Special masters on campus

Chapter 251 Help me go to the toilet

Chapter 251 Help me go to the toilet
Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan "affectionately".

"What I want to say..." Situ Xiadan was taken aback for a moment, obviously remembering what he said just now when Chen Dong was seriously injured. He said that because he was too scared at the time.

"Yes, it was your words that became my belief in living! I overcame the pain and survived strong, so I want to hear it now..." Chen Dong said with an "affectionate" face.

"I..." Situ Xiadan's rare face flushed with blush, she suddenly regretted what she said at that time, and she wanted to bury those words deeply in her heart.

"It's okay, you don't have to be embarrassed, I can understand..." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up. In the past, this hot policewoman molested him, but now it's so cool to be molesting her instead.

"No, Chen Dong, I..." At this moment, Situ Xiadan raised his head quickly, but just in time saw the trace of a smile on the corner of Chen Dong's mouth that he hadn't had time to take back.

"You... dead scum, you want to die!" Situ Xiadan picked up the pillow from the hospital bed next to him and hit Chen Dong in the face!

"Ah! Murder my husband!" Chen Dong let out a scream.

"What kind of husband! What nonsense are you talking about!" Situ Xiadan became anxious.

"Don't lie to yourself anymore, I know the words in your heart!" Chen Dong stretched out his left hand and moved the pillow on his face a little, revealing two eyes to look at Situ Xiadan.

"Believe it or not, I'll send you back to the police station right now!" Situ Xiadan was so angry that he wanted to hit Chen Dong again.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, I won't say anything!" Chen Dong quickly covered his face with the pillow.

"Hmph! No one cares about you anymore, just stay alone, I'm leaving!" Situ Xiadan stomped his feet angrily, turned around with a flushed face, and walked out of the ward angrily go.

"Boom!" Situ Xiadan opened the door and walked out of the ward, then quickly closed the door, leaning against the door with her hands covering her chest, she could feel her heart beating so hard.

"Situ Xiadan, what's wrong with you! You can't fall in love with that bastard, he is a scumbag! Why are you not an ordinary person, but a cultivator!" Situ Xiadan tried hard to convince himself.

"But if what he said is true, what happened tonight is really a battle between cultivators, then he deliberately let himself go, in fact, he is protecting himself..." Situ Xiadan closed his eyes.

"Situ Xiadan, what's the matter with you? Why are you so different from the original you?" Situ Xiadan leaned against the door to quiet herself for a while, and she suddenly realized that she didn't know when it started Suddenly there was an indelible figure in my heart...

Standing outside the door, leaning on the door and calming down for a while, Situ Xiadan finally calmed down, turned around and opened the door.

At this moment, Chen Dong also opened his eyes to look at Situ Xiadan.

"I knew you would come back, how could you bear to leave me alone?"

"Being affectionate, I'm going back to the police station to deal with the mess for you. I'll come see you tomorrow. Can you do it alone?" Situ Xiadan turned his head and said.

"Am I alone?" Chen Dong frowned, "I can't do it alone!"

"Why can't it work? Those who hurt you dare to come to the hospital to do something?" Situ Xiadan was taken aback.

"I'm a patient right now. I have broken bones in this part of my body. I have difficulty moving. For example, I need someone to go to the toilet..." Chen Dong lowered his head and said with a "shy" face.

"Scum! Get out of here! If you can't go to the toilet by yourself, hold back!" Situ Xiadan blushed, cursed, then turned and opened the door and walked out of the ward angrily.

"Damn scum! You are shameless and need someone to accompany you to the bathroom!" Situ Xiadan's chest heaved and fell in anger.

"But what if he really can't get out of bed and go to the toilet?" Situ Xiadan pursed her lips, "Yes!" At this moment, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly walked towards the hospital hall.

"Hey, a woman is a woman after all. As long as a man has a thicker skin, she will naturally lose..." Seeing Situ Xiadan running out of the ward with a flushed face, Chen Dong smiled.

In fact, the reason why Chen Dong said this was not to take advantage, but to change the subject.No one knows these people in the cultivation world better than him. These people will do anything for profit and to become stronger. Chen Dong doesn't want such an innocent girl to be involved in this vortex.

After Situ Xiadan left, Chen Dong began to practice kung fu to heal his injuries. At this time, Chen Dong was lying on the hospital bed. Although his bones had been connected, it was impossible for ordinary people to recover immediately even if the bones were connected after a fracture.

But Chen Dong couldn't help being happy after checking his body, "Broken a few bones, spit out a mouthful of blood, in exchange for the Book of Nine Suns to break through to the third floor, this deal is really a bargain!"

In the eyes of others, Chen Dong's body was seriously injured, but for him, who came back from the real dark battlefield, it was just a little more serious than a cold and fever.And the most gratifying thing is to finally break the long-standing calm in another crisis!

"The feeling of the third floor is like this..." Chen Dong closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body.

The reason why a cultivator far surpasses ordinary people both in terms of body and strength speed is that a cultivator can induce the aura of heaven and earth to transform his body.So the more spiritual energy that can be induced and used, the stronger it will be.

"The realm of Qi training is the realm of cultivating the real realm, and it is also the most basic realm. If you want to have more aura, you must open up the meridians in your body! But I have been practicing for several years. Dao meridians can break through to the second realm of cultivation realm, Qihai realm, but you have to get through 36 passages in the Nine Suns Book you practice!" Chen Dong muttered to himself.

Now he has finally opened up nine meridians, which is equivalent to the late stage of Qi refining for ordinary practitioners, but for Chen Dong, he has just entered the middle stage of Qi refining!
"However, my strength is also stronger than that of cultivators of the same realm, so it seems that the old man has done a good thing!" Chen Dong smiled.

"Then it's time to heal the injury first!" Chen Dong jumped up, and the nine major meridians in his body started to work at the same time.

"Huh..." At this time, Chen Dong entered an ethereal state, and after the aura entered the meridians, he would refine it into the pure yang zhenqi he used.The pure yang qi from the most rigid to yang is not only extremely domineering zhen qi, but also the best choice for healing. At this moment, Chen Dong is urging the pure yang zhen qi in his body to continuously repair his injuries.

At this moment, if there is an expert in the ward, he will see a strange scene.An invisible vortex centered on Chen Dong's dantian, and the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of one mile began to gather continuously, and finally all entered Chen Dong's body!

(End of this chapter)

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