Chapter 263

"Hold me tight!"

"Chen Dong!"

"How do you explain that!"

The four girls pinched their waists and glared at Chen Dong at the same time. At this moment, Chen Dong became the target of public criticism!
"Talking in sleep! It's definitely talking in sleep! She's talking in a dream!" Chen Dong was shocked. Right now, there were four murderous eyes staring at him directly behind him. It's not as scary as it is now!

"Talking in sleep? Do you believe it?" Liu Yashu said with a look of disgust.

"This kind of nonsense, he thought we were little middle school girls!" If it weren't for Situ Xiadan in front of the other three girls, he might have already given Chen Donglai the female self-defense technique at this time, and this scumbag would be abolished!
"A dog can't change the ****, calling you a scum is to save face!" Zhang Yaxi had just had a little affection for her little landlord, and it disappeared in an instant!

"Brother Chen..." Even Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong in disbelief. In this situation, Chen Dong was holding a beautiful girl in his arms, and told Chen Dong to hold her tightly. Chen Dong said that she would talk in sleep No matter how simple a girl is, she is not a fool, who would believe it!

"Ahem... It's really talking in your sleep! Girl Shanshan and the others don't believe me, but you still don't believe me! You don't know what kind of character your brother Chen is! Am I the kind of animal that only thinks with the lower body? ?”

"Yes!" The four girls said in unison.

"Eh..." Chen Dong's old face was frozen. After this, his image really disappeared this time, and he wouldn't believe it if it was him!
"I admit that sometimes I think with my lower body. After all, I am a male banker..."

"It's human scum!" The four girls once again fought against each other.

"Okay! It's scum, it's scum!" Chen Dong knew that he couldn't justify himself on the issue of scum at this time.

"There's nothing more to say. I thought this scumbag was seriously injured. Let's take a look. Now it seems that even that function has been restored. It's completely fine. Let's go!" Situ Xiadan turned around and left after saying a word. .

"What function, police sister?" At this moment, Chu Shanshan looked at Situ Xiadan curiously and asked.

"It's all put to bed, what function are you talking about..." The other three girls looked at Chu Shanshan so innocently.

"Oh!" Chu Shanshan blushed and obviously understood what kind of function Situ Xiadan was talking about.

"Yes! Since there is nothing else, let's go back!"

"Yes, let's stop being a light bulb here and disturb others!"

"Brother Chen, I'll go back and tell my sister to go..."

The four girls gave Chen Dong a disgusted look, turned around and were all about to leave the ward.

"Wait a minute! Can you give me one last chance to explain before you leave!" At this moment, Chen Dong's voice suddenly became heavy.

"Oh? This scum wants to be the last one to understand!" Situ Xiadan sneered.

"What do you all think?" At this moment, the four girls abandoned all kinds of discord before, united for the first time, and spoke out unanimously.

"Then give him a chance to make him understand?" Liu Yashu looked at the other three women.

"Then give him one last chance to explain, if you can't prove his innocence..."

"Then never talk to him again!" Chu Shanshan clenched her fists and said with great determination.

"Shanshan, why are you so kind! Just ignore him?" Zhang Yaxi said.

"Then... what else can I do?" Chu Shanshan asked with her eyes wide open.

"It must be cut into eight pieces!"

"Chop up and feed the dog!"

"I think he's a dirty dog's mouth..."

"Ah..." Chu Shanshan opened her mouth in fright.

"Sister, you are still too young. Learn from our sisters in the future. When dealing with scumbags, you must eradicate the weeds and eradicate them forever!"

"En!" Chu Shanshan nodded seriously.

"Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and we will never suffer from future troubles!" Chen Dong opened his eyes, his crotch felt cold, what a hatred, what a hatred!

"Besides, you said that, didn't you teach Chu Shanshan to be bad? She is a naive little girl!"

"Did Shanshan remember what the sisters said?"

"Remember! Cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, so that there will be no future troubles! Chop up the pieces and feed them to the dogs!" Chu Shanshan's two big eyes were wide open and proudly said in front of her.

"Ah! My God, have these girls been watching too many island country thrillers, and their psychology has been distorted, how much hatred they have to make it so scary!" Chen Dong was terrified when he heard this. What a great hatred, what a great hatred!

"Hey! You scum, you can say it, but remember that every word you say will become evidence in court!" Situ Xiadan stared at Chen Dong with cold eyes.

"Yes! Present the evidence!" The other three women looked at Chen Dong at the same time, but fortunately none of them saw Chen Dong alone, otherwise Chen Dong might not be the only girl named Tian Meihui now!

"Ahem! Submit a testimony! Do you want to treat a little fresh meat like this!" At this moment, Chen Dong felt that he had encountered the greatest crisis and opponent in his life, and that if he was not careful, he would immediately fall into the [-]th floor of hell Feel.

"Ahem, here's the thing. This girl's name is Tian Meihui, a sophomore in the Chinese Department. She thought that when I investigated the whereabouts of my junior sister, I found out that the class she is in and the dormitory she lives in are exactly my junior sister's last semester. The class and dormitory we are in, so we know each other." Chen Dong began to explain.

"Get to the point!" Situ Xiadan shouted in a cold voice.

"Talk to the point!" The other three women agreed.

"Important point! Let's talk about the important point! She was injured and sent to the hospital because of me. Zhang Xing and Bai Bufan can testify to this, but she was seriously injured and has been in a coma..." Next, Chen Dong used the most serious attitude in his life to send The whole thing happened again.

"You mean you healed her injury with acupuncture?" Zhang Yaxi asked.

"Yes! I am the master, Mr. Zhang, you should know the best. If there is a teacher, there must be a disciple! Although I have only learned a little bit, it is still possible to save ordinary people!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up. If you have a good heart, Zhang Yaxi, a woman with a master's degree, is more rational. You should study more, and a scholar is knowledgeable and reasonable!

"He also knows acupuncture?" Situ Xiadan and Liu Yashu looked in disbelief.

"Yes! To be a perfect and good man, you must master all kinds of skills! Look at the needle case I borrowed and put it next to the bed!" Chen Dong said hastily.

"I just said that brother Chen is a good person!"

"Shut up!"

"too young!"

"too naive!"

The other three women said at the same time.

"Oh!" Chu Shanshan quickly lowered her head, the resentment of these three sisters was too great.

"Okay! Even if you can barely believe what you said is true, then how do you explain the current situation!" Liu Yashu said.

"The current situation? What's the situation?" Chen Dong was taken aback.

"Who are you holding in your arms? What are you talking about?" Situ Xiadan snorted.

"I told you that she hasn't woken up yet, and she was talking in sleep just now!" Chen Dong said.

"You haven't woken up yet, have you? Talking in your sleep?"


"Then you put it down, isn't it nice and comfortable to hold it for so long, don't you let it go reluctantly!" Situ Xiadan said with a look of disgust.

"Put it down..." Chen Dong suddenly thought of a more serious problem, and this problem was enough to make him be surrounded by four girls a hundred times!

The two buttons on Tian Meihui haven't been buttoned yet!

(End of this chapter)

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