Special masters on campus

Chapter 255 Tian Meihui's Injury

Chapter 255 Tian Meihui's Injury
"What!" The little nurse Jiani covered her mouth and looked at Chen Dong in disbelief.

"It's really all recovered. Let me just say that he is a super strong man!" Xiaorui covered her chest with her hands and looked at Chen Dong with a nympho.

"Dr. Zhu, I heard you right. You said that a patient suffered a fracture and recovered within one night?"

"Yes! This is somewhat contrary to medical common sense!"

The doctors who stopped around said one after another that the fracture would heal overnight, which really subverted their understanding.

"It's not just one fracture, but more than 20 fractures all healed overnight, and they are far stronger than the bones of ordinary people, even stronger than the bones of athletes I have ever seen!" Dr. Na Zhu said dumbly. Speaking of it, he didn't even know that his eyes had slipped to the tip of his nose.

"What! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"More than 20 bones recovered in one night are stronger than normal people! Doctor Zhu, are you delusional! If such a person really exists, then he is a superman!"

"Yes! A super strong man is called Superman for short!" Xiaorui stared at Chen Dong with flushed faces like a lioness wanting to see her prey.

"Eh!" Chen Dong felt goosebumps all over his body when he was stared at by the fiery eyes.Indeed, in the eyes of these ordinary people, it is indeed impossible to regenerate broken bones in one night.But for Chen Dong, who had just broken through the third level of the Nine Suns Book and reached the middle stage of Qi refining, it was true.

"No, this matter cannot be passed on, otherwise it may cause unnecessary trouble!" Chen Dong thought.

"Doctor Zhu, if what you said is true, can we meet this patient! If such a person really exists, we can organize an expert group to study this topic, maybe we can really get it in the future Major breakthrough!"

"Yes! It's definitely at the world's leading level!"

"This..." The doctor surnamed Zhu raised his eyes and looked at Chen Dong.

"Oh! That patient has already left!" Chen Dong said hastily.

"Let's go! How can I let him go!"

"Dr. Zhu, is he really gone?" This matter became more and more commotion, and more and more doctors and nurses stopped to look at the doctor surnamed Zhu.

"Doctor Zhu, you are responsible for what you say!" Chen Dong looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Responsible..." The doctor surnamed Zhu couldn't help trembling when Chen Dong looked at him, and said quickly, "Let's go! He's gone!"

"What's gone!"

"It's boring! I thought there really was a Superman!"

"I think Dr. Zhu must have been delusional. He didn't have a fracture at all, and he was hospitalized. Today he asked for another examination, and he found that there was no fracture at all. That's why he said that..."

"Now these young people really don't know what they are thinking. They are returnees..."

Hearing what the doctor surnamed Zhu said, the doctors and nurses who had gathered around dispersed one after another. To them, this was just a farce and a joke.

"Doctor Zhu, can you sign now?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Sign?" The doctor surnamed Zhu was taken aback.

"Doctor Zhu is talking about discharge procedures, and now you need to sign!" The little nurse Jiani reminded.

"Oh! Sign, sign! You are healthier than anyone else now!" Only then did the doctor surnamed Zhu react and quickly sign his name, and then looked at Chen Dongxiang as if watching a monster, took two steps back and ran away.


"Doctor Zhu must have been frightened!"

Seeing the funny look of the doctor surnamed Zhu, the two couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

"Okay, now you can leave the hospital." The little nurse Jiani handed Chen Dong a discharge form.

"Now you should fulfill your promise, right?" Chen Dong took the discharge form and stared at the little nurse Jiani with a smile.

"Promise? What promise?" Nurse Xiao Rui looked at the two of them curiously.

And when Chen Dong said that, little nurse Jiani's face turned red.

"It's nothing, Nurse Xiaorui, I'm joking with Nurse Jiani." Chen Dong looked at Xiaorui and smiled.

"No, no, look at Jiani's face turning red like that, there must be something between you two." Xiaorui looked at the two of them and said.

"Miss Xiaorui, what are you talking about!"

"Okay, okay, I know, okay, you two talk, I have to go to work!" Nurse Xiaorui smiled and ran away with her huge body.

"Now there are only two of us left." Chen Dong frowned.

"I..." The little nurse Jiani lowered her head and pinched the corner of her clothes.

"You can't go back on what you said to promise me a request?" Chen Dong approached the little nurse.

"You...what do you want?" The little nurse Jiani felt that Chen Dong's breathing was getting closer to her, and her face became redder. Super strong man, broad shoulders, pectoral muscles, eight-pack abs, heart beating even harder.

At this moment, Chen Dong's face was almost touching the little nurse's ear.

At this moment, Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai were walking in from the hospital entrance.

"Wait!" Zhang Xing suddenly stopped Fatty Bai at this moment.

"What's the matter, Xingzi?" Fatty Bai was taken aback.

"Didn't you see? Brother Dong has a new goal!" Zhang Xing stared straight at the direction of the front desk of the hospital.

Fatty Bai quickly raised his head to look, and saw Chen Dong put his face next to the ear of the little nurse Jiani.

"I'm going! Boss, do you know that I saw you in the same bed last night as a policewoman, which made me excited all night and searched for the resources of the police and investigators all night, which made me flick until dawn and still keep my eyes open?" Don’t open your eyes! Why did you change your style and become a little nurse this night, this is a rhythm that will make me die of exhaustion!” said the fat man with envy and hatred on his face.

Seeing that Chen Dong's face was about to lean against that of the little nurse Jiani, Chen Dong smiled and stood up straight again.

"Okay, I'm not a hooligan, I won't take advantage of you." Chen Dong said.

"Ah? Then... that request..." the little nurse lowered her head and said.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. I'll come to you when I'm done." Chen Dong smiled and turned to look in the direction of the hospital entrance. He saw Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai coming in.

"Fatty, Xingzi." Chen Dong walked towards him.

"Oh..." The little nurse breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Chen Dong's back with a little disappointment.



Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai also walked towards Chen Dong.

"Brother Dong, why are you in the hospital? We saw you lying in the ward last night, did something happen?"

"That's right, boss, weren't you taken away by that policeman? How did you end up in the hospital?"

Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai asked quickly.

"The matter has been resolved, don't worry, how is the school?" Chen Dong smiled, and he naturally wouldn't tell him these things.

"Don't mention it, that Wang Tianlong broke a leg for some reason, and said it was you who broke it!"

"Yes, he also said that he originally reported the case, but later you begged him to kneel down and begged him to withdraw the case!"

"Oh? Really? It seems that he dared to say that because he thought I couldn't go back." Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Can't go back?" Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai frowned.

"By the way, I asked you to send Tian Meihui to the hospital. How is her injury?" Chen Dong asked.

"Forget about it, boss!"

"What's the matter, please explain clearly!" Chen Dong asked quickly with his eyes fixed.

 Thanks to Daoist for the reward and book friend 10****** for the two monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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