Special masters on campus

Chapter 290 Wu Jiajia Lost

Chapter 290 Wu Jiajia Lost

"Have you found out, what exactly did you do?" Chen Dong asked with a solemn expression. He had 1 things in his heart that he didn't want to be implicated in an innocent little girl because of his own affairs.

"I've gone back to the police station to file a case, but there's no news yet." Situ Xiadan said, obviously if the police station could solve it, she wouldn't be so flustered.

"Aren't there any clues left? Didn't the teachers in those orphanages see any good people?" Chen Dong asked.

"There is no clue, and no one has seen anyone who can enter the orphanage. Even the orphanage's camera didn't catch anyone suspicious." Situ Xiadan said in a trembling voice on the phone. She saw Wu Jiajia Becoming her childhood self, she didn't want to see Wu Jiajia get hurt, but now she was powerless, so she thought of Chen Dong.

"I see. Where are you now? I'll look for you and we'll look for you." Chen Dong said.

"I'm at the police station now."

"Okay, you wait for me at the gate of the police station, and I'll be there right away." Chen Dong didn't dare to delay, and immediately drove to the Donghai City Police Station.

When Chen Dong arrived at the gate of the police station, he saw Situ Xiadan standing anxiously outside the gate of the police station.

"Get in the car!" Chen Dong stopped the car and opened the window.

"Okay!" Situ Xiadan quickly opened the door and got into the car.

"Where are we going now?" Situ Xiadan asked Chen Dong.

"Have you searched for all possible places?" Chen Dong asked.

"The orphanage, Jiajia's original kindergarten and her home have been searched, but there is no clue." Situ Xiadan said anxiously.

"Do you think this is an ordinary child abduction case?" Chen Dong asked.

"Unlike, if it's a normal child abduction case, at least some clues can be left behind, but I checked the surveillance videos of these places, and I didn't see any suspicious people. Jiajia seemed to have disappeared out of thin air." Situ Xia Dan said.

"When did this happen?"

"This morning, at noon, I received a call from the teacher of the orphanage saying that Wu Jiajia was missing. I searched the entire orphanage but couldn't find it."

"It's very likely that it happened at night." Chen Dong said with his eyes fixed.

"Yes, the teacher at the orphanage said that they went to wake the children up this morning. All the other children were there, but Jiajia was missing. At first they thought Jiajia was naughty and ran out to play by herself, but they searched for a long time I couldn't find her, so I called the police." Situ Xiadan said.

"Could it be because her father offended some people?" Chen Dong said.

"Probably not. Wu Zhencai has been working as an undercover agent. He has offended a lot of people over the years, but now that Wu Zhencai has become like this himself, those shouldn't be able to do anything to a little girl. It doesn't make any sense at all."

While Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan were talking in the car, a police car opposite the police station compound.

"Hello? Young Master Yu, as expected, Chen Dong is here, and he's putting that bitch in the car now!" Huang Yousheng waited for the Maserati on the side of the road to burst into flames.

"Okay." A gloomy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Young Master Yu, are you sure this time? You can kill Chen Dong, but Situ Xiadan wants to stay with me. I want to torture her to my heart's content and let her beg me!" Huang Yousheng said through gritted teeth.

"Hehe, don't worry, it will be a big trouble without your monitor this time. I want you to guarantee that Situ Xiadan is yours. Our goal is the same as yours, which is to get rid of Chen Dong!"

"Good! Great!" Huang Yousheng couldn't help sneering, he couldn't wait any longer, the mask on his face had been torn by him long ago, he pursued Situ Xiadan only for Situ Xiadan's body!
In the Maserati car at the moment.

Both Chen Dong and Situ Xiadan looked serious. Now all the signs indicated that this was not an ordinary child abduction case. If this was the case, Xiao Jiajia's safety would be even more worrying.

"Lingling..." At this moment, Situ Xiadan's phone rang suddenly.

"Hello!" Situ Xiadan quickly connected the phone, because every call at this time is likely to be related to Wu Jiajia.

"How is it? Any news about Jiajia?" Chen Dong frowned.

"Hmm!" Situ Xiadan nodded with a bad expression.

"What's wrong?" Chen Dong asked.

"They want you to answer the phone." Situ Xiadan said.

"Let me answer the phone?" Chen Dong's pupils shrank, which seemed to be similar to his initial expectation. Someone must have seen that he had been to the orphanage and had an unusual relationship with Xiao Jiajia, and this became his name. weakness!
"Give it to me." Chen Dong answered the phone with a smile.


"Chen Dong, long time no see!" It was Lin Feiyu's voice that spoke, and Chen Dong remembered it.

"Let your master talk to me." Chen Dong said indifferently, he was indeed from the Li family again, it seems that they will not give up easily unless they get rid of themselves!It's just that this time the Li family has completely touched Chen Dong's bottom line!Because I was implicated in an immature child, there was no need for such a person to exist.

"It's time to solve this matter thoroughly! The Li family! You are looking for death!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed coldly.

Situ Xiadan, who was sitting next to Chen Dong, seemed to have noticed Chen Dong's gaze, and her heart skipped a beat. She had never seen Chen Dong have such a gaze, a murderous gaze!

"You! Chen Dong, don't be ignorant! You should be very anxious now! You and the illegitimate daughter of the police flower are in my hands now! This little girl is very cute, but her life and death now are in your hands In your hand." Lin Feiyu on the other end of the phone said in a strange way.

"The illegitimate daughter of me and Situ Xiadan is really a bunch of stupid thieves..." Chen Dong looked helpless. It turned out that he mistook Wu Jiajia for his and Situ Xiadan's illegitimate daughter. Xia Dan listened.

"What do you want?" Chen Dong said in a cold voice.

"How? Haha, it's very simple! One life for another! Either you come to exchange your life for your woman's life! Or you wait to collect your daughter's body! A little girl who was a few years old drowned in the sea This kind of tragedy happens more than once every year in Donghai City!" Lin Feiyu said with a sneer.

"Location!" Chen Dong didn't have time to ink with him.

"Chen Dong thinks you have courage! But you can only come alone. If we find out that you dare to bring anyone, you can wait to collect the corpse!"

"I'll let you tell me the address!" Chen Dong said in a cold voice.

"You! Well, let's see how long you can go crazy! East China Sea Coast Resort!"

"Very good!" Chen Dong hung up the phone and returned the phone to Situ Xiadan.

"How is it! What did they say?" Situ Xiadan asked quickly.

"It's a small matter, I'll go and pick Jiajia up." Chen Dong smiled relaxedly.

(End of this chapter)

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