What should I do... what should I do..." Chu Shanshan opened her mouth and asked Chen Dong.

Chen Dong was complaining in his heart at this moment, thinking that this female academic master could become the president of the female student union definitely not because of her chest and face. He thought that Chu Shanshan had already fooled her, but she didn't expect her to become suspicious again!

"Yes!" Chen Dong was in a hurry, and saw him take out his mobile phone, and then he made a movement of listening to music with earphones.

"Yeah!" Fortunately, Chu Shanshan was not dazed at the critical moment, and immediately understood what Chen Dong meant.

"Sister Shanshan? You're not playing a prank, are you? This doesn't look like you? Or..."

"Oh no! Sister Yashu, I'm so timid, I'm afraid to go to the toilet by myself at night, how could I possibly do some mischief? I was listening to music just now, so I didn't hear you!" Chu Shanshan quickly explained.

Chen Dong gave Chu Shanshan a thumbs up, who said this girl is innocent?Under my own teaching, it is also ever-changing and exquisite!
"Oh, that's right! I think you shouldn't be so boring." Liu Yashu said relievedly.

"Hee hee, I won't be so boring!"

"Shanshan, when did you come in?" At this time Liu Yashu asked again.

"Ah? I've been in for a while, what's the matter?" Chu Shanshan said.

"It's nothing. You... have you brought paper? I was in a hurry when I came out just now and forgot to bring it."

"Paper!" Chu Shanshan's heart skipped a beat. She didn't come to the toilet at all, and she was only wearing a nightgown. How could she bring paper?

"No, no, you forgot to bring it too, right? It looks like the two of us are going to chat in the toilet all night!"

"Paper..." Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong and gestured in his hand.

"Paper!" Chen Dong also stared at him, and quickly touched himself. The shirt on his upper body was the shirt Situ Xiadan gave him. He uses leftover Kleenex!
But is it really okay for a big boy to use the remaining half pack of facial tissues for a girl?
Chen Dong took out the half pack of facial tissues from his pocket with a solemn expression, and handed it to Chu Shanshan.

Chu Shanshan also looked at Chen Dong with her big eyes blinking, is this really okay?She also hesitated.

"Shanshan?" At this time, Liu Yashu's voice came from next door again.

"Ah? Sister Yashu!" Chu Shanshan quickly replied.

"Don't say you didn't bring the paper either, the two of us are too embarrassing!"

"No! I brought it with me... but I opened it... I'm afraid you'll dislike it..." In fact, it was Chen Dong who used the rest.

"It's okay! Our good sisters, what do I dislike?" Liu Yashu said disapprovingly, wondering how she would react if she knew that the half-pack of paper was left over by Chen Dong?He probably killed Chen Dong on the spot!

"Ah? Oh!" At this time, Chu Shanshan knew that if she didn't give it to Liu Yashu, she would become more suspicious, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and pass the half pack of tissues that Chen Dong gave her to Liu Yashu's side through the gap under the toilet. .

Chen Dong watched all this, but he couldn't say anything, so he closed his eyes and thought that he would keep this secret for the rest of his life!
Chu Shanshan said don't blame me, I did it out of helplessness!Brother Chen asked me to do this, and I acted innocent.

"Pfft!" But when Chu Shanshan handed the half pack of tissue paper to Liu Yashu, Liu Yashu's laughter came from the next door.

"No way?" Chen Dong secretly yelled that it was not good, could it be that he was discovered?

Chu Shanshan also had a nervous look on her face, her eyes were wide open and she blinked at Chen Dong.

"Ya... What's wrong with Sister Yashu? Is there something wrong with this tissue?" Chu Shanshan asked tentatively.

"No, no, but I didn't ask for this paper for you. I thought you could understand me, but I didn't have the nerve to say it." Liu Yashu next door said with a smile.

"Ah? Not this paper? Then what do you want?"

"Shanshan, do you have little wings?"

"Pfft!" Hearing these words, Chen Dong almost squirted old blood all over the toilet!I am a big boy who was forced to hide in the women's bathroom to protect his reputation and survive in the gap between two beauties, but now he is involved in Little Wings!

"Oh! You said this! Hehe..." Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong's embarrassed face and laughed.

"Hush, don't make fun of me! Others thought there was a female ghost in the toilet!" Liu Yashu quickly said embarrassedly. I don't know if she knows that when she said these words today, Chen Dong was nearby and heard them all. What kind of reaction would she have, but no matter what she did, Chen Dong could understand it.

"I didn't laugh at you, Sister Yashu!" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong and was still smiling.

"Didn't you laugh at me? Then why are you smiling so happily?" Liu Yashu asked.

"I..." Chu Shanshan covered her mouth and rolled her big eyes, "No! I'm kidding, but I often forget to bring that too!"

"Oh! It seems that we are all stupid..."


"Shanshan, you go back to the dormitory and help me with that one, I can't go out..."

"Ah?" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong.

Chen Dong nodded, he just wanted Liu Yashu to leave quickly, he couldn't stand this kind of topic anymore!I'm still a virgin, okay? Isn't this kind of topic a bit too restrictive!
"Oh, okay, then wait for me, sister Yashu."

"Well, be careful then."

Chu Shanshan signaled Chen Dong to go out first, then opened the toilet door, turned around and closed the toilet door, and hurriedly ran out of the toilet towards her dormitory, fearing that Chen Dong would be found after too long a delay.

"Slow down and don't fall!" Liu Yashu reminded Chu Shanshan.

After Chu Shanshan left, only Chen Dong was left in the No. 1 toilet, and Liu Yashu was next door. It was a rare scene. a plank.

The moment Chu Shanshan walked out, Chen Dong suddenly felt very lonely. This loneliness was even ten times worse than when he was alone on the battlefield and lurking in the enemy's area!The enemy I am facing is not some strong man but Liu Yashu!
Chen Dong had a wry smile on his old face, he was really helpless now, if Liu Yashu next door opened the toilet door at this time, he would be ruined!No, if that's the case, I can only do one thing and give her a wall!Be sure to gag her!Otherwise, if my junior sister is not found, I will have to leave!

And when Chen Dong in the No. 1 toilet was thinking wildly, Liu Yashu's voice suddenly came from the next door, almost making him jump up in fright.

"Hmph! Die Chen Dong!"

(End of this chapter)

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