Chapter 275


Although the two girls breathed a sigh of relief, neither of them gave Chen Dong a good face, they turned around and walked out of the principal's office before Chen Dong.

"Um...have character! I like it!" Chen Dong raised his brows and followed.

"Mr. Zhang, sister Yashu, wait for me, I suddenly thought that I still have a question and I don't want to ask you!" Chen Dong said.

"Look! They are also college students! Chen Dong has just recovered from a serious injury, and now he is focusing on his studies again! Good student, he has a future!" Director Fan couldn't help but admire.

"Yes! Good student!" Han Xuelin said with an itch.

"Chen Dong is also a role model for me!" Gao Shi felt cold, turned around and walked out of the principal's office.

"Woooo! Principal! Director Ma! Please give us another chance! We must learn from Chen Dong, reform our mistakes and start a new life!"


"Hey! They are all college students too! Look at you again!" Even Director Ma said with a livid face this time, and he, Ma Wenkai, has lost all of his embarrassment!
While there was wailing in the principal's office, the office went downstairs.

A large group of boys from the hospital had already posted downstairs, and they all knew about Chen Dong being called to the principal's office.Chen Dong took the initiative to take all the responsibilities for them, and now including Guan Fei, who was taught by Chen Dong before, all came here, and he obeyed Chen Dong from the bottom of his heart!

They have already made a plan, if Chen Dong is fired or punished, they will collectively plead for his life!
At this moment, Zhang Yaxi and Liu Yashu came out of the building first.

"Teacher Zhang and President Liu have come out!"

When they saw the two girls coming out of the office building, the boys from the medical school who had been waiting downstairs for a long time went up to greet them.

"Mr. Zhang, how is President Liu Dongge? He won't be punished!" Zhang Xing asked anxiously.

"Yeah, tell me what's going on!" The boys behind said one after another.

"What can he do! Go ask him!" Liu Yashu snorted, not going to talk to these boys.

"President Liu, you can't be so heartless, Brother Dong is your boyfriend!" At this time, someone said something.

"Whose boyfriend is he!" Liu Yashu blushed anxiously.

"President Liu, all the students in the school know! You have to plead with Brother Dong, he was framed!"

"That's right, sister-in-law, your helper!"

"Ah! Who is your sister-in-law!" Angrily and ashamed, Liu Yashu pushed away the crowd and ran towards the girls' dormitory without looking back.

"Ah! What's wrong with sister-in-law?"

"I'm ashamed!"

"Okay, stop gossiping and talk about business! What's going on, Mr. Zhang, Brother Dong!" At this moment, Zhang Xing looked at Zhang Yaxi.

"How is he, you can ask him yourself!" However, what everyone didn't expect was that Zhang Yaxi didn't answer in a good mood.Then he ignored the boys, walked past the boys, and walked towards the medical building.

"This... what's going on!"

"What exactly happened?"

"If President Liu left because we called her sister-in-law and she was shy, what happened to Teacher Zhang!"

Everyone was puzzled and stared at each other inexplicably.

"Brother Dong is here, Brother Dong is here!" And just when everyone was puzzled, someone suddenly shouted.

I saw Chen Dong walking out of the office building with ease.

"Brother Dong! Are you okay!"

"I heard that the head of the physical education department went to the principal to complain!"

"That's right! What did the headmaster say? If he punishes you, then we also demand to be punished together!" said the fat man.

"You can't let Brother Dong bear it alone! We must be punished and everyone will be punished together!"

"We will be punished together!"

The forty or fifty boys from the medical school who were present at the moment shouted one after another.

Chen Dong smiled slightly and waved his hands to everyone, and then everyone became quiet.

"As for the punishment of Wang Tianlong and other students from the Physical Education Department, I believe it will be announced tomorrow at the latest!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up!
"What! Punish Wang Tianlong and the PE students!" After Chen Dong said this, everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

"Yeah!" Then suddenly reacted.

"It's so frustrating!"

"Who will dare to bully people from our medical school in the future!"

"Boss, you are too good!"

"Brother Dong is amazing! Brother Dong is awesome!" All the boys from the medical school were jubilant, although they didn't know how Chen Dong did it!But since Chen Dong took all the responsibility last night, these boys from the medical school can say that they are all in admiration for Chen Dong!

"Okay! There will be classes in a while, everyone is ready to go back to class." Chen Dong said with a smile. Although these boys did not know his real identity, he knew that they were definitely the most trustworthy brothers.

"Let's go!"

"Cool! It's never been so cool!"

"That's because you didn't hang out with Brother Dong earlier haha!"

"Brother Dong is awesome! Brother Dong is mighty!"

"Brother Dong is awesome! Brother Dong is mighty!"

A large group of boys surrounded Chen Dong like a hero, and walked towards the teaching building of the medical school noisily.

And just after the boys from the medical school left, Gao Shi walked out of the office building with a gloomy face.

Looking at the backs of everyone in the medical school, I saw Gao Shi, the president of the student union, with a cold face, "Chen Dong, it seems that you are definitely an opponent worthy of my seriousness! But I hope you will understand, don't be my Gao Shi opponent, otherwise you will definitely regret it!"

A classroom in the Finance Department of Tunghai University.

At this time, Li Tenglong was sitting on a chair, and Baimei Lin Feiyu, the master and apprentice who had sneaked into the Donghai University campus, was sitting beside him.

"What! Say it again!" Li Tenglong kicked over a desk.

"Young Master Long, according to the news just now, Director Ma of the Physical Education Department failed to persuade Principal Lin to fire Chen Dong." A boy stood beside Li Tenglong and said.

"All trash is trash! If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have withdrawn the case against Wang Tianlong. This would allow Chen Dong to stay in the detention center for a few more days!" Li Tenglong was too confident last night, too detailed to kill Bai Mei Chen Dong.If the case is not withdrawn, Chen Dong's sudden disappearance or death will be a particularly troublesome matter for them, so he asked Wang Tianlong to withdraw the case, so that no one will pursue Chen Dong if he is not in the police station, but he What I didn't expect was that Chen Dong could become stronger in that desperate situation!Instead, he seriously injured the white-browed old monster, and even almost killed himself!

"And..." At this moment, the boy next to Li Tenglong said timidly again.

"And what! Say it!" Li Tenglong shouted.

"Furthermore, as proposed by the head of the Chinese Department and agreed by President Lin, Chen Dong's deeds of sacrificing himself to save others will be published in the Tunghai University school newspaper, encouraging all students to learn from Chen Dong!"

"Study ass! Chen Dong, I will never die with you!" Then Li Tenglong stood up abruptly!
"Mr. Li, don't worry, I already have a more perfect solution. If I can't get rid of Chen Dong this time, I am willing to abolish my cultivation!" At this time, the white-browed old monster who had been sitting by the side and closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes. Said.

 After a night of train rides, I'm back!Make up the third update!Ask for tickets and ask for rewards!Long time no fuck! ~
(End of this chapter)

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