Special masters on campus

Chapter 262 You really misunderstood!

Chapter 262 You really misunderstood!
"Ward 305? Didn't he say he was discharged? Why did he go to Ward 305 again?" Situ Xiadan asked.

The other three girls became more and more confused. After a while, Chen Dong recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and now he has gone to Ward 305 again.

"Yes, it seems that he has a classmate who is hospitalized in Ward 305." Xiaorui said.

"I know it's that girl. A girl from the Chinese Department was injured last night. Chen Dong took her to the ambulance." At this moment, Liu Yashu suddenly remembered.

"Let's go, then let's go find Brother Chen." Chu Shanshan was still worried about Chen Dong's safety.

"Let's go together." Situ Xiadan said indifferently.

In this way, under a strong jealousy, the four girls walked towards room 305 without saying a word.

"Sister Xiaorui, who are they?" Jiani said holding her mouth.

"I only know one police officer Situ, I don't know the others." Xiaorui said.

"But why do I feel a murderous aura..."

"Yeah, it's so murderous..."

And at the moment in Ward 305, Chen Dong was being hugged tightly by Tian Meihui, who was still "talking in his sleep", doing good deeds with a face of enjoyment. He didn't even realize that a murderous intent that was more terrifying than last night was coming!
"When I was young, the old man taught me to be a good person! Being a good person will definitely bring good rewards, and giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance in my hand. I always keep in mind that it seems that the old man sometimes says the right thing!" Chen Dong said with narrowed eyes. , Now Tian Meihui's stagnant air has been forced out by his golden needle, Tian Meihui is fine, and the stone in his heart has been put down, just doing good deeds and relaxing with a massage.

"What a beautiful thing in life!" Chen Dong said to himself.

"Bangbang..." Just as Chen Dong was enjoying himself, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the ward.

Chen Dong's heart was agitated. If someone came in at this time, they would definitely misunderstand him and a little girl when they saw him hugging like this.

"Chen Dong, are you there?" Situ Xiadan's voice came from outside the door.

"I'm going to hell! This girl is here, if she sees herself like this, she will definitely tear herself apart!" How dare Chen Dong agree, trying to pull Tian Meihui away from his arms, but Tian Meihui is stubborn Hugged in Chen Dong's arms, Chen Dong couldn't push Tian Meihui away with all his strength.

"I'm cold... hold me tight..." Chen Dong's Tian Meihui was still talking "in sleep".

"What should I do!" Chen Dong was in a hurry, Tian Meihui's body had just recovered a little bit, and if he tried a little harder, he would definitely hurt Tian Meihui.

"Brother Chen, are you inside?" And just when Chen Dong was in trouble, Chu Shanshan's voice came from outside the door.

"I'll go! Chu Shanshan is here anyway!" Chen Dong almost jumped up in fright when he heard Chu Shanshan's sweet voice.

"Squeak!" And at this moment the ward was opened.

"Chen Dong!"

"Brother Chen!"

The four girls walked into the ward.

"Damn! Why are you so rude and I just came in without saying a word?" At this time, because Chen Dong was holding Tian Meihui with his back to the door, he thought that only Situ Xiadan and Chu Shanshan came in, and didn't look at it. Not only Situ Xiadan and Chu Shanshan walked in, but also Zhang Yaxi and Liu Yashu!

At this time, Chen Dong didn't see the expressions on the faces of the four girls. Except for Chu Shanshan, the other three girls all looked like they were going to kill someone!
"Ahem! Is it Miss Situ and Shanshan? Listen to my explanation!" Chen Dong coughed a few times and was about to explain.

"Chen Dong! What are you doing?" Suddenly Liu Yashu's voice came from behind him!

"What! Why is Liu Yashu here too! What's going on with me!" Chen Dong's forehead darkened, and he almost pushed Tian Meihui out of his arms. Fortunately, he stopped in the end, otherwise Tian Meihui would have to be injured again !
"Cough President Liu, why are you here?" Chen Dong couldn't turn his head because he was holding Tian Meihui in his arms.

"Why did I come here? You thought you were making a fuss. Now not only the student union but also the leaders of the school are alarmed by your matter. Luckily, you are here, here..." Liu Yashu looked at the Zheng Zheng in Chen Dong's arms. It was the jealousy in the girl who was carried into the ambulance by Chen Dong last night was overturned all of a sudden.

"That's really troublesome for you! I really didn't do anything, you misunderstood me!" Chen Dong couldn't laugh or cry, thinking how this good man would not be rewarded!I just had a little bit of good news, why am I afraid of what will happen?The faces of Liu Yashu are here!
"Nothing? You're blind because of us!" Liu Ya turned his head angrily. Anyway, he was upset after reading it, so he simply stopped reading it.

"We..." Chen Dong thumped in his heart, thinking that there might be other people coming besides these three girls.

"Chen Dong, I'm sorry we bothered you."

"Zhang Yaxi!" Chen Dong's face turned green, and he almost fell off the hospital bed in fright!

"Don't bother, don't bother! Zhang...Mr. Zhang, listen to my explanation, the misunderstanding is really a misunderstanding!" Chen Dong expected that someone might come, but he didn't expect these four girls to come at the same time!
"Hey, don't do this! Maybe this is really a misunderstanding, let's give Brother Chen a chance to explain." Chu Shanshan said, in her mind, his Brother Chen has always been an upright and kind man Tall image.

"That's right! Misunderstanding! It's really a misunderstanding! Let me explain to you!" Chen Dong said hastily, thinking that this girl, Shanshan, should be reasonable to him.

"Maybe there is really a misunderstanding, so let's just listen to his explanation?" Zhang Yaxi's heart is still relatively soft.

"Okay, I'd like to hear what he has to say." Liu Yashu snorted.

"Cut! His own chaotic personal life has nothing to do with me, but if this girl harasses me, I can consider taking him to the police station!" Situ Xiadan smiled.

"Okay, Brother Chen, tell me!" Chu Shanshan said.

"Thank God!" Chen Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, thinking that it is a good thing that girl Chu Shanshan is here today, otherwise even if he was beaten to death today, he would not have a chance to get justice!

But just when Chen Dong just wanted to open his mouth to tell how he healed Tian Meihui, Tian Meihui didn't wake up at all, Tian Meihui in her arms suddenly hugged him tightly again.

"Hold me tight...I'm cold..." Tian Meihui said.

"I'm dizzy!" Chen Dong closed his eyes, when it was not good to talk in sleep, you can say it now, won't it make me jump into the Yellow River and I won't be able to wash it off!

And after Tian Meihui said these words, the atmosphere in the entire ward 305 suddenly seemed to have fallen into an ice hole!
I saw that the four girls looked at Chen Dong this time with the rhythm of killing people!

(End of this chapter)

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