Special masters on campus

Chapter 293 Who Is The Sniper

Chapter 293 Who Is The Sniper
"Go!" Li Tenglong said coldly.

"Yes!" The head of the bodyguard bowed his head, carrying an AK47 in his hand, and quickly walked downstairs.

"Young Master Long, what is this person's background?" Lin Feiyu asked. Others don't understand Chen Dong's strength, but he can understand that no one who dares to fight directly with Chen Dong will end well, otherwise he would not have thought of kidnapping Wu Jiajia. nasty way.

"The former mercenary elite, known as the Fox of North Africa, is A-level in strength." Li Tenglong said disdainfully.

"A-level? That's just about the same strength as the internal strength realm. Even if there are ten of them facing Chen Dong, he will definitely die!" Lin Feiyu said.

"Have you heard the story of the tiger and the jackal?" Li Tenglong sneered.

"The story of the tiger and the jackal?" Lin Feiyu was taken aback for a moment, apparently completely unresponsive to why Li Tenglong said this suddenly.

"In the forest, the tiger is the well-deserved king of beasts, but when the tiger encounters hundreds of packs of wolves, it will inevitably end up being eaten by the wolves!" Eyes said in a low voice.

"A pack of jackals?" Lin Feiyu seemed to understand immediately, "Young Master Long, you are trying to consume Chen Dong with a pack of wolves!"

"Wolf pack? Just those two floors downstairs? They can be regarded as a group of hunting dogs at most, but even hunting dogs are worth mentioning, as long as they can consume Chen Dong's strength! In the end, it is up to you, master and apprentice, especially Senior Baimei. I heard from your father that your skill has improved a lot?" Li Tenglong looked at Baimei with cold eyes.

"Hehe, I'm lucky that Boss Li thinks highly of me, and I'm lucky enough to break through to the middle stage of Qi refining." Although the white-browed old monster is extremely disdainful of Li Tenglong, a nonsense rich second generation, his father, Li Jianye, can't even see through him. master!

"Very well, it seems that you still know who made you break through. I think you should also know what will happen if your mission fails this time!" Li Tenglong snorted coldly and sat back on the chair again.

The white-browed old monster's complexion obviously became ugly, but he didn't say anything.Although Li Tenglong's words were harsh, they were true. He knew that if Chen Dong could not be eliminated with such great support from the Li family, then not to mention the internal punishment of the Dragon Shouhui, even Li Jianye would definitely make him more than ten Doubly return what he got from the Li family!If the dog can't bite people, then there is no point in keeping a dog, that's the reason!
"Then let's wait here! This time, Chen Dong is either you or me!" Li Tenglong's teeth were chattering.

"Little sister, be good, I'll let you see your father in a while..." Li Tenglong looked at Wu Jiajia with his eyes wide open and completely ignorant of what these weird uncles were going to say with a sneer.

Outside the East China Sea Villa.

Chen Dong stood outside the dilapidated wooden door of the villa.The position he was standing in was just downstairs of the villa, and there was a protruding balcony above his head that could cover his head.

When Chen Dong walked into the villa compound just now, he felt that there were at least four sniper spots in the villa, thanks to his years of experience in the battlefield.

"When I just entered the compound just now, the reason why the snipers didn't shoot must be because they haven't received Li Tenglong's order, but as soon as I show up now, I will definitely be attacked by more than three places at the same time!" Chen Dong looked at A condensate.

"Besides, the reason why Li Tenglong let himself come to this kind of place must be the last hole card. As long as he opens this door, at least hundreds of bullets will be shot at me immediately!" Chen Dong estimated and The situation in the villa is basically the same, but even if he knows that it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, he still wants to break into it today!Chen Dong would never allow an innocent child to be hurt because of his innocence!There is a way to steal!It is true that Chen Dong used to be a killer, but he was definitely not a devil!
"It's already illegal for them to kidnap children and use guns without permission, so you don't have to be polite!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and there was an extra dagger in his hand, which was Feng Bingbing's cold iron dagger.

Chen Dong has not yet cultivated to the point of ignoring bullets. If he wants to enter the villa, he must first clear out the snipers hiding in the dark and get a sniper rifle. Even reaching the third level of practice will be pierced through the body by countless bullets!

On the balcony directly above Chen Dong's head, a sniper was trying to find Chen Dong's location.Just now he saw Chen Dong walking into the courtyard.But he didn't dare to shoot rashly without an order. Once the target was alarmed, he, a small bodyguard, couldn't bear the responsibility.

But when he received the order to shoot the target, the target disappeared.He originally thought that Chen Dong would open the door and enter the villa, so he turned his gun and pointed it at the hall on the first floor of the villa, but he didn't see Chen Dong appearing for a long time.

As a sniper, he knew that he must not move easily before the opponent found him, because that would very likely expose him.So he was half squatting on the balcony, standardizing the direction of the door on the first floor, ready to shoot as soon as the target entered.

But he didn't know that Chen Dong had already noticed his existence before he entered the villa compound.If the sniper has not changed his hiding place in time when his position has been exposed, then the only thing waiting for him is death!
But at this moment, the sniper didn't realize that death was slowly approaching him, because he didn't believe that the target would find him at all!It's a pity that he doesn't know who the opponent he will face today is!

The next moment, the sniper felt his mouth was being held from behind, and when he wanted to resist instinctively, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness after being hit hard on the back of his head!

"The sniper who exposes the target is a living target for others, don't you understand this truth?" Chen Dong raised his mouth and slowly placed the sniper on the balcony.If it was a battlefield, Chen Dong would not be so gentle in his strikes.

Behind the balcony is a window, and inside the window is a circular corridor, standing on the corridor overlooking the hall on the first floor.Now the bodyguards in the circular corridor on the second floor and the bodyguards in the hall on the first floor focus most of their attention on the direction of the door on the first floor, so no one has noticed that the sniper on the balcony outside has been replaced by Chen Dong !

"Barrett's sniper rifle! The Li family's power is so powerful that they can get such a real guy!" When Chen Dong picked up the sniper rifle of this unlucky guy, he was still a little surprised because he saw the Li family's sniper rifle. The sniper rifles used by these bodyguards turned out to be guys he was familiar with!

This sniper rifle is called the Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle, which was developed by Barrett.Almost all sniper forces in major western countries are equipped with this sniper rifle, including the U.S. Special Forces Delta, the British Royal Airborne Special Service, and of course professional mercenaries.This kind of sniper rifle is also the guy Chen Dong is most familiar with!
"Old man, today is the time for us to show our skills!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold!
(End of this chapter)

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