Special masters on campus

Chapter 321 Chen Dong's Madness

Chapter 321 Chen Dong's Madness

Lingshi, a kind of stone full of aura from heaven and earth from ancient times.It often only exists in myths and stories, and few people know that spirit stones really exist in the real world.Of course, even if ordinary people picked it up, they would think it was just an ordinary stone.

But this kind of stone, which is the most ordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, is a priceless treasure for cultivators.Because when the inner strength master's inner strength reaches its peak and wants to further become a stronger cultivation, the spirit stone is indispensable.And for those who are already in the realm of comprehension, it is obviously not enough to absorb the aura of heaven and earth every day if they want to hit a higher realm.Lingshi is the crystallized product of heaven and earth aura, which contains much more aura than the thin aura in the modern world, so it is the best source of aura for practitioners to cultivate and improve their realm.

And this spirit stone is divided into top-grade spirit stones, upper, middle and lower third-grade spirit stones according to how much impurities and spiritual power it contains.The best spirit stones only existed in the ancient era of comprehension, and now they only exist in myths and legends, and no one has ever seen them.Even top-grade spirit stones are legendary things, which can only be found in the hands of those terrifying existences like thousand-year-old monsters in the cultivation world.It is already extremely extravagant for some medium and large cultivation sects or cultivation families to have mid-grade spirit stones.

So even a low-grade spirit stone full of impurities is priceless on the black market.Many people would pay with their lives for one or two low-grade spirit stones.Let's start with today's white-browed old monster and poisonous scorpion!

However, at this moment, Chen Dong's face became more and more ugly, because he had searched the entire body of the poisonous scorpion, but he did not find the spirit stone again.

"How is this possible! According to the rules of assassination, half of the killer's reward must be paid in advance! If the killer's task is completed, the employer will pay the remaining bounty to the killer organization. If the killer can't complete the reward, the bounty will be refunded, and He will also be punished by the killer organization. That Baimei said before that the Li family's reward for the killers of the Dragon Shouhui is Lingshi." Chen Dong frowned, his eyes were solemn, and the time passed by every minute and every second. Every second late means that Feng Bingbing's chance of waking up is one point less!
"Impossible! The bounty for a killer at the level of a poisonous scorpion can only be more. It is impossible for him to accept this task without getting the spirit stone. Resources are placed elsewhere, top killers do not have a fixed home, thinking that if you have a home, it means that you are a target for others to attack you. Killers only believe in themselves, and will only put important things on themselves!"

At this moment, Chen Dong set his sights on the iron fake hand of the poisonous scorpion.Because Chen Dong checked all the other parts of the poisonous scorpion, only the fake hand was left unchecked.

"Crack!" Chen Dong kicked the poisonous scorpion's fake hand.

However, the hardness of this artificial hand is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary steel. Chen Dong's kick is powerful enough to break stones, but it only cracks a small gap in the iron hand.

Chen Dong didn't dare to delay and quickly stood up and raised the sniper rifle in his hand.

"Bang bang!" He fired two shots at the poisonous scorpion's fake hand.

This time, the artificial hand made of special material finally broke.

And just as the artificial hand broke, two white stones the size of fingernails leaked out.

Chen Dong's eyes lit up. This poisonous scorpion is indeed a master who has been famous for many years. He is sophistical and cautious by nature. Even if he dies, he is unwilling to leave things like spirit stones to his opponents, so he hides here.

Chen Dong didn't dare to delay to kick the broken prosthetic hand away, because there were dozens of scorpion-tailed needles as thin as cow hair inside, and the only way to do it was to kick out the spirit stone.

When Chen Dong picked up the spirit stone and returned to Feng Bingbing's side, 3 minutes had passed.Feng Bingbing was completely in a coma at this time, his face was as white as a piece of white paper.

"There are only 2 minutes left. Although these two low-grade spirit stones are enough for me to attack the late stage of Qi refining, but time is not allowed, I must save people!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, these two spirit stones can indeed help him to attack The state of the late stage of Qi refining is also the dream of every practitioner.However, it is often impossible to succeed at a higher level when hitting a higher level. It may take a long time to try and fail continuously to have a little hope of hitting a successful level. Otherwise, there will not be so many strong people who stay in a certain level all their lives. Can't go up.

Now in this situation, time is the most urgent, and time does not allow Chen Dong to continue to attack, so he decided to use another more direct and also more dangerous method to send true energy into Feng Bingbing's body!
But Chen Dong now helped Feng Bingbing who was in a coma, and then sat cross-legged in front of her.

"Crush it for me!" But Chen Dong was holding a spirit stone in each of his hands, and then he shattered the two spirit stones with his hands!

"Boom!" For a moment, two torrents of spiritual energy gushed out from the two broken spirit stones, eclipsing the thin spiritual energy between heaven and earth!
If there are other cultivators present at this time, they will definitely be heartbroken. It is really too violent to directly squeeze and explode the spirit stone!

But Chen Dong has no choice now, he has no time to slowly refine and absorb the spirit stones!
"Let's go!" At the same time that Chen Dong exploded two spirit stones, his dantian began to work rapidly.

"Hoo hoo!" For a moment, Chen Dong's dantian was like an invisible vortex, absorbing all the aura gushing out from the spirit stone!
"Ahem!" Chen Dong suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood. At this moment, his dantian seemed to be poured into hot magma!Directly forcibly absorbing spiritual energy without refining it, and absorbing two spiritual stones at the same time, is tantamount to asking for a dead end for a practitioner in the refining period!

Because each person's true qi attributes are different, and the cultivation methods are also different. You must first transform your innate aura into true qi that matches your own attributes.Moreover, Chen Dong's realm of comprehension is only in the middle stage of Qi refining, so it is difficult to bear the spiritual energy of two spirit stones at the same time!It's like the Yangtze River flood is coming, but only a small reservoir is blocking the flood peak, Chen Dong may die at any time due to his aura exploding!

But with Chen Dong's character, if he abandons Feng Bingbing at this time, then he is not Chen Dong!

"Hold on!" I saw Chen Dong's face was flushed, the veins on his face and neck were bulging, and the Nine Suns Collection was running at full power, frantically refining this torrent of aura like a tide!

But even though Chen Dong was running the refining spirit energy with all his strength, the refining speed obviously couldn't compare with the speed of absorbing the spirit energy!At this moment, Chen Dong intuitively felt that there was a torrent of magma in his body that was crazily impacting his dantian and meridians!
(End of this chapter)

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