Special masters on campus

Chapter 207 The Same Pure Yang Body

Chapter 207 The Same Pure Yang Body
Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu and smiled meaningfully.

"Daily rent..." That Liu Yashu suddenly blushed.

"Why did Chen Dong say this all of a sudden? Could it be that girl Chu Shanshan told Chen Dong about what happened last night!"

How did Liu Yashu know that Chu Shanshan didn't say anything to Chen Dong and didn't need to say anything because Chen Dong was there at the time, and the straight-line distance from Liu Yashu was less than 20 centimeters!

"Whether you go to the daily rental house or not, it has nothing to do with me!" Liu Yashu snorted.

"But I heard that someone seems to be jealous!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Who is jealous, why should I be jealous! Ignore you and go, remember to go to the student union department of the office building for a meeting at 1 pm!" Liu Yashu said with a flushed face and ran out of the classroom.

"Ahem... why are you reacting so much if you're not jealous..." Chen Dong shook his head.

Chen Dong looked at the time. It was time to go to the Chinese building to sit in on a class of Class 2, a sophomore in the Chinese Department.

"I hope I can find some clues..." Chen Dong's gaze became serious again, and he also walked out of the classroom towards the Chinese building.

At the same time, the representative building in the center of Donghai City.Tenglong Group headquarters, Tenglong Building.

No.40 ninth floor, president's office.

This office occupies an exclusive floor, which of course includes many secret rooms behind the office that only the president Li Jianye can enter.These secret rooms are all made of extremely strong steel, and no one has ever seen what is inside.

"Father, my son's incompetence has embarrassed you!" At this moment, there was a person standing in the office. This person was leaning on crutches and his hands were still wrapped in bandages. It was none other than Li Tenglong, the son of Tenglong Group.

"Tell me what you think of Chen Dong." In front of Li Tenglong, there was a person sitting on a tall leather chair with his back facing Li Tenglong. It was naturally Li Jianye, Li Tenglong's father and the chairman of Tenglong Group.

"Very strong! Even the A-level killer Bailang couldn't survive three moves in front of him, and he has been abolished now!" Li Tenglong said with his head down, Chen Dong's strength made him have to bow his head.

"Hmph! If Chen Dong really wants to kill someone, that white wolf may not even have a chance to see Chen Dong's face clearly!" Li Jianye snorted coldly.

"What!" Li Tenglong raised his head abruptly, "Father, isn't this a bit too exaggerated? That's an A-level killer!"

"Do you know how international killers are classified?" Li Jianye's voice was thick and powerful, full of a natural coercion.

"I know my father, the lowest level is the entry level, and with the accumulation of assassination tasks and the increase in difficulty, points will be obtained from various assassin organizations or mercenary unions. C level is promoted to B level and then A level, so to speak. Killers are already the best in the dark world, and some are even wanted by more than one country or organization." Li Tenglong said.

"and then?"

"A-level is already the highest level, right? I checked the killer information released by every killer organization, and A-level is the highest level, so I spent a lot of money to invite White Wolf. What a parallel importer!" Li Tenglong said angrily.

"It's not the white wolf parallel importer, but Chen Dong's strength is far above A-level!" Li Jianye smiled.

"Above grade A?" Li Tenglong was taken aback.

"That's right, you can't see information about killers above A-level, because your VIP level in the major killer organizations is too low. In other words, there are no killers above A-level in the killer organizations you are looking for. In real In the powerful organization of the dark world, there are killers far beyond A-level. Above A-level is S-level, above S-level is SS-level, and above SS-level there are even stronger ones.”

"S-level SS-level! Is there a more powerful existence above it?" Li Tenglong was completely stunned for a moment. Today he received so much information that he couldn't accept it for a while.

"Then Chen Dong is..." Li Tenglong suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Above SS rank! A strong man in the realm of comprehension! If my father guessed correctly!" Li Jianye's voice turned cold.

"Above the SS level! A master in the realm of comprehension!" Li Tenglong took a few steps back, oh my god, what kind of strong man has he been fighting against!If someone really wanted to take his own life, he might not even have a chance to react.

"Father, is there really a master of cultivation in this world? Isn't that all legendary?" Li Tenglong's eyes were full of fear.

"That's real!"

"It's true that there are masters in the realm of cultivation! No wonder I'm no match for Chen Dong!" Li Tenglong looked disappointed, his eyes were bloodshot, he had never lost since he was a child!

"Is there really no way to get rid of him! I'm not reconciled!"

"Yes!" Li Jianye laughed at this time.

"What can I do father? He is a strong man in the realm of comprehension!" Li Tenglong suddenly lifted up and walked to look at his father's tall back.

"There is only one way, that is, you become stronger than him!"

"Become stronger than him? But...but...my body..." Li Jianye's words seemed to hurt Li Tenglong's sore spot, and he was discouraged all of a sudden.

"I understand my son. You have been weak and sick since you were a child. If I hadn't been looking for famous doctors and medicines everywhere, you might have died a long time ago. Do you know why you are like this?" Li Jianye's tone was still so calm, like the sea without waves.

"Why? Father, do you know? Tell me quickly!" Li Tenglong's eyes were bloodshot and he raised his head.

"The reason why you are like this is because you were born with a pure Yang body!"

"What! Body of pure yang? Father, why haven't I heard from you?" Li Tenglong was taken aback, he didn't understand the meaning of body of pure yang at all.

"There isn't even one out of thousands of people with a pure yang body. It can be said that you are a genius of one in ten million!" Li Jianye did not answer Li Tenglong's question but continued.

"One in ten million? I'm a genius?" Li Tenglong subconsciously looked at himself, but when he saw his walking stick and the bandage on his arm, his face darkened. How could a genius be beaten like this?

"I know you want to ask why you are so weak even though you are a genius. You have been weak and sick since you were a child, and you can't even practice your foreigner's skills."

"Yes I don't understand..."

"That's because although you have a body of pure yang, you are also a person who cannot cultivate by nature. The meridians in your body are naturally blocked. When you were born, some people even said that you would not live to be three years old!" Li Jianye's voice suddenly had a kind of He rarely fluctuates.

"Born with blocked meridians, I can't cultivate!" Li Tenglong's brain exploded. In the end, he is still a waste, a waste with a genius physique but unable to become a strong man!

"But now my father has found a solution to all your problems! Haha!" At this moment, Li Jianye, who was sitting on the big chair, burst out laughing.

"Really! Father, didn't you lie to me!" Li Tenglong's eyes lit up, and his expression suddenly became excited. Becoming a strong man and defeating Chen Dong was something he dreamed of doing now!

"My son! You will be the leading figure in the rise of my Li family. There is no one in thousands of people with a pure yang body. As long as you open up all the meridians that are naturally blocked in your body, you will become an extremely strong person! The key to solving this problem is Chu Shanshan!"

(End of this chapter)

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