Chapter 294
The sniper is known as the king of combat troops, the strongest individual soldier, and is a role that makes every enemy fearful and unpredictable.

When Chen Dong entered the battlefield, the first unit was the sniper, and of course the sniper was also Chen Dong's favorite unit.In the Reaper Squad, he used a Barrett sniper rifle to kill 398 mercenaries in one battle.This achievement has not yet been broken!You must know that those who died under his gun were mercenaries, not ordinary privates!

Chen Dong has been away from the real battlefield for a long time, he never thought that he would be in this situation when he touched this familiar guy again a few years later.

"It's impossible to break the record today. The total number of them is only about 100, but it's enough to find the memories of those years!" Chen Dong smiled skillfully and picked up the rifle to try it out.

"Well, it's not bad..." Chen Dong tried the standard mirror and touched the body of the gun.

This sniper rifle has a total length of 1150 mm, is equipped with a 10x scope, and has 10 rounds of bullets, with a total weight of 14 kg.The effective distance is about 1800 meters, and the maximum range is 6800 meters.The weight is moderate, the recoil is not large, and the range is relatively long, which is more suitable for long-distance killing.

Chen Dong is very familiar with this kind of gun. He used to keep it to sleep, or stay motionless in the hiding place for several days.

Chen Dong lowered his body and found five magazines from the unlucky shooter. Including this magazine in the gun, there were six magazines and 60 rounds in total.

"It seems that this time Li Tenglong has spent all his money this time. A sniper is equipped with 60 rounds of ammunition. He is so proud! How much he hates me! If a sniper fails to kill the target with one shot, he has already been exposed. Now, the remaining 59 bullets can only be sold as scrap iron!" Chen Dong smiled.

However, these bullets happened to be used by Chen Dong. If the sniper skills were mastered well, it would be possible to hit two targets with one shot, or even multiple targets.This is another scary thing about a successful sniper, the gun is deadly!
"There are about 100 people in the hall on the first floor and the corridor on the second floor of the villa. Li Tenglong and the white-browed old monster should be on the third floor at this time..." Chen Dong held his sniper rifle with his back to the wall, and his brain was working quickly, because he came here this time. It's not here to show off, but to save people.It was easy for him to clean up these people, but it had to be on the premise of ensuring Wu Jiajia's safety.

"So you must not rashly go directly to the third floor. Once Li Tenglong is dead and the gunmen below charge up again, neither you nor Jiajia will be able to get out of here!" Chen Dong had a basic judgment in his heart. This kind of judgment may determine the outcome and life and death on the battlefield!

Chen Dong looked in the front, left, and right directions. As an excellent sniper, the first and most important step after you enter the battlefield is to observe the environment you are in.Do everything possible to use the environment and architectural structure of the scene to hide yourself. If a sniper wants to kill the target, he must first not reveal his position, otherwise he will become the target of concentrated firepower from the local area. It's become a living target!
After observing for a while, Chen Dong basically understood the structure of this abandoned villa.

The villa is a roughly square structure, about 20 meters long and wide.On the second floor of the villa, there are four balconies protruding outward.The balcony and the corridor on the second floor were originally separated by a door, but the door of the balcony where Chen Dong is located no longer exists, presumably because it has been dismantled and stolen long ago.

These four protruding balconies are a blind spot no matter from above or below or from the corridor on the second floor. This is the best place for sniping and counter-sniping.So the gunman just now chose to snipe here, theoretically speaking, there is no problem at all.

"If I'm not wrong, there will also be snipers on the other three balconies! If I replace them, what kind of expression will the people inside have?" Chen Dong smiled and made up his mind to pass through these four balconies first. Solve the gunmen in the house on the balcony, and then go to the third floor to rescue Wu Jiajia without any worries!
"Brother, if you guessed right, your hands should be stained with a lot of blood. You will always have to pay it back when you come out to mess around. Besides, you want to kill me first. Then you go and open the door for me..." Chen Dong He glanced at the gunman lying unconscious on the balcony.As killers or mercenaries, these people will die at gunpoint in the end, and there will be many people who will die at their gunpoint. This is their fate!

At this moment inside the villa, everyone's gunmen were on standby, all of them raised their guns and stared at the direction of the door.

The leader of Li Tenglong's personal bodyguard looked in the direction of the gate with a cold expression.He didn't believe that Chen Dong was as terrifying as Long Shao said. In his opinion, anyone with long flesh would be a target in front of bullets, not to mention that there were hundreds of guns here!As long as someone opened the door and came in, and hundreds of bullets greeted him, he didn't believe that someone could leave here standing up!

"Everyone is fine with me! As long as someone comes in later, don't worry about 21, the bullet will greet me! I want to see who this Chen Dong is! This can't kill him, I will take the gun myself !" The head of the bodyguard's face had a mercenary's unique murderous look in his naked eyes, and he was a person who had actually been on the battlefield.

"Yes!" The gunmen on the first and second floors agreed in unison. Obviously, this person's prestige among these bodyguards of the Li family is still very high.In the eyes of these desperadoes, whoever has killed more people and who has more blood on their hands will get more respect. The dark world is completely a world where the strong are king!

"Don't worry, boss, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, there will be hundreds of holes on his body!" These bodyguards obviously had the same thoughts as their boss, and they didn't believe that someone could survive under so many gunpoints.

"Ha ha!"

"But what if the person who comes in is not the person the boss wants to kill?" Someone said at this time.

"Don't worry, the sniper in front of you just now has confirmed that it was that person who entered the villa compound."

"That's right, I've already confirmed with Young Master Long before I came down, it's that kid, just fire when the door opens!"

"Huh!" The head of the bodyguard sneered, raised the AK47 in his hand with one hand, loaded the bullet, opened the safety, and aimed at the door.

"Squeak..." And almost at the same time, there was a harsh creaking sound from the dilapidated wooden door of the villa, and the broken door was slowly pushed open!
(End of this chapter)

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