Special masters on campus

Chapter 285 I Will Be Small

Chapter 285 I Will Be Small
"I...I am your antidote?" Feng Bingbing's words completely stunned Chen Dong. What does Feng Bingbing mean?Why do you still want to eat yourself?

"Yes..." Feng Bingbing nodded shyly. Who would believe that the shy girl next door in front of her was a killer who killed countless people...

"You... what do you mean?"

"Chen Dong, don't get me wrong, I won't hurt you again, and I won't kill anyone again from now on." Seeing Chen Dong's strange expression, Feng Bingbing quickly explained.

"If you don't kill people, what do you mean? How can I be your antidote? I'm not the Dragon Shouhui!" Chen Dong had a puzzled look on his face, saying that women's thoughts can't be figured out, and this female killer's thoughts are even more serious. It's elusive.

"You can restrain the cold poison in my body!" Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Hehe, you think highly of me. I can only restrain myself. With my current skill, I can only temporarily suppress the cold poison for a month at most." Chen Dong said.

"I know, I don't expect to completely dissolve the cold poison..."

"Then what do you want? Do you want me to heal your injuries every other month? I don't think I can find a reason to do so." Chen Dong frowned.

"I'll be your woman!" Feng Bingbing said firmly at this moment.

"Eh..." Chen Dong's forehead darkened, the female killer is the female killer, it's too straightforward to say that.There is such an iceberg goddess in front of you who is almost naked and tells you that she wants to be your woman. How many men can hold her back?

Chen Dong's gaze unconsciously swept Feng Bingbing's body back and forth, perfect, Feng Bingbing's figure can only be described as perfect.The place that should be concave is concave, and the place that should be convex is convex. The most important thing is her immortal temperament. If you can hold such a woman in your arms, it will definitely be like a fairy!

"Gulu..." Chen Dong swallowed unconsciously. If it wasn't for his lack of skill in the Nine Suns Collection, he would have killed her directly today!Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"This old man Yang who killed a thousand swords!" Chen Dong couldn't help but scolded the old man ten thousand times in his heart.

Thousands of miles away in a thatched hut on the top of a mountain, a wretched little old man was holding a teacup in his hand and was about to drink tea, but suddenly he sneezed, and most of the tea in the cup was spilled.

"Little bastard, you're scolding me again! But it's no wonder, something good must have happened, and I would scold me too! But you will know in the future, brat, and you will thank me..." The look of the wretched little old man Look in the direction of Donghai City.

Donghai City, Ocean District.On the sofa in Feng Bingbing's home.

Chen Dong scolded the old man ten thousand times in his heart, but he had no choice but to say with a serious face, "Ahem, your request makes me very embarrassed..." In fact, there are 1 wishes in his heart...

"I know..." Feng Bingbing suddenly lowered his head.

"No! Sister, you don't know..." Chen Dong said in his heart.

"I know you already have a sweetheart, her name is Lin Wan..." Feng Bingbing said in a low voice.

"Khan, where is this girl thinking? What is a sweetheart? That's my junior sister! Although we have baby relatives, it was decided when we were wearing crotch pants..." But Chen Dong couldn't think of a better reason to reject Feng. Bingbing's reasonable request can only be counted on...

"Yes, my primary goal now is to find her, so I can't afford to let it go..." Chen Dong said against his own conscience, hoping that this would make Feng Bingbing quit.

But what Feng Bingbing said next made his little heart tremble.

"I'd like to be the little one..." Feng Bingbing said in a low voice with her head lowered.

"Wh...what...you...you say it again..." Chen Dong stared at the boss and said.

"I... I am willing to be the little one!" Feng Bingbing seemed to have made up her mind, and raised her head and said firmly to Chen Dong.

"This...this is a bit too beautiful..." Chen Dong swallowed.

"No! This is illegal!" Chen Dong said against his will again.

"I don't need a title..."

"Pfft!" Chen Dong shuddered and almost spewed out the nosebleed of a 20-year-old virgin. Can people still live?Who can suffer this!
And at this moment, I saw that Feng Bingbing stretched his hands behind his back and began to unbutton the white tube top on his upper body, and the tube top had begun to loosen and was about to be unbuttoned.

"This! What's going on here!" When he saw Feng Bingbing directly start to unbutton, Chen Dong's mind went blank for an instant!
"How beautiful the picture under these two pieces of cloth will be! You can even just look at it!" Chen Dong's eyes almost popped out, Feng Bingbing's action was more effective than the previous love potion bigger!

"No! If I untie it, I see what happened and I really can't control it, wouldn't I regret it for the rest of my life!" And at the moment when Feng Bingbing was about to unbutton it, Chen Dong suddenly understood, He knew that as long as any man saw the picture under the tube top, he would lose his mind and rush towards him like a tiger preying on him!
"What are you doing?" Chen Dong quickly pressed Feng Bingbing's arms.

I saw that Feng Bingbing was held down by Chen Dong's arms, his face flushed slightly, "Thank you for saving your life, I am willing to be your woman."

"Uh cough cough...I saved you not because you want to repay me, I just hope to get the information I want from you." Chen Dong said with difficulty, thinking why his speed is so fast, he just needs to slow down a little bit , even a little bit can see what any man wants to see!It seems that sometimes being too strong is not a good thing...

"I know you didn't save me for this. I wanted to kill you before. I don't mind what you did to me." Feng Bingbing said.

"I... what did I do to you?" Chen Dong was taken aback, didn't he just touch Feng Bingbing's place and he wouldn't be pregnant!
"I don't know what you did to me, anyway, no matter what you did to me, I don't care." Feng Bingbing said sincerely.

"I'll go! What's the logic at this time!" Chen Dong found that he still couldn't explain clearly.

"Chen Dong made a vow when I killed the first man when I was very young." Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong, and the distance between their faces was less than twenty centimeters.

"Oath, what oath?" Chen Dong was taken aback, thinking that the oath you made when you were very young has nothing to do with me. Could it be that you swore to marry me when you were young?Cough cough, Gu Liang, don't scare me...

"Now is the time for me to fulfill this oath..." Feng Bingbing seemed to be a little bit relieved and shy when he said this.

"Fulfilling the promise? It doesn't really have anything to do with me, does it? We haven't known each other for less than a month!" Chen Dong felt a little nonsense, but also a little hopeful.

"Yes...it has something to do with you..." Feng Bingbing blinked her big eyes with long eyelashes, looked at Chen Dong and said.

(End of this chapter)

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