Special masters on campus

Chapter 276 Chen Dong's Fatal Weakness

Chapter 276 Chen Dong's Fatal Weakness
Then Li Tenglong turned his head to look at the old monster with white eyebrows.

"Senior Baimei, you are a master invited by my father from the Dragon Head Association. I respect your strength. But this is not the first time you have said that you can get rid of Chen Dong! How can you make me believe you! You should know If you make another mistake this time, what will be waiting for you!" Li Tenglong said in a cold voice.

"Mr. Li, don't worry! If you fail to complete the task again, I will be punished with double the commission. If you fail to pay, this alone will make this old man hunted down by the Dragon Council!" said the white-browed old monster.

"Okay! As long as you understand! Tell me about your plan, I hope you won't let me down!" Li Tenglong sneered.

The white-browed monster glanced at the boy next to Li Tenglong.

"You go out first and stay at the door. No one is allowed to come in without my permission!" Li Tenglong said to the boy.

"Yes, Young Master Long!" The boy hurried out of the classroom.

"Now you can talk!" Li Tenglong looked at the white-browed monster.

"Yu'er, tell Mr. Li."

"Yes! Master." The red-haired Lin Feiyu replied.

"Young Master Long, we have been sending people to follow Chen Dong for the past few days, and today we finally found out about Chen Dong's fatal weakness! As long as we grasp this weakness, we won't have to worry about Chen Dong being caught without a fight!" Lin Feiyu sneered.

"Fatal weakness?" Li Tenglong looked at Lin Feiyu with interest.

"That's right!"

"I'm a little interested in talking about it! Tell me what kind of weakness you have seen, and you can catch Chen Dong without a fight!" Li Tenglong said.After many times of being pale, he has also learned to be smart. Without absolute certainty, he must not attack Chen Dong easily, otherwise it is very likely that he is pale.

"Young Master Long! We found out that Chen Dong went to an orphanage and had an extraordinary relationship with a little girl! Although we don't know what kind of relationship this little girl has with Chen Dong, we are sure that Chen Dong values ​​this little girl very much! We have already found out that Chen Dong handed over 1 yuan in cash to the orphanage, which was used for the little girl's medical expenses!" said Lin Feiyu.

"Oh? A little girl from the orphanage?" Li Tenglong rolled his eyes, "Continue talking!"

"Young Master Long! As long as we control the little girl, don't we worry that Chen Dong will obediently beg to come and die!" Lin Feiyu laughed, obviously he had great confidence in his plan.

"Senior Baimei, how sure are you this time?" Li Tenglong looked at the old man with white eyebrows.

"Mr. Li, as long as you grasp Chen Dong's weakness, you will be [-]% sure of getting rid of Chen Dong this time!" said the white-browed old monster with a vicious expression on his face.

"Okay! But I want to remind you, you have to hold on tight, Bingfeng has awakened early, if you let her win, your commission will be gone!"

"What! Bingfeng has awakened!" The white-browed old man was obviously extremely afraid of the word Bingfeng.

"That's right! I heard that this ice phoenix's full name is Frozen Demon Fairy, and it ranks No. 7 among the eight masters of the Dragon Head Meeting, but it ranks ahead of you!" Li Tenglong said with a sneer.

"Mr. Li, please don't worry, I will definitely arrange everything this time, and wait for Chen Dong to come and die by himself!" The white-browed old monster squinted his eyes and said.

"Okay! Then we'll invite Chen Donglai to die!" A ruthless look flashed across Li Tenglong's eyes, looking in the direction of the medical building outside the window.

At this time, Chen Dong, who was in the classroom of the medical building, naturally knew that the Li family behind Li Tenglong would never stop here!The reason why the Li family wanted to get rid of him was to prevent him from becoming an obstacle to them getting Chu Shanshan.

And since Chen Dong promised Su Hong to protect Chu Shanshan, he wouldn't back down halfway, that's not his character!More importantly, Chen Dong is now continuing to improve his strength with spirit stones, and the Li family may be the best choice!

"The Li family! If you still dare to provoke me, don't blame me for killing me at the headquarters of the Tenglong Building!" Chen Dong, who was in the process of closing his eyes, opened his eyes suddenly.

After the two classes in the morning, Chen Dong had completely stabilized his realm. Now even in the face of two white eyebrows, he is confident to crush his opponents!
After lunch, after Chen Dong sent Chu Shanshan back to the dormitory, his phone rang suddenly.

Chen Dong took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Situ Xiadan calling. Chen Dong's nerves became tense. Situ Xiadan's call at this time was probably about his younger sister Lin Wan!
Thinking of this, Chen Dong quickly connected the phone, "Hello, police sister!"

"How many times have I told you, don't call me these four words, I'm disgusting!" Situ Xiadan's usual fiery voice came from the phone.

"Er...then what do I call you?" Chen Dong doesn't dare to provoke this elder sister now, he has something to ask for now, molesting is molesting, but he must do it only molesting and not molesting!

"Call me Officer Situ!"

"Yes miss! Sir Situ!" Chen Dong immediately changed his address.

"Stop coming here! I've already checked the matter of your junior sister Lin Wan!" Situ Xiadan said angrily.

"Really! Tell me what you found!" Chen Dong hurriedly asked. The unexplained disappearance of junior sister Lin Wan can be said to be the most troubled thing for Chen Dong these days, and it is also the most important purpose of his visit to Donghai City.

"But I'm in a bad mood right now. You have to buy me two drinks. I'll see how I feel before I decide whether to tell you or not!" Situ Xiadan said.

"Ugh! My good sister! Don't play tricks on me, this matter is too important to me!" Chen Dong's old face was embarrassing, this Situ Xia Dan was clearly taking revenge on him for taking advantage of her last night!
"I'm not kidding you, you still come!" Situ Xiadan said indifferently.

"Okay, I'll come! Where are you now?" Chen Dong was really afraid of this policewoman. Among the few girls he met in Donghai City for such a long time, Chen Dong was Su who was a little afraid of drinking. The most feared thing besides the rainbow is this hot police flower!Doing things has never been done according to common sense, and doing things has always been to kill the grass and roots! "

“Crescent Bar!”

"You are a policeman, you go to the bar?"

"I can't go on vacation! It doesn't matter if you come or not! So many handsome guys are queuing up to strike up a conversation with me!"

"Come! Come! Let me join the team in 10 minutes!" Chen Dong hurriedly walked towards the west gate of Tunghai University.

"Jump in line? Why jump in line?"

"Let's strike up a conversation!" Chen Dong hung up the phone with a twitch of his mouth, and walked towards the Crescent Bar without delay. He really wanted to know about his junior sister!

And not long after Chen Dong walked away, a figure that made countless boys drool appeared in the place where Chen Dong was standing just now.

The figure flicked his long hair and took out his phone.

"Hello? Inform Boss Li and ask him to prepare the promised reward. Today, Chen Dong will disappear from this world forever!" A charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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