Special masters on campus

Chapter 250 Fulfilling the Promise

Chapter 250 Fulfilling the Promise
"You...you..." Chen Dong stared at Situ Xiadan for a long time, unable to speak.

"Why do you want to say that I am tough? I admit that I am tough, but you can't say it. If you don't believe me, you can try it and see what happens!" Situ Xiadan snorted.

"Eh..." Chen Dong suddenly felt his crotch tighten, and quickly pinned back the two words that came to his lips.

"Hmph, I'm sorry you don't dare to say it." Situ Xiadan turned his head.

"You really want to know?" Chen Dong sighed, and his voice became low.

"Of course!" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong.

"It's okay to tell you, but you can't investigate this matter, and you can't intervene. If you promise, I will tell you."

"Okay, I promise you!" Situ Xiadan said with a relaxed face.

"Do you know why I want to enter Tunghai University?" Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan.

"To find your junior sister?" Situ Xiadan said.

"Smart, do you know how I got into Tunghai University?" Chen Dong smiled.

"How did you get in? Didn't you get in?" Situ Xiadan frowned.

"Test? I didn't even go to elementary school, how can I go to college?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Haha, so you haven't even passed elementary school?" Situ Xiadan suddenly couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Ahem! What's so funny? I can speak more than ten languages, and I am proficient in all mathematics and medical skills. I am all self-taught!" Chen Dong is not happy now. What's wrong with not reading enough?

"Bragging! Ten languages, or self-taught, do you think you are Einstein?" Situ Xiadan covered his mouth and laughed.

"What's wrong with reading less? There are a lot of people who read less, and many of them are amazing! I know a writer named Yudou who reads a lot and can still write books!" Chen Dong said with an expression of disbelief.

"Okay, okay, I won't make fun of you anymore, just keep talking." Situ Xiadan patted his chest to calm down and said.

"Gulu..." Chen Dong watched Situ Xiadan pat his chest and couldn't help swallowing, "What did I say just now, I lost a lot of blood just now and my brain can't remember..."

"You have to tell me how you got into Tunghai University." Situ Xiadan glared at Chen Dong.

"Oh, cough cough, do you still remember that I saved that girl when we met for the second time?" Chen Dong hurriedly pretended to look aside.

"I do remember, but the action I saw you at that time was really obscene, it's hard not to be misunderstood!" Situ Xiadan thought of the scene when he met Chen Dong in the basement for the second time, and couldn't help but want to laugh again.At that time, Chen Dong was holding the girl's bra in his hand, and kept saying that he was saving someone, but it turned out that he was indeed saving someone at that time, and he was hit by himself in vain.

"Ahem, that's a misunderstanding! This girl's name is Chu Shanshan. Later, her sister asked me to enter Tunghai University with her. It happened that I was going to Tunghai University to find my junior sister and get a salary. I could kill two birds with one stone. That's how I entered. Tunghai University."

"What do you think this has to do with tonight's events? And I think you should kill four birds with one stone, not only can you find your junior sister to make money, but you can also continue to contact your sister Hong, and the most important thing is to take advantage of it." Little girls are cheap, am I right?" Situ Xiadan said with a look of contempt.

"Hey! I said, why do you always think of me so dirty?" Chen Dong looked blank, can he still have a good conversation?
"do not you?"

"Ahem... I don't want to talk about it!"

"How dare you!" Situ Xiadan glared at Chen Dong.

"Eh! Can you be gentle, woman?" Chen Dong looked helpless.

"Gentleness is not me! Hurry up and say, my time is precious!" Situ Xiadan snorted.

"Just to protect Chu Shanshan, I offended the Li family of Tenglong Group." Chen Dong said.

"Tenglong Group, Li's family?" Situ Xiadan frowned slightly. Of course she knew about the Li's family of Tenglong Group. Donghai City didn't know that there were not many Li's.

"Yes, you should have heard of Li Jianye, chairman of Tenglong Group, and his only son Li Tenglong, right?" Chen Dong continued.

"The Tenglong Group of the Li family is the head of the three major business empires in Donghai City, and even the entire Binhai Province Tenglong Group is one of the largest business empires. As for the chairman of the Tenglong Group, Li Jianye is a business giant and a genius in the business world. This is not the same as you today What does it matter if you get injured late?" Situ Xiadan asked with a puzzled expression.

"Hehe, this is just a superficial phenomenon. Think about how Li Jianye can build such a huge business empire? Do you think he is an ordinary person?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Ordinary people? You don't mean that Li Jianye is not an ordinary person like you?" Situ Xiadan frowned even tighter.

"We are cultivators..." Chen Dong said solemnly.

"Cultivator?" Situ Xiadan obviously didn't understand.

"Yes, cultivators, a group of people who shouldn't appear in the secular world!" Chen Dong said meaningfully.

"Chen Dong, do you read too many online novels? You're still a cultivator. How can a cultivator suffer such severe injuries, with broken ribs?" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong with disbelief.

"Um...a cultivator is also a human being, not a god, so of course it's so strange that he can get hurt?" Chen Dong blushed.

"Liar!" Situ Xiadan pouted.

"Look at me, you won't believe me if I tell you. If you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say it." Chen Dong said with a dull face.

"So you're saying that Li Jianye sent someone to kill you? But why? He's a dignified chairman of the Tenglong Group, and it takes so much effort to get rid of a poor asshole like you?" Chen Dongyue said more and more Outrageous, the disbelief on Situ Xiadan's face could barely be written.

"There's only one explanation, I'm not a poor woman!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"It's too mysterious, like writing a novel."

At this moment, Situ Xiadan stood up from the chair and looked at Chen Dong strangely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Unless you prove it to me!" Situ Xiadan stretched out his hand to Chen Dongyi.

"Eh! Prove what?" Chen Dong was taken aback.

"Prove to me that you are a cultivator?" Situ Xiadan looked as if it was a matter of course.

"Ahem, how do you prove this?" Chen Dong looked blank.

"If you do something that can prove that you are a cultivator, I will believe it." Situ Xiadan said resolutely.

"Yes!" Chen Dong smiled, "But you must fulfill your promise before I can prove it."

"Promise? What promise?" Situ Xiadan looked bewildered.

"Hey, you can't renege on your debt. As a people's policeman, I know you will never break your promise!" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

"You said that as long as I survive, you will tell me what you wanted to say to me. Now I survive." Chen Dong raised his head to look at Situ Xiadan, his voice suddenly became very deep.

(End of this chapter)

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