Special masters on campus

Chapter 237 What Can You Do In The Car?

Chapter 237 What Can You Do In The Car?

"So serious?" Chen Dong said so, but his face was still calm.

"Are you really ignorant of the law?" Seeing Chen Dong's indifferent face, Situ Xiadan didn't want to fight. Chen Dong helped her and saved him. She really didn't want Chen Dong to be punished for his own reasons. Huang Yousheng was framed and imprisoned.

"I don't understand. I grew up in Africa, and no one taught the law there." Chen Dong smiled. On the battlefield, in the dark underground world, no one talks about the law. There are only strong and weak, life and death.

"You!" Situ Xiadan pointed at Chen Dong angrily, "I really don't know what to tell you! Tell me what happened tonight! Why did Huang Yousheng bring you to the police station? And outside What happened to the victim with a broken leg!" Situ Xiadan gasped and sat opposite Chen Dong.

"Victim? Broken leg?" Chen Dong frowned. He remembered that he was careful with his strikes. It was impossible for him to break bones with these ordinary people.

"That's right! Now the forensic doctor should evaluate the injury! But he is leaning on crutches, and it looks like his leg is broken." Situ Xiadan said angrily.

"His name is Wang Tianlong?" Chen Dong asked, the only one who was seriously injured was Wang Tianlong. He did break his meridians and several bones, but his leg bones were definitely not broken.

"Yeah! It's called Wang Tianlong, crying and shouting to accuse you of intentionally hurting others!"

"He came alone?"

"It's not that there's a boy with red hair beside him, and he doesn't look like a good person." Situ Xiadan said.

"Red hair? Lin Feiyu? Then I understand, it seems that the Li family is the real mastermind behind this!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, he guessed that Wang Tianlong and Huang Yousheng just wanted to teach him a lesson, but they were just used by the Li family , Instigated Wang Tianlong to report the case, so with the victim's accusation, Chen Dong couldn't leave the police station tonight no matter what!
"What do you understand? What happened!" Situ Xiadan slapped the table and said.

"I told you I was afraid you would be jealous." Chen Dong smiled.

"Laugh! You can still laugh! What's going on?"

"The thing is like this. I investigated the clues of my junior sister Lin Wan and found her classmates in her original class. I had some troubles with this Wang Tianlong before. This kid restricted the freedom of that girl. I don't know how Huang Yousheng knew about it. Set up a trick to lure me over." Chen Dong laughed.

"You know it's a trap?" Situ Xiadan asked.

"I know!" Chen Dong said indifferently.

"Go after knowing you? Are you stupid!" Situ Xiadan was furious.

"The word back is not in my dictionary." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Hmph! That girl is as simple as your junior sister's classmate? Has nothing to do with you? I don't believe it!" Situ Xia Dan pouted.

"Look, I told you, you will be jealous!"

"Who's jealous! Let's think about what you should do. I don't have that much right to help you after tonight and tomorrow if you go through the administrative detention procedures." Situ Xiadan pouted.

"Do you think someone can stop me if I want to leave?" Chen Dong smiled.

"What do you want to do? This is China, not Africa!" Situ Xiadan was anxious, she had seen Chen Dong's strength once in the factory in the northern suburbs.

"What if I ask Wang Tianlong to cancel the report?" Chen Dong said with a smile. Since he dared to come here, he would have a way to leave here. A name, Donghuang!

"Ask people to cancel the report? I think he seems to hate you very much. Can he cancel the report? And you can't leave the police station now, how can you ask people to withdraw the report?" Situ Xiadan looked disbelieving.

"What if I did it?" Chen Dong smiled wickedly.

"Did you do it?" Situ Xiadan was stunned, "If you can do it, then do it. What does it have to do with me?"

"Hey! Why do you have no conscience at all, woman? I was arrested because Huang Yousheng was jealous and designed to frame me!" Chen Dong said with an aggrieved face.

"Don't mention that person's name to me, it makes me sick to think of him!" Situ Xiadan didn't wrinkle, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Yeah! This person is disgusting, unless he is completely given up, or even if I go out this time, he will still haunt me to make trouble." Chen Dong also pretended to be disgusted and said, but in fact he knew At best, Huang Yousheng is just a small role used by the Li family.

"Totally give up? That person is like a dog skin plaster, and his uncle is also the deputy director. It is too difficult to make him give up! Even these days, the whole unit is telling me and your car..." This matter really came to the point Situ Xiadan felt it in his heart, and almost said it because of a feeling.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I almost didn't say anything!" Seeing that Situ Xiadan quickly covered her mouth, she felt her face was burning hot.

"What happened to our car? What can we do in the car?" Chen Dong asked curiously.

"In the car... Hey, it's just too difficult to let him stop pestering you! He is shameless at all!" Situ Xiadan quickly prevaricated, how could she let Chen Dong know such words?
"There is still a way to completely make him give up. But we need to put on a show." Chen Dong frowned.

"A play?" Situ Xiadan naturally didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Dong's gourd.

"Yes, and the acting must be realistic! Huang Yousheng must give up completely!" Chen Dong said seriously.

"Hmph! I think you should consider how to solve your own problems now! I'm not joking with you. According to what I know now, as long as the victim doesn't withdraw the case at dawn, you will definitely be arrested by the administration. Detention, there may be worse results in the future." What Situ Xiadan is most worried about now is Chen Dong's situation, after all, in her opinion, this incident was caused by her.

"No, I'll go find the deputy director and ask him to find Huang Yousheng!" Situ Xiadan stood up and turned around to walk out of the interrogation room, but just as she was about to take a step, Chen Dong grabbed her wrist.

"No need to go, someone will come to see me tonight." Chen Dong lowered his head and said while grabbing Situ Xiadan's wrist.

"Will someone come to you?" Situ Xiadan suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Dong with a puzzled expression.

"That's right, if I'm not wrong, the person who really wants to deal with me is planning tonight with Huang Yousheng." Chen Dong smiled. In fact, the way to completely solve Huang Yousheng is not acting, but to make him dare not come again. Harass Situ Xiadan.

The monitoring room of Donghai City Police Station.

After Huang Yousheng was kicked out of the interrogation room by Situ Xiadan just now, he went straight to the monitoring room. He was worried and could not tolerate something that would drive him crazy when Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan were alone.

And just as he was staring at the screen intently, the screen suddenly went black and he couldn't see anything at all.

It was Chen Dong who took off his coat to block the surveillance.

"Chen Dong! Ah! I'm so mad!"

Huang Yousheng jumped up all at once, his teeth almost gnawed in anger!

(End of this chapter)

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