Special masters on campus

Chapter 238 I Will Act With You

Chapter 238 I Will Act With You
Now that Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan are alone in a room, who knows what will happen!Moreover, it was rumored that Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan were doing that kind of thing in the car before, but not now!

Thinking of this, Huang Yousheng closed his eyes, turned around and was about to go to the interrogation room.

"Ring ring!" And at this moment his phone rang suddenly.

"Hey! No matter who you are, put your fart away, I'm very busy now!" Huang Yousheng said angrily.

"My name is Li Tenglong, and I'm outside the police station now, hoping to make a deal with you!"

"What Li Tenglong? I don't know him! I'm not in the mood to do business now! My family has so much money that I can't spend it all, so I don't need to earn it!"

"A deal that can make Chen Dong completely disappear from this world!"

"What! Let Chen Dong disappear completely? Are you joking?" Huang Yousheng was taken aback.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Li Tenglong sneered while looking in the direction of the police station in a Mercedes-Benz outside the police station.

At this time, the interrogation room of the Donghai City Police Station.

Chen Dong grabbed Situ Xiadan and said that someone would come to him tonight.

"Will someone come to you? I don't understand?" Situ Xiadan asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, the people who really want to deal with me definitely don't want me to go to some detention center. There are so many people there that they can't do it. The best place to do it is here!" Chen Dong pointed at his feet.

"Interrogation room?" Situ Xiadan frowned.

"That's right! This is the best place for them to attack. Is it normal for some suspects to commit suicide in fear of crime?" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Chen Dong, who did you offend? Who are they? This is the interrogation room of the police station. How dare they do it here?" Situ Xiadan, who Chen Dong said, was even more puzzled.

"It's just a bunch of clowns. Trust me, I can handle it. I'm really touched that you came here for me at such a late hour." Chen Dong smiled.

"Chen Dong, are you making a mistake? If someone really wants to deal with you, they will choose to take the risk and come here to deal with you, even if they put you in jail, which seems a certainty now? This is the police station!" Indeed From Situ Xiadan's point of view, it was impossible for her to understand Chen Dong's words.

"Bangbang..." Just then there was a knock on the door outside the interrogation room.

"Come in... come in!" Situ Xiadan quickly pulled his hand out of Chen Dong's.

The door of the interrogation room opened and a young policeman walked in.

"Deputy Captain Situ, you are really here. I just received a notice that an unexpected case occurred in the west of the city. The deputy chief asked you to lead the police team." When seeing Situ Xiadan in the interrogation room, the young man The policeman spoke.

"But I still have suspects on trial here." Situ Xiadan had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"But the deputy chief asked you to go to the police by name, and said that if you have other cases in hand, other people will be arranged to take over." The little policeman said.

"Okay, I see, you go out first!" Situ Xiadan said.

"Yes!" The little police officer tactfully exited the interrogation room and closed the door.

"Chen Dong?" Situ Xiadan quickly turned around and looked at Chen Dong with an anxious face.

"Obviously what Huang Yousheng said in front of his uncle, you go, or I'm afraid I'll hurt you, trust me, I can handle it well." Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"But will you be in danger?" Situ Xiadan didn't know why he was so nervous about this little boy, what happened to him, he had never felt this way before.

"Don't worry, if this little thing puts me in danger, I don't know how many times I've died! Besides, I'm not willing to die, I still want to play with you!" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face .

Both Situ Xiadan and Chen Dong knew that this matter was beyond Situ Xiadan's ability to solve.

"Okay! Tomorrow I hope to see an intact scumbag Chen Dong standing in front of me!" After Situ Xiadan finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door without looking back. In fact, no one saw this moment Her eyes were already red, and she knew that she might not be able to help Chen Dong this time.

Chen Dong smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking at Situ Xiadan's back. It was only at this moment that he suddenly realized that since he came to Donghai City, meeting these girls would touch his heart a little bit.But he didn't want to hurt any girls, they were all kind.

"Chen Dong..." When Situ Xiadan walked to the door, she stopped.

"Huh?" Chen Dong was taken aback.

"When I come back, I will act with you..." After saying this, Situ Xiadan opened the door and walked out of the interrogation room.

"This..." Chen Dong frowned. Could it be that this fiery policewoman also has a tender side?
"Ahem... are you sure what kind of scene I mean by acting? Just agree. Maybe it's a bed scene, silly girl..." Chen Dong's mouth twitched slightly.

After Situ Xiadan left, Chen Dong's worries were completely let go, because he knew that if the Li family were to get involved in this matter, then he would have to face a master of the realm of cultivation, or even more than one!
But instead of letting myself stay in the clear all the time, guarding against the masters invited by the Li family anytime and anywhere, even to the detriment of Chu Shanshan, or hurting the people around me, it is better to make a decision today!
"The Book of Nine Suns is extremely difficult to break through. I haven't been able to break through the third floor for so long! It seems that I also need to give myself a desperate situation. I will fight with my back and stand before I break through!" Chen Dong finished cross-legged, and began to circulate the pure Yang Qi in his body. It is precious to him, it is very important for him to absorb a little more spiritual energy from the world and break through the third floor a second earlier.

"The Li family! I hope you don't make me wait too long..." Chen Dong slowly closed his eyes.

Time passed by minute by minute.

For the first time, Situ Xiadan, who was rushing to Chengxi Road, looked out of the window in a daze.

In Donghai University, the boys' dormitory building, dormitory 214 is full of boys from the medical school, and no one can sleep tonight.

In the girls' dormitory, Liu Yashu covered herself in the quilt. She didn't know why as soon as she closed her eyes, there was a figure in front of her eyes.

In the dormitory not far from next door, Chu Shanshan was wearing pajamas. She called her sister Su Hong, but Su Hong's cell phone was turned off, leaving her with nothing to do.

"Brother Chen, don't worry about anything!"

At this moment, everyone was worried about Chen Dong, only Chen Dong was waiting for the danger to come with a smile on his face.He hadn't felt danger for a long time, it was a feeling he missed!

"Squeak..." And just an hour after Situ Xiadan left, the door of the interrogation room opened again.

(End of this chapter)

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