Special masters on campus

Chapter 208 Li Jianye's face

Chapter 208 Li Jianye's face
"Chu Shanshan!" Li Tenglong's eyes lit up.

"That's right, it's the girl from the Chu family!" Li Jianye said.

"But isn't she the eldest lady of the Chu family? How can she make herself stronger?" Li Tenglong's face was full of doubts. He started to pursue Chu Shanshan simply because he was greedy for Chu Shanshan's beauty, and he also knew his own. Father has always wanted to annex the Canghai Group controlled by Chu Shanshan's sister Su Hong.And the real legal heir of Canghai Group is Chu Shanshan, which is the property of her foreign father, but because she is too young, Su Hong is temporarily in charge of it.It turned out that he thought that his father supported him to seize Chu Shanshan just to take the property of Canghai Group as his own, but he never thought that there is another reason for this!
"Do you think that your father supports you in taking away that girl from the Chu family just for their family's property? Hehe, with the strength of our Li family, even if there are a few more vicissitudes, I don't care at all! It's all ordinary in the secular world. Wealth in people's eyes! It's not worth mentioning in front of the real strong! I'm here to let you and Chu Shanshan practice dual cultivation!" Li Jianye's voice turned cold.

"The method of double cultivation!" Li Tenglong was confused. In his impression, these terms were all things in novels and comics. He never believed that these terms actually existed!
"That's right! The method of dual cultivation! You are born with a pure Yang physique, but it is because of this that all the meridians in your body are naturally blocked and unable to cultivate! The only way to change this situation is to get along with nine girls born with extremely cold physiques. Shuangxiu! Harmonize Yin and Yang! Then you will become a once-in-a-thousand-year genius! It is also the hope for our Li family to rise! Haha!" Li Jianye laughed again when he said this.

"I understand! I understand that this is the reason why my father let me approach Chu Shanshan!" Li Tenglong looked happy.

"That's right! This little girl from the Chu family has an extraordinary background, and there is something in her body. This thing is the key to recovering your meridians. There are many women born with cold physiques, but there is something in the body that is the whole world. There are only nine of them, and some of them are not even in Huaxia! And the only way to seize this thing and restore your reputation as a genius is to completely possess her, and it must be when she is willing, understand!"

"To completely possess her, it must be done willingly!" Li Tenglong looked excited as if he saw the hope of becoming a strong man and defeating Chen Dong!

"So don't hurt that girl's life! It took 20 years for my father to find such a woman!" Li Jianye continued.

"I understand father! Father, I will never embarrass you, and I will never embarrass the Li family!" Li Tenglong said with a sinister face.

"Haha! Good! He is indeed my son, Li Jianye!"

"But father! That chick has Chen Dong by her side, so I can't have any chance to get close to her..." At this moment, Li Tenglong thought of Chen Dong's existence, and his heart suddenly cooled down.

Chen Dong was like an insurmountable mountain standing in front of him!
"Chen Dong? Being a father will not let him become an obstacle to our Li family!" Li Jianye picked up the phone and said to the phone, "The two downstairs please come up!"

"Yes, Chairman."

"Father?" Li Tenglong frowned, because he knew that the people who could go to the Tenglong Building were either of high status or someone his father valued very much.

"Bangbang..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the CEO's office.

"Mr. Baimei from the Chairman's Longshouhui has arrived." The voice of the old butler of the Li family came from outside the door.

"Please come in." Li Jianye, who was sitting on the big chair, still did not turn around.

"The head of the dragon will have white eyebrows!" Li Tenglong turned around suddenly as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Crack!" The door of the president's office opened and three people walked in.

Walking in the front was an old man in his 60s with gray hair and glasses, wearing a black suit. Li Tenglong naturally knew this person as Uncle Liu, the housekeeper who had followed the Li family for many years.

And there were two people behind him, one of them was wearing a black robe and lowered his head so he couldn't see clearly, and the other was a young man with killer red hair.

"Such a Shamate will be a master?" Li Tenglong frowned.

"Chairman, Mr. Baimei from the Dragon Head Meeting has arrived." The butler, Uncle Liu, said.

"Okay, I know Uncle Liu, you go down first." Li Jianye still sat on the big chair with his back to several people without turning his head.

"Yes." Uncle Liu, the housekeeper, agreed, then turned and left the office and closed the door.

"Boss Li." At this time, the strangely dressed man in a black robe and black robe covering his head took off the hat covering his head.

I saw this person with white hair and white eyebrows, but his eyes were shining with a light that did not match his age. One could tell that he was a master at a glance!
"Mr. Baimei has admired his name for a long time!" At this moment, the big chair that had been facing several people slowly turned around, and I saw that Li Jianye did not look like a middle-aged man in his 40s at all. Young is like 30 years old!
"Ah!" The red-haired Lin Feiyu beside the white-browed old man covered his mouth in shock when he saw Li Jianye's appearance. In his impression, the chairman of the Tenglong Group in the news in the newspaper was not all a middle-aged man in his forties. Are you young?Why does it look so young? It looks like a young man in his early 30s!
"Boss Li, don't blame this young apprentice Lin Feiyu, who has never seen the world. Naturally, he doesn't understand that Boss Li's realm has already entered the realm of cultivation. Even the old man can't help it!" The white-browed old man smiled slightly.

"What! Realm of comprehension!"

"The Realm of Comprehension!"

Li Tenglong and Lin Feiyu on the side exclaimed almost at the same time!
Li Tenglong was so surprised that he didn't believe that there really existed a strong man in the realm of cultivation. He didn't expect that his father was a living strong man in the realm of cultivation!
What surprised Lin Feiyu was that from his master's words, he heard that the chairman of the Tenglong Group was not only an ordinary person, but also had a stronger realm than his master who had stepped into the realm of comprehension!

"Haha! Don't scare the juniors!" Li Jianye laughed loudly.

"My son." Li Jianye looked at Li Tenglong.

"Father!" Li Tenglong replied respectfully.

"Do you still remember that I told you about the two masters I invited from the Dragon Head Association before being a father? This Mr. Baimei is one of the two masters from the Dragon Head Association." Li Jianye said with a smile.

"Hi Mr. Li." The white-browed old man smiled at Li Tenglong.

"Hello!" Li Tenglong only felt that the old man could kill himself with just one look. It was too terrifying. Is this the power of a strong person in the realm of cultivation!No!I, Li Tenglong, want to become such a strong man!Chu Shanshan, you will be my Li Tenglong's person. Only with you and Li Tenglong can I become a genius and a real strong man!Anyone who stands in my way must die!
"Okay, Mr. Baimei, Quanzi will return to Tunghai University today, and he will cooperate with you to get rid of Chen Dong. I hope you can complete this task before Bingfeng. I should be paid a lot!" Li Jianye looked at Baimei smile.

"Don't worry, Boss Li, the people I'm targeting with Baimei have all gone to another world!" The old man with Baimei also smiled.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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