Special masters on campus

Chapter 221 Showing off my power in China

Chapter 221 Showing off my power in China
"You guys, hurry up and help Brother Chen!" At this moment, Chu Shanshan saw that Chen Dong had gone alone, so she hurriedly said to Zhang Xing.

"But Brother Dong asked us to protect you." Zhang Xing said in a difficult way.

"We will be in the girls' dormitory soon, so you don't need to worry about it!" What Chu Shanshan was most afraid of was that Chen Dong would be in danger.

"Yeah, let's go back to the dormitory and wait for the news." Yang Shishi and the other girls also nodded and said.

"Okay! Fatty, take a few brothers and send Shanshan and the others back to the dormitory first, and I will organize people! Even if I can't help Brother Dong, our medical school must not lose in momentum!" Zhang Xing said with his fists clenched. .

"it is good!"

It was almost 7 o'clock in the evening, and the sun had completely set at this time, leaving only a crimson sunset in the sky.

At the beginning of the colorful lights, the colorful after-class life of students in Tunghai University began to kick off.

Department of Physical Education, Gymnasium.

The Taekwondo Club of Tunghai University is one of the most famous clubs in Tunghai University. It has a history of 20 years. The president of each session is a high-level Taekwondo master.

And every night at 7 o'clock is the time when the Taekwondo Club is practicing Taekwondo in the gymnasium.

"Taekwondo?" Standing outside the gymnasium, looking at the brightly lit gymnasium full of people's lives, Chen Dong smiled. Nowadays, Chinese people have abandoned the ancient martial arts skills of their ancestors and are keen to learn this kind of detailed measurement. What a tragedy.

"The reason why Wang Tianlong asked him to come here is because he took away the discipline in charge this afternoon! But he dared to use Tian Meihui as a bait, which is the biggest mistake he made!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold.

I had misunderstood Tian Meihui before, and Chen Dong felt guilty towards Tian Meihui in his heart.In addition, Tian Meihui may be able to help me with the matter of looking for junior sister Lin Wan now, after all, the dormitory she lives in now is the dormitory where her junior sister used to live in!If Wang Tianlong really dared to touch Tian Meihui's hair, then don't blame Chen Dong for being serious!
"Looks like today is the time to show off my Chinese martial arts." Chen Dong frowned and walked towards the gymnasium.

"It's time for the Taekwondo club to practice, please show your club ID." When Chen Dong walked to the gate of the gymnasium, he was blocked by two boys.

"Society certificate?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Yes, please show your club ID. The gymnasium is now reserved by the Taekwondo club. If you are not a member of the Taekwondo club, please come back at another time." One of the muscular boys said proudly.

"Haha, I think he should be a freshman, right? Junior, go and inquire about the reputation of our taekwondo club, and you will know. If you try to break into the club without a club certificate, the consequences will be ugly!"

"Haha! Brother, in a few days the Taekwondo Club will go back to each department to recruit new members. We will take care of you when the time comes, so you can leave today!"

These two boys obviously regarded Chen Dong as a freshman who just entered the university and knew nothing. The sophomores and juniors didn't know the rules of the taekwondo club. If they wanted to join the club, they had to pay a lot of club fees to get Society card.

"But I want to go in today." Chen Dong said in a flat tone.

The two boys were stunned when they saw what Chen Dong said. It had been a long time since no one dared to come to the Taekwondo club to make trouble.

"Hey! Is the boy talking to you well and treating you like a human being? If you like it, you must be driven away, right?"

"Tell Wang Tianlong that Chen Dong is here and ask him to let him go." Chen Dong said.

"Wang Tianlong?" The two boys looked at each other and smiled, "Haha, are you crazy, do you know who Wang Tianlong is? Besides, who are you? Will President Wang know you!"

"Hey!" Chen Dong shook his head helplessly, he really didn't have time to waste time with the two little characters here, and he saw Chen Dong calmly took a step towards the sports management.

"Boy! I think you are here to find trouble, right?"

"That's right, I'm here to kick the gym!" Chen Dong continued to walk inside without changing his expression. When the other party couldn't understand what he said, the most direct way was to ignore their existence.

"Hey, I'll go! This junior doesn't understand the rules!"

"Then let's let everyone know the rules!"

But seeing the two boys laughing, they kicked Chen Dong who was walking towards them almost at the same time!
From the perspective of these two boys, they have been practicing in the Taekwondo club for more than a year, and most people have no time to dodge their leg. In fact, Chen Dong did not dodge it.



Accompanied by two muffled sounds, the legs kicked out by the two boys stopped abruptly in the air, and Chen Dong directly grabbed both feet!
Before the two boys could react, he felt a powerful force coming from his footsteps, and almost at the same time, their bodies flew backwards.




"My ass!"

The two fell heavily into the first floor of the gymnasium, wailing and screaming.

Chen Dong patted the injured dust, and stepped into the first floor of the gymnasium without changing his expression.

The first floor of the gymnasium is the basketball hall, which is covered with wooden floors, and is usually used as a venue for basketball lessons and basketball games.And after 7 o'clock in the evening, they will be hired by the Taekwondo Club and used as their practice venue. It can be seen that the reputation of the Tunghai University Taekwondo Club is not in vain. At least the financial resources of this kind of booking are not what other clubs can afford. .

At this time, Chen Dong saw hundreds of students wearing white taekwondo uniforms in the basketball court on the first floor of the gymnasium, and they were contacting taekwondo under the guidance of several senior students who looked like coaches.

There are not only boys but also many girls students. It seems that the Taekwondo club still has a great influence among the students of Tunghai University.

At this time, the screams of the two boys who were thrown into the gymnasium by Chen Dong obviously attracted the attention of these students who were practicing taekwondo.

"Stop!" At this moment, a senior boy with the appearance of a coach shouted.

Hundreds of students in the gymnasium stopped at the same time, and all eyes were on Chen Dong at the door.

Chen Dong also looked up at the crowd in the arena.

"What's going on?" the senior boy asked.

"Hey my legs..."

"Brother Liang is here looking for trouble! If you don't have a club certificate, you have to force your way in! He even said he wanted to see President Wang!"

The two boys lying on the floor said while humming miserably.

After the senior boy listened, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes. He was the coach on shift today, and he did not expect to meet someone who came to kick the gym. This kind of thing has happened since the last time President Wang Tianlong defeated the president of the school Wushu Association. It hasn't happened for a long time after that.

"This classmate, are they right?" The boy looked at Chen Dong.

"Wrong!" Chen Dong smiled.

"You're lying! You clearly said that just now, and if you want to see President Wang Tianlong, what are you talking about letting him go!" the two boys shouted.

"Now I've changed my mind."

"Then what are you trying to do by breaking into the gymnasium and injuring two of our students?" The senior boy's face turned cold.

"Show me the prestige of China!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

(End of this chapter)

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