Special masters on campus

Chapter 254 The Super Strong Man

Chapter 254 The Super Strong Man

"Jianni, what nonsense are you talking about? What will he do if he thinks something wrong?" The male doctor standing aside whispered to the little nurse.

"What are you afraid of! This is a hospital, how dare he play hooligans!" The little nurse pouted, "Besides, how can he recover from such a serious injury? I'll see how I take care of him later, so that he can't bear to do it for himself. Relatives pay medical expenses!"

"Then... that's fine!" The doctor was obviously interested in the little nurse, but he thought so after hearing what the little nurse said. He saw the patient's injury yesterday, let alone overnight. It is difficult to fully recover even a month.

"Then check it!" Chen Dong stretched out his hand.

"What do you mean?" The male doctor and the nurse were taken aback at the same time.

"Doesn't it need to be checked to see if the injury has recovered?" Chen Dong smiled.

"Why are you like this! If you want to check, you have to check the patient, so what's the point of checking yours?" said the male doctor.

"Mr. Chen, so you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time." At this moment, a huge figure greeted Chen Dong.

Chen Dong suddenly turned his head to see that it was none other than Nurse Xiaorui who almost had something happened to him in the ward last night.

Xiaorui, who was a little bigger than Fatty Bai, was wearing a tights-like nurse's uniform, and was carrying a pink insulated lunch box, walking towards Chen Dong with a smile on his face.

"Sister Xiaorui, do you know him?" The cute little nurse opened her eyes wide.

"I know! Don't you know him? He is Chen Dong, a patient in Ward 306?" Na Xiaorui walked over and looked at the two of them and said.

"What is he, Chen Dong, a patient in Ward 306!" The little nurse and the male doctor had strangely consistent expressions, and they all looked at Chen Dong.

This is an injured person with more than 20 fractures all over his body, who lost too much blood, and was almost pushed into the intensive care unit?What a joke, he looks like a normal person!

"Yes! What's the matter?" Xiaorui looked at the two people blankly.

"It's really him!" At this time, the young male doctor looked at Chen Dong carefully for a while, and obviously recognized that Chen Dong was the injured person last night!Last night, Chen Dong's face was covered with dirt and blood. He only felt a bit like the wounded person before, but he thought it was a relative who looked normal, so no one came out.

"Doctor Zhu, Xiaorui, please don't joke around!" The little nurse looked at the two people nervously.

"Jianni, I'm not joking, last night he and I..." Nurse Xiaorui looked at Chen Dong.

"Ahem..." Chen Dong coughed hastily.

"I met him last night, when he was still lying on the hospital bed!"

"It's really Chen Dong!" The little nurse named Jiani blushed suddenly. She had a bet with Chen Dong. If Chen Dong didn't tell lies, she would promise Chen Dong something. things.

"This boy is tall, and he looks pretty sunny. Will he..." Her heart jumped like a deer, and her mind began to think wildly.

"Hmph! Just because he can stand here doesn't mean he's fully recovered and can be discharged from the hospital. Let's have an examination and see the results." The male doctor obviously saw the expression on little nurse Jiani's face, and sneered Say something.

"You have to be discharged from the hospital, Mr. Chen." Xiaorui said with a look of reluctance.

"Well, thank you last night." Chen Dong smiled at Nurse Xiaorui with a gentlemanly smile. He couldn't disrespect her because of her appearance. Nurse Xiaorui was still very warm-hearted.

"By the way, this is the porridge that Officer Situ prepared for you. He told me to bring it to you when you woke up in the morning. I didn't have time to get it when I sent you clothes and mobile phones just now. Mr. Chen, you are such a good girlfriend." !" Nurse Xiaorui pointed to the pink insulated lunch box in her hand and said.

"Girlfriend..." I really didn't expect this tough policewoman to be so thoughtful, are you sure you're not dreaming?Chen Dong smiled, he really didn't expect Situ Xiadan to be so careful.

"Okay, thank you. You can hold this porridge for me first and eat it after I finish the examination." Chen Dong said.


"Doctor Zhu, right? Come on, let's check!" At this moment, Chen Dong turned to look at the male doctor wearing glasses and said.

"Come on, let's check!" The boy turned around with an ugly face and walked away first.

"Hmph." Chen Dong smiled, followed up, and checked it out so that he could be discharged from the hospital without any trouble.

And when Chen Dong and the male doctor left, the little nurse named Jiani looked up at Chen Dong's back, with a slight disappointment on her face. Just now she heard that Chen Dong seemed to have a girlfriend.

"Sister Xiaorui, he is really Chen Dong!"

"Yeah, can this be false?"

"Such a serious injury healed overnight? It's unbelievable, unless Dr. Zhu made a mistake last night?" It seems that this is the only explanation that makes sense.

"No, there is another explanation!" Nurse Xiaorui's eyes lit up.

"What's the explanation?" Little nurse Jiani looked at nurse Xiaorui curiously.

"Hey! The Lun family is embarrassed to say it!" I saw that nurse Xiao Rui's face turned red.

"Tell me quickly! We are good sisters! I won't tell others." Seeing Xiaorui's appearance, she became even more curious. Girls are like this.

"There is another explanation, that is, he is a super strong man, and this little injury is nothing to him!" After finishing speaking, Xiaorui quickly covered her face, her two round cheeks were like Two red balloons are the same.

"Super strong man..." The little nurse Jiani didn't know what picture she thought of, and her face turned red.

"Jianni, you are blushing!"

"Your redder!"

"Hee hee, I'm going to tell people Janie's in love! Super strong man, broad shoulders, strong chest, eight pack abs..."

"Sister Xiaorui, don't talk nonsense..."

"Look, you look shy..."

A cute little nurse and an enhanced version of the big nurse started messing around.

About 10 minutes later, Chen Dong walked to the front desk on the first floor with a smile on his face.And the doctor Zhu behind him followed behind Chen Dong with a mask on his face.

"How is it?" Seeing the two people coming back, Jiani, the nurse at the front desk, stood up and looked at Chen Dong curiously.

"You asked him, he is a doctor, he must be professional." Chen Dong looked at the little nurse and smiled, thinking that this is called a little nurse!

"How about Dr. Zhu?" Nurse Jiani looked at the male doctor named Zhu.

"Yeah, how about it?" Nurse Xiao Rui looked at him as well.

"This... this..." The male doctor remained silent for a long time, and he was still immersed in the examination report just now.

"Hey, you are talking, how is Chen Dong recovering!" The more he said this, the more anxious the two nurses beside him became.

At this time, some passing doctors also stopped when they saw the excitement of their chat, and looked at them.

"He... he has fully recovered! Even the broken bones have grown back in one night!"

(End of this chapter)

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