Chapter 280

"I..." Chen Donggang wanted to refute, but when he thought that he was hugging a drunk Feng Bingbing and facing the horrible old ladies of the neighborhood committee, one more thing would be better than one less thing. It is so difficult to do good things these days !

"Who's the aunt? Are we that old?" The three aunts all stared brightly.

"No no! Eldest sister! She is really my girlfriend, don't get me wrong! We are all college students!" Chen Dong said with an aggrieved face.

"How do you prove it?" Those aunts obviously didn't believe Chen Dong's words.

"Proof? How about I kiss you to see?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

Hearing what Chen Dong said, the three aunts from the neighborhood committee looked at each other, and were speechless for a while.

"Okay! Believe you once, don't let girls drink so much wine again, what if those hooligans take advantage of the smell of alcohol!"

"Yes! I will definitely not let them take advantage of it. I'm here!" Chen Dong smiled.

The three aunts from the neighborhood committee let Chen Dong go and continued to walk downstairs.

"Actually, I haven't finished my words yet. With me here, I must be the one who takes advantage!" Chen Dong raised his mouth and lowered his head to look at Feng Bingbing. Fortunately, he didn't wake up, otherwise he would cause trouble again.

And when Chen Dong carried Feng Bingbing to room 701 on the seventh floor, a more serious problem happened!Chen Dong didn't have a key.

"Feng Bingbing doesn't have a backpack, where will she keep her keys?" Chen Dong looked naturally at Feng Bingbing's waist.

I saw that Feng Bingbing was wearing a short white skirt today, the hem of the skirt just reached her knees, and now because she was hugged by Princess Chen Dong, the hem of the skirt was lifted up a lot, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

"Do not look at evil, do not look at evil..." Chen Dong swallowed unconsciously, muttering "Do not look at evil", but his eyes kept staring.In Chen Dong's words, the reason I see it is because I am not indecent to others, and I see it in an upright way.

"Ahem... There can't be pockets on this kind of skirt, so it's definitely not on the skirt. It's a pity..." Chen Dong continued to look up when he thought of this.

Feng Bingbing is wearing a simple women's dress on the upper body today, and a thin lace jacket on the outside.

The little clothes inside are almost showing the belly button, there must be no pockets, it can only be the thin coat outside.

Chen Dong poured out his hand and touched Feng Bingbing's coat, but he couldn't find the key.

"It's troublesome. I found the door but didn't have the key. Doesn't this force me to take him to open the room?" Chen Dong looked helpless, his luck was a bit too bad recently.

And at this moment, Chen Dong suddenly noticed a small protrusion under Feng Bingbing's clothes under the neckline, as if something was hidden inside.

"No way? Why do you have this habit? If you don't know how to hide it there, how can I get it?" Chen Dong seems to have discovered where the key is, but this place really makes him Difficult.

"What should I do? If I can't get the key, do I really have to stand outside the door for a day and wait for her to wake up!" Chen Dong had a fierce struggle in his heart.

"Forget it anyway, she hasn't woken up yet, let's talk about it after getting the key!" Chen Dong made up his mind, since he decided to do this good deed, he must overcome no matter how big the "difficulty" is, even if he encounters another Even the highest peaks have to be climbed, and even the deepest valleys have to be crossed!
Holding this belief in positive energy, Chen Dong stretched out his hand to the position under Feng Bingbing's neckline.

And just when Chen Dong's hand was about to touch the gully under Feng Bingbing's neckline, Feng Bingbing in Chen Dong's arms suddenly moved.

"My head hurts!" Feng Bingbing said in a daze.

This frightened Chen Dong so quickly that he withdrew his hand.

"Where am I?" Feng Bingbing slowly opened her eyes, apparently she still hadn't sobered up.

"You woke up, Feng Bingbing!" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"Chen Dong?" Feng Bingbing seemed to have forgotten what happened before.

"Student Feng Bingbing, you forgot. Just now you were drunk and asked me to send you home." Chen Dong said with a smile on his face, without showing any embarrassment at all because he was almost seen by Feng Bingbing just now Come.

"Oh, I remembered. I just drank a bottle of wine, but I can't remember anything." Feng Bingbing said, pressing his temples with his hands.

"A bottle of wine? What kind of wine did you drink?" Chen Dong asked.


"Uh...whiskey usually has 40% alcohol, you actually drank a bottle, and you wake up now, which means you have a good drinking capacity!" Chen Dong drank from his forehead, and the goddess actually drank a bottle of whiskey.

"My head hurts... I feel like I'm floating in mid-air? Why do I feel this way?" Feng Bingbing said in confusion with a drunken face.

"Floating in mid-air?" Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that Feng Bingbing was completely hugged by her own princess. Could she not feel that she was in mid-air?
"No... I'm sorry, you were too drunk to walk by yourself just now, so I can only take you..." Chen Dong said embarrassingly.

"'s okay, thank you Chen Dong." Feng Bingbing, who was gorgeous in Chen Dong, blushed.

"Then I'll let you down." Chen Dong thought that since he was already awake, it would be bad if he was hugging him.

"Okay." Feng Bingbing's face was flushed, and it was not clear whether it was because of drunkenness or shyness.

Chen Dong quickly put Feng Bingbing down. Although he felt a little bit reluctant, he still let it go. It is a good reward for a good man to be rewarded for being a fairy-like beauty for so long.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Chen Dong nodded, turned around and prepared to leave.

And just when Chen Dong turned around, he keenly sensed that something was wrong behind him, so he turned around quickly.Just when Chen Dong turned back, he saw Feng Bingbing was falling towards him.

Chen Dong stretched out his hand and hugged Feng Bingbing in his arms.

"Yes... I'm sorry, my head hurts, and my feet are a little weak..." Feng Bingbing seemed a little shy when embraced by Chen Dong's strong arms, but she still stood still because the alcohol had not completely passed. unstable.

"It's okay, your alcohol has not passed, I'll take you back to the house to rest." Chen Dong said.

"Okay." Feng Bingbing nodded.

Chen Dong smiled, and helped Feng Bingbing to the front of her house.

At this time Feng Bingbing suddenly lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Chen Dong..."

"Huh?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Bingbing.

"Can you turn around first?" Feng Bingbing lowered her head and whispered.

"Turn around?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Bingbing's neckline, and suddenly thought of why Feng Bingbing asked him to turn around.

Why?Because the place where the key is hidden is too secret!
(End of this chapter)

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