Special masters on campus

Chapter 291 Chen Dong's Confidence

Chapter 291 Chen Dong's Confidence

"Chen Dong, don't lie to me! I don't want to see anything happen to Jiajia, and I don't want to see anything happen to you." Situ Xiadan said nervously. This matter is likely to come for Chen Dong, and Situ Xiadan knows how terrible Chen Dong's opponents are.

"What's wrong, are you worried about me?" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

Situ Xiadan was taken aback, looked at Chen Dong and said, "Chen Dong is not the time to make trouble! You tell me we can share the burden together, you are too dangerous!"

"Don't worry, these people are the same people from yesterday. There are only two ways to get them out of the way. One is to let them get rid of me." Chen Dong said calmly.

"Then you won't be able to fall into their schemes!" Situ Xiadan said with a nervous expression. She still remembered the last time Chen Dong was covered in blood.

"Don't worry, I will never let them succeed. I'm going to have another way to make them give up completely!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, this time the Li family completely touched his bottom line!It doesn't matter if there is a dragon head meeting or a snake head meeting behind the Li family!If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat, and if the Eastern Emperor is not angry, you don't know what the king of killers is!
"what way?"

"Destroy them!" Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"Destroy...them!" Situ Xiadan opened his big eyes.

"Yes, that's the only way to make them give up completely and stop thinking of me as a threat to the safety of the people around me." Chen Dong said calmly. Necessary psychological quality!

"Okay, Xia Dan, don't need to say any more. Just like you, my Jiajia is like my own daughter. I will never let her get hurt in the slightest. As for me, you don't have to worry, the person who can kill me Not yet born!" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"Daughter..." Situ Xiadan was taken aback for a moment. She fully trusted Chen Dong's strength. She knew that sometimes when facing opponents who were not ordinary people, if she brought herself with her, she might bring Chen Dong with her. burden.

"Aren't you the same? Seeing Jiajia is like seeing my childhood." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"Yes... I have long regarded Jiajia as my daughter in my heart!" Situ Xiadan nodded.

"Ahem..." Chen Dong coughed dryly. Could it be that Lin Feiyu and the others regarded Wu Jiajia as the illegitimate daughter of himself and Situ Xiadan.

"Chen Dong, what's the matter with you?" Situ Xiadan asked quickly when he heard Chen Dong cough.

"No...it's okay." Chen Dong said with a serious face.

"Then what can I do?" Situ Xiadan was anxious now, but found that he couldn't help at all, and the entire police system couldn't find any clues about the other party.

"What you need to do is get out of the car and go back to the police station to wait for my good news. I will bring Jiajia back intact. Don't worry." Chen Dong said with a smile on his face, his tone full of confidence.


"Okay, get out of the car, if it's later, I'm afraid they will be bad for Jiajia." Chen Dong knew Situ Xiadan's worries. Such a female police officer who is usually vigorous and resolute now finds that she encounters things that she can't do anything about. Time is at a loss.

"Okay! Then wait for your news!" Situ Xiadan heard Chen Dong say that Wu Jiajia's safety might be threatened if he was late, and immediately recovered the reaction that a girl should have, and quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Watching Situ Xiadan get out of the car, Chen Dong opened the window.I saw Situ Xiadan standing there anxiously looking at Chen Dong.

"Don't worry, Mr. Police, I will definitely bring Jiajia back safely, and then our family of three will go for a drive!" After speaking, Chen Dong quickly closed the car window before Situ Xiadan could react. , started the car.

"Okay." Situ Xiadan didn't realize it for a while and habitually agreed to Chen Dong. It took a while for her to realize that Chen Dong was talking about a family of three.

"Chen Dong! If you don't bring Jiajia back, I..." Situ Xiadan was at a loss for words for a while. She wanted to find something fierce to say, just like her usual personality, but she found that she didn't I can't speak harsh words to Chen Dong.

"Whether you're telling the truth or not, I can't let you take risks alone!"

I saw Situ Xiadan took out his mobile phone, "Hello? Xiao Liu, notify the brigade of an urgent mission, assemble immediately and listen to my orders at any time to set off!"

"Yes! Deputy Captain!"

Situ Xiadan hung up the phone and looked in the direction where Chen Dong's car disappeared.

"Chen Dong, I can't let you in danger alone, I hope you don't blame me for installing a tracking device on your car..."

Donghai City is located on the eastern coast of China, built adjacent to the East China Sea, and to the east of the urban area is the coast of the East China Sea. It is a famous port and seaside tourist attraction.The name of Donghai City also comes from this.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, in the eastern suburbs of Donghai City.


A bright white Maserati drove towards the east rapidly from the downtown area of ​​Donghai City.

Chen Dong's expression in the car was completely different from when he said goodbye to Situ Xiadan just now.At this moment, he looked serious, with a murderous look looming in his eyes.

"This Li family, Li Tenglong, had an enmity with me before. It should be because of Chu Shanshan. But after being defeated several times by myself, most people should have given up long ago. But now this Li family not only did not stop there, but intensified several times. He wanted to get rid of himself, even started to attack the people around him, and used the Dragon Head Association's cultivation realm killer, the reason for this could not be as simple as for a girl!" Chen Dong thought while driving the car.

"The thing on Chu Shanshan is related to the world of comprehension, which means that the boss behind the Li family is definitely not an ordinary person! In Donghai City, the number of comprehension practitioners is extremely rare. The sudden disappearance of junior sister Lin Wan, who is a master of the cultivation realm, might be related to the Li family!"

"Tenglong Group, Li's family! I wanted to investigate you, but now you came here yourself! Then you can't blame me for being rude!"

"Whoosh!" Maserati drove towards the east rapidly.

Twenty minutes later, outside an abandoned holiday villa in the eastern suburbs of Donghai City.

"Hey..." A white Maserati stopped.

The car door opened and Chen Dong walked down with a calm face.

Chen Dong raised his head and looked forward, only to see a three-story building in the 90s and [-]s of the last century in front of him.It may have been a luxurious private seaside villa before, but it was abandoned for unknown reasons.

This villa is still a certain distance from the seaside, in a densely vegetated forest, there is no road leading to the villa from the road, but overgrown weeds.Coupled with the strong wind and waves on the beach, even if there are gunshots here, it is difficult to be detected.

"It seems that this time, the Li family has prepared well. They chose the location here, and the right time and place are all on their side!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up, but how about the opponent, since he dared to come, he has confidence!

Chen Dong smiled, and walked towards the abandoned villa calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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