Special masters on campus

Chapter 281 Possess her!

Chapter 281 Possess her!
"Okay!" Thinking of this, Chen Dong turned around. Although he couldn't see the moment when he took out the key, it's pretty good to think about the picture.

After Chen Dong turned around, Feng Bingbing reached out and took out a small silver key that was hanging around her neck.The key is not exactly like a slightly larger pendant.More suitable for girls, it can be used as a decorative pendant and as a key.

"Squeak..." Feng Bingbing opened the door.

"Chen Dong, you can turn around." Feng Bingbing said at this moment.

"Okay." Chen Dong turned around and saw Feng Bingbing was standing at the door holding the door frame with one hand and covering his temple with the other, and quickly supported her.

"Are you okay, Feng Bingbing?" Chen Dong asked.

"It's okay, it's just that my head hurts." Feng Bingbing's skin was originally fair, but now a blush appeared on his cheeks from the inside out when he was drunk, which made every man feel pity in his heart.

"Let me help you in."

"Okay, thank you Chen Dong." Feng Bingbing nodded.

Chen Dong helped Feng Bingbing into the room, and closed the door behind him.

Walking into Feng Bingbing's home, Chen Dong found that Feng Bingbing seemed to like white very much.The walls and ceilings at home, even the sofa and table are all white or silvery white, and even the floor is grayish white.

"It really matches her name and temperament." Chen Dong thought.

"Okay, you sit down and rest for a while." Chen Dong helped Feng Bingbing to sit on the sofa.

Feng Bingbing was half lying on the sofa because of his headache, but this posture really made Chen Dong's nostrils warm.

"Ahem... what can I do for you?" Chen Dong thought he couldn't do it and find an excuse to get away. The lonely man and widow in the same room couldn't hold on to himself!

"Can you make me a cup of tea?" Feng Bingbing said, covering her head.

"it is good!"

"There's tea in the refrigerator, so make yourself a cup too."

"I won't drink it, shall I?" Chen Dong thought to himself that it would be too late for him to run away, so he wouldn't be in the mood for tea.

"What's wrong with drinking a cup of tea? Are you so afraid of me? I invite you to eat and refuse me. Now that you help me, I invite you to drink a cup of tea. Do you also refuse?" This sentence seemed to touch Feng Bingbing inadvertently Seeing the sore spot, she put down her hands and looked at Chen Dong with rosy eyes.

"This..." Chen Dong suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he was looked at by Feng Bingbing, who was supposed to be so high and not to be played with. He was a little too careful. Nothing could happen and he couldn't get pregnant after drinking a cup of tea. There was no need to be so cruel Reject others.

"Okay, then I'll have a drink." Chen Dong smiled.

"Thank you, Chen Dong. The tea is under the coffee table, and the electric kettle is in the kitchen." Feng Bingbing said with a slight smile.

"Okay, I'll boil the water first." Chen Dong got up and went into the kitchen.

And Feng Bingbing, who was half lying on the sofa, looked at Chen Dong's back with a faint smile on his mouth.

Five minutes later, Chen Dong returned to the living room with a pot of hot water, and took out a box of tea leaves from under the coffee table.

When Chen Dong opened the box, he found that Feng Bingbing's tea was red.

"Why is your tea red?" Chen Dong poured out some tea leaves.

"Pfft..." Feng Bingbing laughed as he covered his head.

"What's wrong?" Chen Dong poured two cups of tea and raised his head to look at Feng Bingbing.

"Of course black tea is red!" Feng Bingbing said.

"Well, I've never seen such a red tea." Chen Dong handed a cup of tea to Feng Bingbing.

"Then you can try it." Feng Bingbing sat up with a smile and took the teacup.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, we are classmates!" Chen Dong took a sip of tea.

Feng Bingbing also took a sip of tea in a low voice.

The atmosphere in the room became awkward for a while, and the two sat on the sofa drinking tea and didn't know what to say.

For a long time, both of them seemed to find a topic to relax.



The two said at the same time.

"Tell me first..." Feng Bingbing said with some embarrassment.

"No, no, you talk first." Chen Dong took a sip of tea in embarrassment, he suddenly realized that it was a bit unnatural for him to be alone in the room with this fairy beauty.

"I...I want to say that I want to take a shower first." Feng Bingbing said with her head down.

"Oh, then...then I'll leave first so I won't bother you." Chen Dong quickly put down his teacup and said, he was just trying to find an excuse to slip away, the pressure of staying with this fairy beauty was too great.

"Chen Dong, I want to say that I have something to say to you after I take a shower, just sit down and have a cup of tea and I'll be fine." Feng Bingbing stood up without waiting for Chen Dong to agree. He leaned on the sofa and walked towards the bathroom.

"Ahem... why do you have to wait until after the shower?" Chen Dong swallowed while looking at Feng Bingbing's tall and slender back.

Since all the girls said so, it would be too unmanly for him to leave, so Chen Dong simply sat down again, picked up his teacup and took another sip of tea.

"Well, this tea is pretty good." Chen Dong stared at the tea in the cup and raised the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Feng Bingbing had already walked into the bathroom, and Chen Dong could hear the sound of running water in the bathroom.

Ten minutes passed quickly, but Chen Dong, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, felt a little hot.

"Strange? How could it be so hot?" Chen Dong frowned. The "Nine Suns Book" he practiced is the world's top pure yang technique. Even if it is burning flames, Chen Dong won't feel how hot it is, but Now he only felt that the blood in his body began to surge violently, as if an angry beast was about to run away at any time!

"Could it be this tea?" Chen Dong looked at the teacup in front of him.

Because if it wasn't for the tea, I wouldn't have explained why I was getting hot all over now!

"Hulahula..." At this time, there was a sound of water flowing in the bathroom, which made Chen Dong's heart beat violently.

"Feng Bingbing in the bathroom must not be wearing anything..." Chen Dong's eyes were blurred, and his brain began to fantasize about the scene in the bathroom.At this time, Chen Dong's complexion also began to turn red, like a wild beast.

"I want to possess her!" Chen Dong suddenly raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the direction of the bathroom as if he was about to burst into flames.

But seeing Chen Dong standing up all of a sudden, his eyes were red and he walked towards the bathroom where Feng Bingbing was.

"Hua la hua la..." The continuous sound of water flowing from the bathroom was like the neighing of a weak deer, luring the predator to approach, and then completely possessed her and conquered her!

At this time, Chen Dong approached the bathroom step by step like a beast that had completely lost his nature, his mind was full of pictures of how to occupy Feng Bingbing's body!

(End of this chapter)

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