220 Kick Hall
The whole afternoon was very peaceful. Chen Dong practiced with peace of mind all afternoon, but the aura in the modern world is thin, so the effect of such a short meditation practice is actually negligible. It is impossible to break through to the next level in a short time!

"The only way is Lingshi!" Chen Dong said to himself as he slowly opened his eyes when the get out of class was over.

"Snacks? Brother Chen, do you want some snacks? Let's go to the school supermarket to buy them!" Chu Shanshan, who was sitting beside Chen Dong, her eyes lit up when she heard Chen Dong say the word "snacks".

"Ahem, that Shanshan will go to the cafeteria for dinner later, and I have invited a few other people, you won't be jealous, will you?" Chen Dong said to Chu Shanshan.

"Girls? Could it be Senior Yashu? You guys are developing faster and faster now!" Although he seemed to be indifferent, but when he heard that Chen Dong called other girls to eat together, Chu Shanshan was still a little disappointed.

"It's not that you misunderstood the girl." Chen Dong smiled, although Liu Yashu just said something very nasty in his ear this afternoon.

"Isn't Sister Yashu? Who is that? Oh! I see, Brother Chen, did you have sex with other girls..."

"Misunderstood girl, there are a few girls from the Chinese Department who helped Brother Chen, I promised to invite them to dinner to thank them, and Brother Chen will have to ask them for help in the future." Chen Dong smiled helplessly.

"I don't believe it! Brother Chen is omnipotent, and he can ask girls for help? I heard from my sister that some bad boys would use this method to approach girls. Brother Chen, you won't..." Chu Shanshan looked disbelieving look.

"Omnipotence?" Chen Dong smiled wryly. Perhaps in other people's eyes, he is really omnipotent beyond ordinary people, but for his junior sister Lin Wan's persistence and the huge mystery behind all of this, he is like Like a boat adrift in the sea with no direction.

"Girl, do you still remember what I said about my purpose of coming to Tunghai University?" Chen Dong said.

"I remember looking for my junior sister? Do I remember?" Chu Shanshan thought for a while and said.

"That's right! My junior sister is missing!"

"What! Missing!" Chu Shanshan covered her mouth in surprise.

"Yes, these girls are the former classmates of my junior sister. Now you know why I invited them to dinner, right?"

"Understood, brother Chen wants to ask them if they know some information about your junior sister."

"By the way, it seems that the girl is not stupid!"

"I'm sure I'm not stupid, my sister said I'm the smartest!"

At 06:30 in the afternoon, the student cafeteria of Tunghai University.

Chen Dong and Chu Shanshan had been sitting there waiting for a long time, and at another table next to Chen Dong, Fatty Zhang Xingbai and the boys from Class 1 were also sitting there.Because they heard that one of the people Chen Dong wanted to invite was Mieko Ozawa from the cafeteria, who would not leave even after being beaten to death.

"It's no wonder Ozawa's sister didn't come to the cafeteria for lunch today, so it's because she has an appointment with the boss!" Fatty Bai said excitedly, as if he was the one who was going to eat with Tian Meihui later.

"Hey, it's unreasonable, the boss has gone to Dongying beauty or other departments to pick up girls! Why is there such a big gap between the same people?" Zhang Xing looked disappointed.

At this time, Chen Dong looked at his phone and it was already half an hour behind the agreed time, but the girls from Lin Wan's class hadn't appeared yet.Could it be that what they said about inviting them to dinner today was just a joke?

And just when Chen Dong thought that Yang Shishi and Tian Meihui would not come, he saw a few girls running to Chen Dong's dining table panting.

"Chen Dong, you are really here!"

Chen Dong turned his head and saw that the person who was speaking was Yang Shishi, the girl he met in the Chinese Department this afternoon, who used to be roommates with Lin Wan.The girls behind her were also girls from Class 2, Sophomore, Chinese Department, and Chen Dong had an impression of them.

At this moment, all the girls in Yang Shishi were bending over and panting violently, obviously they had experienced a lot of running just now.

Chen Dong stood up suddenly, his instinct told him something bad happened.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Chen Dong said with serious eyes.

"We were going to eat in the cafeteria after class just now... But when we were about to walk to the entrance of the cafeteria, a group of boys from the physical education department came. They said they belonged to the school's Taekwondo club. Recently, their Taekwondo club is holding a Sino-Japanese cultural exchange event. Meihui was specially invited to participate in the event. Meihui didn't want to go at all, but they took Meihui away without any explanation!" Yang Shishi said anxiously.

"What!" Everyone's expressions changed.

"How dare you treat my goddess like this!" The fat white man's huge body suddenly jumped up.

"Yeah, we called Meihui later, but the phone was always turned off!" Yang Shishi was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. Tian Meihui was forced out by her, but she never expected to encounter such a thing.

"Taekwondo club, cultural exchange between China and Japan?" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold. Taekwondo is not from Japan at all. Why talk about cultural exchange between China and Japan?It seems that this matter has something to do with the conflict between himself and Wang Tianlong in the afternoon, and Wang Tianlong's goal should be himself.

"What should we do? Brother Chen, should we call the police?" Chu Shanshan said.

"Call the police? This is the school. Besides, those people from the physical education department didn't dare to do anything to Tian Meihui. They called Tian Meihui in the name of inviting Tian Meihui to participate in Sino-Japanese cultural exchange activities. The police will not come back." Chen Dong said .

"Then what should we do? What if those boys from the physical education department bully Meihui?" Yang Shishi said.

"That's right, the goddess must not be wronged in the slightest!"

"If I'm not mistaken, their target should be me." Chen Dong said calmly, then stood up.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing?" Chu Shanshan also stood up and looked at Chen Dong.

The boys from Zhang Xing who were sitting at the table beside them also stood up and looked at Chen Dong.

"Kick the restaurant!" Chen Dong said flatly, then turned and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Kicking the hall?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Brother Chen, why don't we tell the teacher?" Chu Shanshan said worriedly.

"Tell the teacher? One time is fine, but there will be a second and third time. Their purpose is to deal with me. As long as I go to Tian Meihui, I will be fine." Chen Dong continued to walk outside without looking back.

"Brother Dong, we will go with you!"

"Boss, I'm going too!"

Zhang Xingbai and Bufan all followed.

"You guys are not allowed to protect the safety of Shanshan and these Chinese seniors." Chen Dong stopped and said something, then continued to walk out.


"How to do?"

Zhang Xing and the others dared not listen to Chen Dong's words, but they were still worried when they saw Chen Dong single-handedly kicking the school's taekwondo club.

The Tunghai University Taekwondo Club is one of the most famous clubs in Tunghai University. There are many black belts and high-level masters in it, and there are hundreds of members!

Going to the meeting alone, no matter how strong Chen Dong is, it is still very dangerous to deal with hundreds of taekwondo masters alone!
(End of this chapter)

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