Special masters on campus

Chapter 286 Feng Bingbing's Vow

Chapter 286 Feng Bingbing's Vow
"Don't scare me, what you said is too mysterious, even if we are all from the world of cultivation, it's not so mysterious, right?" Hearing Feng Bingbing say that the vows she made when she was a child are related to herself, and look at her It meant to fulfill the oath in front of him, Chen Dong opened his mouth wide open.

"At the age of 12, when I killed a male target in the bathroom for the first time, I swore that as long as any man can live after seeing my body, I will marry him, and now I have met." Feng There seemed to be shyness on Bingbing's face, but it was more of persistence and joy.

"Meet it? Cough cough, it can't be me?" Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized it all at once.

"Yes, it's you." Feng Bingbing nodded, the look in his eyes seemed to say that he had identified Chen Dong in this lifetime.

"Ahem!" Chen Dong only felt his nostrils heat up, "I can't, those men are all dead?"

"Yes, they are all dead, none of them can live to see the sun of tomorrow..."

"Today is not over yet, you can continue to kill me, maybe I won't see the sun tomorrow..." Chen Dong's face was frozen, and he really couldn't find anything to persuade her in the face of such a persistent female killer. .

"No! I can't kill you anymore. And I also said that I decided to give up this mission, and I will never be a killer again. I will never change what I said!" Feng Bingbing said seriously.

"Cough cough, that classmate Feng Bingbing, this is a major event in your life, you must be careful not to be careless when making this decision, or else we'll have a long-term plan and talk about it another day..."

"No, I've thought about this decision for a long time. I've seriously considered it and I'm not joking." Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong sincerely and said.

"Eh..." Chen Dong didn't know what to say for a while, a frosty beauty killer fell from the sky, crying and shouting to dedicate himself to making himself a little one, is this a pie in the sky...

"Feng Bingbing, this kind of thing is consensual, have you considered my idea? I admit that you are good anywhere, but after all, we have known each other for such a short time, we are not familiar with each other and have no feelings at all..."

"This... I haven't thought about this... I haven't experienced the life of ordinary people, and I have indeed ignored your feelings. We are indeed unfamiliar with each other..." Feng Bingbing is a killer. She has never been in love before, and finally she can think of a persuasion She has a reason!

"That's right! So this kind of thing needs both the man and the woman to be willing, and it needs to have feelings. Otherwise, wouldn't the world be in chaos?" Chen Dong took a long breath in his heart, he really didn't know If such a peerless beauty insists on giving her husband to her, how long can she hold on to her position.

"I understand..." Feng Bingbing lowered her head.

"It's good to understand, it's good to understand..." Chen Dong thought to himself whether he was stupid or not, rejecting such a reasonable request from such a beautiful girl as the first brother, made him unable to fulfill his vow...

"I know it's unfair to you that I bring this up today. I really didn't have this kind of experience before..." Feng Bingbing said with her head down.

"Unfair?" Chen Dong was taken aback, "Yes, it's too unfair!" In fact, what he thought in his heart was that such things are unfair!But you can't say that with your mouth.

"I've decided, if you don't want me today, I'll serve you by your side, we can get along slowly until the day you want me, that's all." Feng Bingbing said seriously.

"Pfft!" Chen Dong's eyes darkened, and he still didn't understand after a long time. Didn't your decision kill me?Such a peerless beauty is lying next to you without any clothes every day, you can't do what you should do, I will go!What kind of cruel punishment is this, it's terrible!

"Ahem! Feng Bingbing, why don't you understand? Besides, this is such a society, and you still serve. What if I can't bear to do something to you! My conscience will be condemned!" Chen Dong said with a look on his face. Said seriously.

"It's okay, you don't have to condemn yourself, this is all I want!" Feng Bingbing said happily, that was the result she wanted, he didn't understand why Chen Dong's conscience was condemned, it was her willing?
"Eh!" Chen Dong was completely speechless, he was forcing himself!

"Feng Bingbing, it may be that you have been a killer all along, and you still don't understand real life."

"Isn't it okay if I volunteered? I know that my appearance may disturb your normal life. Don't worry, after you find Lin Wan, I will never disturb your normal life. I am willing to be a little..."

"Ahem, Feng Bingbing, it's not a matter of status or not." Chen Dong said with pain.

"I see..." Feng Bingbing lowered her head again, apparently she was not used to being an ordinary girl after being a killer.

"What did you understand..." Chen Dong was taken aback.

"It's because you don't want to...it's because I'm not good-looking, you didn't like me." Feng Bingbing said sadly, obviously Chen Dong's series of rejections hit the girl deeply.

"No, no! That's not what it means, you are very beautiful! Even in the entire Tunghai University, you are considered the campus belle." Chen Dong quickly explained with a black forehead. According to common sense, this girl is going to kill him, but why? When she said that she no longer wanted to be a killer and wanted to stay by her side, why couldn't she feel pity for her?
"So you are willing?" Feng Bingbing's face showed joy, and he reached out to unbutton his tube top.

"Wait! Don't explain it yet!" Chen Dong held back the excitement in his heart and grabbed Feng Bingbing's hand.

"My old sister, you are driving brother crazy!" Chen Dong's face was like a bitter melon.

"What's the matter? Don't you want it?" Feng Bingbing asked with his eyes wide open.

"I want..." Chen Dong frowned, as long as he was a well-developed man, he would want it, let alone Chen Dong was a super-well-developed man.

"Then what are you waiting for, I want to be your woman." Feng Bingbing was even happier when she heard what Chen Dong said. She was already tired of the killer's life, but because of the cold poison, she had no choice. Now that she met Chen Dong, She finally saw the hope of her new life!

And Chen Dong not only saved herself, he was also the boy who made her cold-blooded heart feel the warmth of a normal girl for the first time.For the first time in front of Chen Dong, he felt that he was a girl.What's more, Chen Dong is the first boy who can live after seeing her body again. She will never break her vow!

I saw Feng Bingbing's joy from the heart, while Chen Dong was in a daze, he performed Jiu Jitsu to break free from Chen Dong's two big hands.

"Wait! Cough!" Chen Dong opened his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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