Special masters on campus

Chapter 298 I'm Still Alive

Chapter 298 I'm Still Alive
The wild country villa, which was so noisy and filled with shouting and gunshots, became quiet again.But this time the atmosphere became extraordinarily tense.An invisible fear began to spread among the remaining bodyguards.No one dared to speak, no one dared to look up, and no one dared to shoot, saying that everyone knew that whoever showed his head now would die.

The situation became stalemate for a while, the bodyguards hiding behind obstacles everywhere did not speak or show their faces, and Chen Dong couldn't find the target to shoot.

The downstairs suddenly became quiet, which naturally attracted the attention of Li Tenglong and others on the third floor.

The third floor of the villa was a huge separate room. Li Tenglong sat on a chair with a gloomy expression. The sudden stop of the sound downstairs gave him a bad premonition.

"Wow! I want Dad, I want Aunt Dandan! Wow!" Wu Jiajia was obviously startled by the sudden gunshots and shouts downstairs, and kept crying.

"Little girl, if you cry again, I will make it so that you will never find your father!" Li Tenglong waited for Wu Jiajia who was crying non-stop with cold eyes.

When Wu Jiajia heard that she would never see her father again, she stopped crying, and tears kept flowing from her big eyes.She seemed to understand that these people were not good people, but the kind of bad people her aunt Dandan had said.

"Bad guy!" Wu Jiajia pointed at Li Tenglong with a small mouth and said.

"Bad guy?" Li Tenglong was taken aback for a moment, then sneered, "I'm indeed a bad guy!"

"Bad guys! My father is dedicated to catching bad guys!" Wu Jiajia pouted.

"Your father? Hehe! He won't be able to catch him anymore!" Li Tenglong said with a sneer.

"you're lying!"

"Shut up, little girl, or I won't let you see your father when he comes later!" Lin Feiyu said.

"I want to see my father..." Apparently the little girl Wu Jiajia valued her father more than anything else in her heart, she suddenly calmed down and looked at these strange people in front of her with an aggrieved expression.

"What's going on downstairs? It's suddenly so quiet?" Li Tenglong narrowed his eyes.

"Could it be that they shot Chen Dong to death? After all, even a master Chen Dong is still fleshy, and he is very likely to be killed in the face of so many bullets." Lin Feiyu said.

"How likely do you think this is?" Li Tenglong snorted coldly and looked at Lin Feiyu.

"Uh...not big, but not impossible..." Lin Feiyu bowed his head and said after being stared at by Li Tenglong.For some reason, he felt that Li Tenglong had changed since the last time the police station failed to eradicate Chen Dong, and he became a little cold.

"A Biao, go down and check the situation." Li Tenglong ignored Lin Feiyu and said to another bodyguard leader behind him.

"Yes!" The head of the bodyguard nodded, and hurriedly ran from the stairs to the second floor.

At this moment, the circular corridor on the first floor lobby and the second floor is so quiet that people's breathing can almost be heard.

When the head of the bodyguard named A Biao rushed from the third floor to the second floor, he was completely stunned by the situation in front of him.At his feet, the entire circular corridor was full of people, and none of the bodyguards on the second floor survived!
"What's going on!" A Biao was extremely shocked and instinctively hid behind a pillar, took out his pistol and observed the surrounding situation.

"Is there anyone still breathing?" The head of the bodyguard named A Biao asked loudly after observing that there was no enemy situation around him.

"Big brother!"

"Brother Biao has a sniper on the other side, and there's more than one of them!"

This is what the bodyguards in the center of the hall on the first floor replied quickly when they heard A Biao's voice.

"Bullshit, he entered the villa by himself just now, and that little girl's life is still in our hands, does he dare to bring someone here?" said the leader named A Biao hiding behind the pillar.

"It's true, more than half of our 90 people were killed or injured, Brother Biao..."

"Bang!" But before the bodyguard finished speaking, a single gunshot sounded.

The bodyguard who was hiding behind the pillars on the first floor fell to the ground straight, his eyes wide open.

"Made! It's at the north window! Hit me!" The leader named A Biao was obviously not a good guy. A single gunshot was enough for him to judge the opponent's position.

At this time, Chen Dong was indeed at the window on the north side!

"Bang bang!" The gunshots in the villa sounded again, but this time it was obviously much more washed than the previous gunshots!
"Wow, wow!" But even if more than 30 guns fired together, the power was extremely terrifying. In an instant, the windows on the second floor directly north of the villa were smashed to pieces.The glass was smashed into shards and scattered all over the floor, and the iron window frame was smashed and sparks flew everywhere.

"Bang! Bang!" Just when the group of bodyguards thought they could finally kill the opponent's sniper this time, several shots from sniper rifles came from behind them again. fell down.

"To the west!"


"In the east! There are also in the east!"

"There is also in the north!"

The bodyguards in the hall on the first floor were almost driven crazy. No matter what direction they shot, there would be gunshots from behind them, and they just couldn't hit each other!

There were fewer and fewer bodyguards who could breathe after several rounds, and the leader of the bodyguard named A Biao finally believed that the other party could never come alone, because in his opinion, it was impossible for anyone to move in such a short period of time tens of meters away.But what scares him even more is that no matter how hard they fight, they can't hit each other alone, and they can't even hurt each other!
And the dozen or so bodyguards left in the hall watched helplessly as their companions were shot and fell down one by one inexplicably. They were really scared!Even throwing them into the battlefield in the Middle East is a hundred times better than here, because at the very least they can know who they are fighting with on the battlefield.

"This is impossible! Impossible! Could it be that the people outside are either human or lonely ghosts!"

"Bang bang! Ah!" At this time, a bodyguard holding an AK47 seemed unable to bear the great fear in his heart, and rushed to the center of the hall with an AK47.Stepping on a group of corpses, he held the AK47 in both hands and started shooting wildly around.

"Ah! Come on! Come on!"

"Da da da..." He was already crazy, driven crazy by the deep fear in his heart!Rather than hiding and not knowing when to be hit, it is better to die quickly!

"Ding ding..." The eggshells of the AK47 kept falling on the concrete floor, and the bullets flew around in the empty hall, almost even the A Biao was hit, but luckily he hid behind the pillar .

But this still can't stop people from being shot and falling to the ground.It's better if you don't move, as long as you dare to shoot your head, your position will be exposed, and what awaits you is death!

Soon, the bodyguard's AK47 ran out of bullets, but the bodyguard was still pulling the trigger frantically.

"This..." He didn't stop until he found that his gun was out of bullets, and looked down at himself, as if surprised that he was still alive!

"I'm still alive! I'm still alive! Haha!" I saw him laughing.

"Look, I'm still alive, he was killed by me, he was killed by me!"

But there was no one around to respond to him, the surroundings were terribly quiet, not because no one wanted to answer him, but because there were no living people left!

(End of this chapter)

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