Special masters on campus

Chapter 297 Who is faster!Who is more ruthless!

Chapter 297 Who is faster!Who is more ruthless!
On the battlefield, if two snipers have spotted each other, then the rest will be even easier. Only speed can determine their own life and death!
See who pulls the trigger faster!Whoever's bullet will hit the opponent's vitals first!

"Huh!" Chen Dong could even hear his own breathing, even if he was hit on the head by a sniper bullet, he would still die!
This is a real either you die or I die contest!
The atmosphere was so tense that the air seemed to freeze, the surroundings became very quiet, the gunshots in the villa were infinitely slowed down, only Chen Dong's own breathing was exceptionally clear!

standard!Pull the trigger!These series of actions are almost done in one go!


Two shots from sniper rifles came almost simultaneously, and Chen Dong and the sniper pulled the triggers almost at the same time!For professional snipers, the action of aiming and shooting is too familiar, so the opponent's speed is only one-tenth of a second slower than Chen Dong's!
However, Chen Dong only needs this tenth of a second is enough!This time is only one tenth of a second, fleeting!Chen Dong saw that the opponent's sniper had an obvious reaction time after shooting, so he chose to dodge quickly!This should have been the right choice and an instinctive reaction of a person.But Chen Dong didn't choose to dodge, but continued with the standard target, pulling the trigger!



There were two gunshots, the first one was the collision of the bullets fired by Chen Dong and the opponent's sniper, which is why Chen Dong didn't choose to dodge.The sensory perception ability of a cultivator is many times stronger than that of ordinary people. At the moment when the bullets were shot just now, Chen Dong finally calculated that the trajectory of the two bullets is the same and they will definitely collide!
So Chen Dong chose to continue standard shooting!

Take aim and pull the trigger!
At this time, if the camera can be slowed down infinitely, you can see the first bullet fired by the two people collide with each other instantly in mid-air, sparking a burst of dazzling light in the air!And you didn't have time to appreciate this beautiful scenery, but before the flames completely dissipated, Chen Dong's second bullet came!

The second bullet passed through the flames in an instant and headed towards the sniper on the west balcony!And at this moment, he had no time to react!
"Boom!" The sniper's eyes were wide open, and a clear bullet hole appeared between his eyebrows. With an expression of disbelief, he fell backwards and fell down due to the huge impact of the bullet.

Chen Dong quickly leaned his body against the wall. Although his shooting just now was the cover of the gunshots in the villa, it is still very likely that he has moved to the east balcony.

The sniper just now was an excellent sniper, even in terms of reaction speed and shooting skills, he was not far behind Chen Dong.But this is the cruelty of the battlefield. Even a [-] gap on the battlefield will cost you your life.

The most terrible thing is that the opponent he faces is not only faster but also more ruthless than him!Chen Dong didn't play his cards according to common sense at all. After shooting the first shot, he didn't choose to dodge but shot continuously!This is due to Chen Dong's precise estimation and absolute confidence in the trajectory of the bullet!
"Huh!" After panting for a moment, Chen Dong slammed into the villa again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"1, 2, 3... 8!" Shooting 8 times in a row, the remaining [-] bullets in the magazine were fired, and the ten bodyguards in the villa had already fallen in a pool of blood, and they didn't even know who hit them. who, where!

Chen Dong turned around and leaned against the wall, took out all the clips from the sniper beside him, then took a deep breath, jumped up towards the north, and stuck to the wall like a spider. Move quickly to the north balcony.

At this time, in the villa, the continuous shooting and death of people obviously caused panic among the bodyguards.Originally, they had nearly a hundred people, but in just a few minutes, there were only more than 70 people left, and their leader was also shot dead!The most frightening thing is that they haven't seen each other's shadow until now!

"The balcony at 3 o'clock to the east!" At this time, someone seemed to have judged the location of Chen Dong just now based on the location where his own people were shot.Because most of the bodyguards who were killed just now were near the east balcony, especially the second-floor corridor on this side. Basically all the bodyguards in this area lay down.

"Damn it! Set fire to me!"

"Kill him, kill him! Ah!"


In an instant, dozens of tongues of flames changed direction and hit the balcony on the east side at the same time, and the glass of that piece of wall was once again riddled with holes.

And almost at the same time as these bodyguards were shooting wildly at the balcony on the east side, another bodyguard was shot and fell down again!In the corridor on the second floor, people were constantly shot and fell, and their bodies fell heavily on the ground in the lobby on the first floor. Almost everyone's expression was wide-eyed. Obviously, they didn't know why they died when they were dying!
"Where the hell! Where is he!" The bodyguards in the villa began to feel a little nervous, and some even started to shout loudly.No matter how strong an opponent is, what is scary is an opponent they cannot see!
"Damn it! Come out to me!" Now these people didn't care about shooting in that direction, and started pushing Zhou Zhou to shoot wildly.

For a while, the neutron bullets flew randomly in this wilderness villa, the walls were hit with bullet craters, and the concrete fragments stirred up by the bullets flew everywhere.Even some of the bodyguards standing on the second floor were also injured, accidentally injured by bullets from their own people, or were hit with blood all over their faces by the debris of earth and rocks bounced up by the bullets.



But no matter what they do, people in the villa are still being shot and fell down, and the bullets seem to be constantly shooting from all directions. You can't tell how many snipers are on the other side, but there must be more than one person, otherwise it would be impossible to go so fast the direction of movement.



There were screams and gunshots one after another, and the whole villa in the wilderness seemed to have become a hell on earth, and people kept getting shot and fell down.In a short while, the bodyguards on the second floor were basically all killed, and the entire circular corridor was almost full of corpses. These people used to have blood on their hands, and countless people died in their hands, but they never dreamed, I will die here today.

The hall on the first floor was also full of corpses at the moment, and there were less than 40 bodyguards left out of the nearly [-] people, and all of them were extremely frightened, hiding behind the bunker and not daring to show their heads.

Now they are a group of frightened birds, with extreme panic in their hearts. Everyone knows that whoever shows up at this time will die!The opponents they face are not humans, but ghosts, or gods!
(End of this chapter)

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